How to choose curtains for wallpaper, design tips

It turns out that this interior detail can tell a lot about the dweller. Provided, of course, that she chose the curtains herself.

No wonder they say that curtains on the windows can save any, even the simplest and most ingenuous interior. There is also the opposite effect: inappropriate curtains can kill any refined apartment design. But there is, it turns out, another relationship: women choose the design for the house, based on their own sexual preferences.

“In other words, the curtains show our sexuality,” explains numerologist Olga Pertseva.

As proof, the expert cites data from his own research: they conducted a survey and compared its results with numerological data on the sexuality of each respondent. Here’s what happened.

Women with an indomitable temperament look primarily at color. Red curtains are chosen by those whose sexuality is off the charts. Moreover, it can be both a natural gift and a well-developed one.

In addition, temperamental ladies prefer elegant and complex designs with many details: lambrequins, ruffles, tulle, velvet tassels.

But women with a low level of temperament chose simple laconic curtains of restrained colors. They need understandable, well-defined and simple relationships – so their sexuality demands.

Curiously, the designers are of the opposite opinion. They believe that curtains of complex cut, decorated with lambrequins and other decor, are out of fashion for a long time. And they offer instead to “play” with prints on the curtains.

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