How to choose perch spinning: test, action, rod length

How to choose perch spinning: test, action, rod length

Catching perch on a spinning rod is a rather exciting and productive activity, if all the elements of gear are correctly selected. In addition, perch is one of the most common types of fish found in our waters. In terms of prevalence, it is second only to crucian carp. Crucian carp will be able to live even in an ordinary puddle, unlike perch, which prefers reservoirs with clean water. Despite this, the perch is distinguished by its fecundity, which makes it a very common type of fish.

The selection of tackle for perch fishing begins with the choice of a rod. Spinning rods differ:

  • according to the test;
  • in formation;
  • by lenght.

Naturally, the selection of the right tackle for perch fishing does not end with the choice of a rod, but great attention should be paid to this stage.

Optimal spinning perch

How to choose perch spinning: test, action, rod length

Under such a factor is understood the choice of a rod for all cases of fishing, although this is quite difficult to do. Difficulties in choosing the optimal spinning rod are due to the fact that you have to fish in various water bodies, both in the current and in still water. The presence of a current makes a lot of adjustments to the use of both the blank and other elements, including the use of baits. If fishing is carried out constantly on the same reservoir, then this factor really simplifies the choice of rod and other elements.

For a person who has just decided to pick up a spinning rod in order to go “hunting” for a perch, one should focus on the following characteristics:

  • Test blank – up to 10 g. This is an ultralight spinning rod designed to work with baits weighing from 2 to 15 grams. This is more than enough for perch fishing.
  • Story rods – slow or medium.
  • Length – from 1,80 m to 2,4 m.
  • Coil – any low-power size 1000 and no more.
  • Fishing line – diameter 0,18 for monofilament fishing line and 0,1-0,12 mm for braided line.

Such tackle will be quite effective when catching perch. Such a rod will allow not only to carry out long-range casting of small lures, but also to feel how they behave in the water column. In short, with such a set of equipment, you can easily control the fishing process itself, which is important.

Rod test and its impact on the fishing process

How to choose perch spinning: test, action, rod length

The rod test is indicated in grams and corresponds to the lower and upper limits of the weight of the bait used. For example, on the form there are the following inscriptions – 2-7 g, which means the use of baits, weighing from 2 to 7 grams. This suggests that lures of this weight will be able to work as efficiently as possible when catching perch. Naturally, you can use heavier lures, for example, up to 15 g, but no more, since the rod will quickly fail. Yes, and controlling a heavier bait is somewhat more difficult, although it can be cast much further.

As a rule, perch are caught on baits weighing no more than 10 g. Therefore, focusing on perch fishing, you should opt for an ultralight rod.

Stroy rods

How to choose perch spinning: test, action, rod length

An important factor affecting the final characteristics of the form.

For ultralight models, rod action has a major impact on casting distance.

  • Fast build. The rod only bends at the tip, which indicates its rigidity. With such a rod it is difficult to cast far a bait weighing about 10 g.
  • Medium build. Half of the rod bends, which indicates its ability to work with lures of light weight.
  • Slow build. Sufficiently soft rod, which can bend almost completely. With the help of such a blank, you can carry out the maximum distance casting of the bait with a minimum weight.

Each rod has both advantages and disadvantages. Despite the fact that a soft rod allows you to cast the bait as far as possible, it does not allow you to do it accurately. But the rod is rigid (fast action) has maximum accuracy. As for the medium action rod, it is the middle one, which corresponds to the advantages of hard rods and the disadvantages of soft rods.


The length of the spinning rod is selected depending on the conditions or under what circumstances you have to fish. If fishing is carried out from a boat, then it is clear that a long rod is simply useless here, and if from the shore, then it is better to take a longer rod. But here, again, such a factor as the presence of vegetation on the shore makes its own adjustments. Therefore, when choosing a spinning rod, you need to take into account the nature of the reservoir, otherwise inconvenience is provided.

In addition, a long rod is an additional load on the hands. Spinning fishing is not single casts, but regular casts following one after another. As a rule, spinningists walk kilometers along the shore of a reservoir, and if we talk about the number of casts, then no one counts them, but there are many of them.

How to choose perch spinning: test, action, rod length


Since the spinning mainly comes across medium-sized perch, weighing no more than 0,5 kg, a powerful reel is not required for this. Plus, it is supposed to use a thin fishing line, which is better to wind on a small spool. For this purpose, inexpensive reels, 1000 in size, are best suited. This means that up to 100 meters of fishing line with a diameter of 0,1 mm can be placed on the spool of this reel. This is quite enough, considering that it is very problematic to cast a bait weighing 10 g at a distance of 100 m.

Fishing line

If you take a classic monofilament fishing line, then its diameter can be no more than 0,18 mm. For light baits this is quite enough, but it is not recommended to use a larger diameter line due to the problem of casting.

Braided line can be the ideal solution as it has more breaking force for the same thickness. Therefore, braids with a diameter of 0,1-0,12 mm are sufficient. This is a very important moment when fishing is carried out in the presence of a current. It creates less resistance to the movement of water. In addition, it has a lower stretch factor, which allows you to quickly transfer the moment of bite to the tip of the rod.

Catching perch on spinning can be called the most exciting activity. This is also due to the fact that there is always enough perch in the pond and with the right choice of gear, bites will follow one after another. It brings a lot of pleasure and a lot of positive emotions. Many anglers prefer to choose an active bite, despite the fact that with this approach, small perch are caught more often, but often. Although you can also meet such spinners who make the baits heavier and larger to increase the likelihood of catching a large perch. Naturally, bites can be rare, and sometimes absent altogether.

How to choose spinning and what is the most important thing in it

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