In order to outline what will help us become smarter day by day, we will clarify with you: mind, that is, intelligence — what is it?
There is such an expression: Brains are not eyebrows, if they are not there, then you cannot draw.
For many, this limiting belief gives an indulgence to relax: they say, the Lord did not give brains, you can not push, you can’t draw for the Almighty.
Is this statement true from the point of view of neurophysiology?
Let’s face it.
1. Everyone has brains. This is a fact documented by surgeons and pathologists.
2. Not everyone has developed intelligence. Yes, this is actually observable.
What exactly is not developed? The amount of the brain is not grown to the right size? Someone weighed two kilograms, and someone five hundred grams? Yes, we were all weighed about the same, but we all have different intellects, alas … What is it?
Intelligence is the number of neural connections in our brain, WHICH MAN CREATES HIMSELF!
He draws himself: he himself draws up the necessary map of toponyms, where instead of geographical names a person writes down the skills and abilities he needs. And in order for these skills and abilities to manifest themselves in life, a person draws and methodically punches the necessary neural paths in the brain, corresponding to one or another “toponym” he has planned, and creates a strong neural network himself. From birth, in the cranium there is only a brain, and a small neural network with a minimum number of centers responsible for sucking, excretion and other physiological functions.
A strong (that is, large-scale and with good electrical activity of its centers) neural network is a developed intelligence. Which some of us drew for ourselves, working on it from the first months of our birth, and someone did not draw, believing in such a limiting belief — that the intellect is either there or not.
If there is no physiological damage to the brain, then a strong intellect is achievable for very, very many of us!
It is often said that we use ten percent of our brains. It is not true! We use our brains one hundred percent! But with varying degrees of effectiveness.
Our brains are like an open field: until it is plowed, there will be no harvest!
If we have laid only two or three furrows in our brain field, then we use this field completely, on the scale of two or three furrows! And life results will be only for these two or three furrows that we have plowed.
And if you have laid 2333333333333… three hundred and thirty-three furrows, then the results will be in accordance with this number of neural tracks!
And how to lay them?
It is necessary daily: to translate knowledge into experience!
As children, we actively did this. They found out (spy on their parents), repeated! The more you loaded yourself with new experiences, the smarter you got.
At school: they read, retold — they became smarter, developed their speech center. They didn’t retell, they traveled only on their ability to read, they didn’t develop anything. They raised their hand at school, volunteered to the board — again developed new centers, transferring information to the public, managing their stress, which occurs at the first public answers. Etc…
And now?
We read something, we learned something. What new things have we done in connection with this new knowledge? Nothing???? This means that not a single neural pathway was laid. Not one iota wiser. We ride on old skills — we use two or three of them … and — the brains become moldy, that is, even those neural tracks that were overgrown. There is no electrical activity there. So, they disappear from the map of our brain. Our intellect is being destroyed, which we forget to draw and draw…
To draw is to form new and strengthen our old skills every day. Strengthen the old and shape the new!
In order for any of us to have a new skill, we need to create some kind of network of neural tracks — that is, new knowledge needs to be tested in the form of action in different situations, with different people, with different emotional states.
If we consume knowledge and do not know how to translate it into action, we are doing nonsense! And it seems to us that it’s a matter of: like, we’re getting smarter …
That’s it: just «like …»
How, for example, can the knowledge from this article be translated into actions?
What was suggested in this article?
Without looking at my answer, you say?
It is necessary to analyze the connection between what I watch, listen to, read and what I do after watching, listening, reading something new.
After reading this article, you are constantly analyzing (in the proposed way) any information that comes to you!
If you do not understand what new you can do based on the results of information consumption, change the sources of information.
Information that does not give you a clear understanding of your action is useless! It did not strengthen — nor your old neural paths (for example, you read and understood that you own and apply the proposed action) and did not help in any way to start creating new ones.
I will repeat again. A person becomes smarter by increasing his neural pathways in the brain! Neural paths are created with the help of repetitive actions honed to automatism that a person includes in his life!