Dried fruits are rich in nutrients and vitamins, they are also shown to everyone as useful sweets, because everything is natural, natural and without unnecessary processing, take it and eat it. But! Not all dried fruits are dried with high quality, not all dried fruits are stored correctly, and some are even treated with all kinds of nasty things in order to prolong their life or give them an appetizing look.
– A good dried fruit does not look beautiful at all, it will be wrinkled, dryish and matte in color;
– Dried fruits should not be too soft, otherwise they were dried incorrectly or stored in an improper way;
– Good raisins always have a tail, which means that they have undergone gentle processing. Almost all raisins are processed with sulfur, so they are always thoroughly mine. And you can identify the dye by rolling the zest between your fingers. Foreign color will remain on them;
– Dried apricots should be pale yellow or completely dark in color. Bright and color is given to it with the help of dyes;
– Prunes should not be too soft, the pits should come off easily, and the surface should not shine excessively. When you dip the shiny prunes into the water, you will realize that it has been rubbed with grease to shine;
– The date should be matte and not too soft. Peeling skin indicates that the fruit is dry and mold may be present.