The bar counter is often a place of attraction in establishments of any type. In a classic bar, this is a whole little world where magic is created by the hands of a bartender, psychotherapy sessions are held and loyalty is born. Let’s think about how to create all the conditions for this.
Often, in pursuit of a “zest”, future owners of a bar, and by a bar we mean any HoReCa establishment (the collective name for the hospitality industry), forget about the main thing – the bar counter should not interfere with the work of the bartender / barista. As part of the series of articles “How to open a bar”, we decided to consider the basic principles of the bar counter, its equipment with everything you need and give some advice to novice restaurateurs.
I would like to point out right away that we live in an amazing time. If earlier you had to rely only on yourself, today the whole market works for you. These are designers and planners who have been building catering establishments all their lives. These are large suppliers from which you can buy absolutely everything, from cheap straws for cocktails to huge industrial refrigerators. There are also larger fish that are engaged in the complex equipment of bars and the entire catering industry.
The bar at The Artesian Hotel in London. For three years it has been considered the best in the world.
Let us consider this approach using the example of the large Russian company Klen, which has been operating in this area since 1993. In addition to the complex equipment of bars, restaurants and other HoReCa establishments, the company also provides turnkey design and design services. In other words, you generate ideas, find funding, and go with it all to the representatives of Klen, who completely design your establishment, develop a design based on the project, and then equip it with their own equipment.
What can this give you as a novice restaurateur? First, you can roughly estimate all the costs required to open an establishment. Secondly, you get professional business support from people who have been doing this for over 20 years. Thirdly, large companies offer favorable credit conditions, as well as leasing – the ability to rent expensive equipment, for example, refrigerated display cases. Finally, an integrated approach, as a rule, allows you to reduce costs, even if you take into account the commissions of such companies.
Companies with an integrated approach significantly reduce costs!
But let’s go directly to the theory and tips, which we hope you successfully use in practice.
Size matters
The bar counter can be installed against the wall (more classic version) and in the center of the room (island type). The latter type can often be found in club-format establishments where bar traffic is important – an island-type counter can serve a large number of people at the same time. There are several such racks in the Crimean nightclub “Kak Ty Belle”. But such designs eat up usable space. Therefore, in order to save money, it is better to put the rack against the wall.
Island-type bar counter in the Griboyedov bar at the Talion Imperial Hotel in St. Petersburg.
Saving, of course, is commendable, but saving at the expense of the comfort of bartenders is not worth it. Ideally, there should be just enough space behind the bar counter so that when one bartender works, his partner can pass behind him without any problems. It’s hard to work behind a cramped bar. It is difficult to properly organize the space, the bartenders are pushing, the dishes are beating. As a result, the time to complete the order increases, which, in turn, affects the income of the institution as a whole. After all, what can be expected from workers exhausted by the hustle and bustle? The quality of drinks is also declining.
What are we leading to? In addition, the bar counter should always be designed together with the bar manager. He, as well as the restaurateur and designer, must come to a common consensus and find a golden mean between cost, beauty and functionality. This is the foundation of the basics.
The bar counter needs to be designed together with the bar manager.
And now let’s put everything on the shelves.
Modules or not modules – that is the question
A standard bar counter consists of three main modules: the front line, the back pantry and the upper tier. The front line is two countertops at different levels. The first for the guests, the second for the bartender. The so-called buffet line is also a two-level structure. The lower part can serve as a showcase (mini-warehouse) and a work surface (ordinary curbstone). The upper one can be a showcase, as well as a place to place already opened bottles of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
Bar counter at Attaboy Bar in New York, formerly Milk & Honey
The upper tier can be placed both above the front line and above the pantry. Above the front line, that is, directly above the bar counter, is a small cornice-shaped structure with glass holders and lighting. Above the buffet part, the upper tier is a regular display shelf. Of course, the design of the bar counter may differ, but the principle described above is used most often.
If only one bartender will always work behind the bar, then a distance of at least 80 cm should be maintained between the front and buffet lines. For two bartenders, it should be increased to at least 120 cm. steps.
European and domestic manufacturers prefer modular designs, which allows you to form a rack from individual elements. So you can take into account the layout of the room and create any configuration of the bar. Also, modular designs have one significant plus: the modules can be replaced with new ones at any time without affecting other elements, and you can also quickly change the rack configuration.
So that you understand what we are talking about, let’s look at the modules of our own production by the Klen company mentioned above. They are posted on this page of the online store. There are not many modules, but you can choose the design in accordance with the design of the room. Among the modules there are two-tier racks for the front line, one- and two-tier cupboards for the pantry, as well as cornices with glass holders for the upper tier. In general, there is everything to create a full-fledged bar counter.
The bar at the Dead Rabbit bar in New York. The bar is named after the Irish-American Dead Rabbit gang that operated in the mid-19th century. The character of Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie “Gangs of New York” was in this gang.
However, a modular approach is not always appropriate. Firstly, it is difficult to organically “embed” equipment and bring communications into such modules. Secondly, for reputable establishments, such a format is not suitable. If you intend to captivate the guests of your establishment with high service, order a counter with an individual layout without hesitation.
What will you get in this case:
- exclusive design project;
- the specifics of the premises and its layout are taken into account;
- the places of summing up all communications are immediately taken into account;
- properly distributed equipment.
How much could it cost? Let’s pay attention to Klen’s services again. The site has a separate page with bar counters to order. First of all, solutions for standard projects are offered. For example, let’s take the Birwald bar counter, which should organically fit into the interior of a pub or any other institution in a classic European style. Frames and facades are made of laminated chipboard, the ends are processed with ABC plastic, countertops and columns are covered with HPL plastic. In general, the rack is adapted for intensive use and will not fall apart after a year from moisture.
Bar counter “Birwald” of own production from the company “Klen”.
Birwald costs from 30 thousand per linear meter. In pubs, long racks are rarely made, so you can get by with 4-5 meters. It turns out from 150 thousand for a stylish design, in which you can organically integrate the necessary bar equipment, in particular beer towers and an ice maker. Whether it’s a lot or a little, judge for yourself. Of course, a stand for an individual project will cost a little more. But all elements of the bar counter, including design elements and equipment, will be in harmony with each other and be a single whole. Ultimately, this will affect the profitability of your institution.
Wood, plastic, metal
The most inexpensive bar counters are made of chipboard and plastic. If you are designing a bar for a nightclub, then expensive materials, in principle, are not appropriate – in the dark, all cats are gray. The main thing here is that the stand is strong and durable. Modern plastic, such as ABS or HPL, has a sufficient level of impact resistance and resistance to various adverse factors. Plastic also lends itself well to high-tech designs that are ideal for nightclubs.
In restaurants and bars, on the contrary, the counter is the main point of attraction. It, depending on the chosen design, can be made of metal, marble, stone and more familiar wood. Wood is a classic, but it is not cheap, and also requires careful maintenance. But some establishments simply cannot do without a wooden bar (for example, pubs). Another thing is a stone, artificial, of course. It is much more economical and durable, not demanding in care.
In society, there is still a stereotype that “everyone can pour”. Many people forget that the work of a bartender is not easier than that of a chef, it’s just that everything has its own specifics. The facade of the bar counter is just a facade, a form behind which the whole ecosystem is hidden, and it should work smoothly and without failures. Now racks are rarely made on a solid, monolithic frame, although this is a more durable option. A metal frame sheathed from the facade with wooden, stone, metal or plastic panels is a more suitable option for a modern bar.
The metal frame allows you to build in any equipment: beer towers, ice makers, sinks, workstations, refrigerators and much more. Here the central place is occupied by a workstation – a small, up to 2 meters, area, which includes a sink, fruit trays, ice containers, a place for bottles and everything that a bartender may need in his work. Of course, all this should be made of stainless steel – chipboard, from constant contact with water, will fall apart in a year.
A mobile bar station that the bartender will thank you for.
It is also important to take care of logistics, if that word is appropriate here. For example, it is advisable to place beer taps, a boiler and a coffee machine closer to the service area so that bartenders do not run around the bar with full cups and glasses. The contact part of the bar is for guests, the service part is for employees.
Let’s not forget the gender. It is better to cover it with rubber panels or carpets. So you reduce the fight of dishes, and the bartenders will not fall, slipping on a drink spilled on the tile. For rubber mats, the bartender’s exhausted legs, which wind tens of kilometers during the working day, will also say thank you.
Equipment and Supplies
The list largely depends on the assortment of the bar, as well as its profile, that is, the concept. Among the main elements: a speed rack for bottles, which is a must-have for a workstation, a fruit container, a powerful icemaker, a rack for dishes, a blender and a coffee machine. Of course, home appliances will not last long here, so you will have to spend money thoroughly. For a large establishment, only an ice maker can cost up to 300 thousand. On the one hand, it’s crazy to spend that kind of money on it. But when the ice maker fails or fails in the heat of the summer, you can lose much more.
Price issue
The cost of organizing a bar counter consists of the cost of the bar itself and equipment. Do not forget about bar stock and tableware for the hall. Experts are inclined to believe that it costs about 1000 euros per meter to fully equip a bar. Modular racks cost from 20 thousand per linear meter. A modest bar counter according to a typical project will cost, according to the most conservative estimates, 100-150 thousand. Such designs are appropriate only in cafes and small restaurants, where the bar is assigned only a service role. For “real” racks on a metal frame, this amount can be multiplied by 3-4.
The bar at The Baxter Inn in Sydney. There is a huge assortment of whiskey on display here – according to the owner, Lewis Jeffery, about 630.
About 250 thousand will be required for a full-fledged bar counter according to an individual project. Of the mandatory equipment, the icemaker is still the most expensive. The spread is large – from a modest 15 to an incredible 400 thousand. A good semi-automatic coffee machine will cost 150-750 thousand. A coffee grinder – about 25 thousand. If you are not going to give your guests good coffee, you can get by with a modest machine for 30-40 thousand. For bar equipment lay at least 10 thousand. You may have to spend more money on refrigeration equipment: freezers and refrigerators – from 30-60 thousand rubles.
Equipment for bottling beer (under-rack or over-rack cooler, beer column, drip tray, rinse aid tray) – more than 30 thousand. There is a separate category with bar equipment in the online store of the Klen company – here you can see the prices and understand the approximate cost bar counter equipment. Please note that equipment can be rented.
The bar at the Canon Bar in Seattle with its 3300 bottles of alcohol. According to the owner, Jamie Boudreau, this is a tribute to the traditional British pub.
You can go tricky and sign contracts with big-name brands that can provide refrigerators for cooling drinks, freezers and some bar equipment for free. On the one hand, you will save money, but such things rarely fit into the concept of the establishment and spoil the overall impression due to branding. Of course, for a bar that claims to be of high status, this approach is dangerous to practice.
We hope they were helpful.