How to choose an electric lawn mower for a summer residence, on wheels, trimmers

A lawn mower is a device invented in 1830 by E.B. Bading (England). From the day of its appearance, it has become a constant assistant to summer residents and municipal services, caring for plots and lawns in private or municipal territory. The device is easy to operate, easy to set up and efficient.

There are three types of mowers for the choice of buyers:

  1. Wheeled (move on special wheels). They are conventionally divided into gasoline and electric.
  2. Riders are special vehicles driven by a driver on the vehicle.
  3. Trimmers are portable mowers with an electric, petrol or battery heart.

Criterias of choice

Consider the rules for choosing two types of lawn mowers – wheel (electric) and trimmers (on batteries and electricity).

Main producers

Electric lawn mower buyers are offered devices from different manufacturers. The most in demand are the products of the companies Bosch, Zubr, Gardena, Hammer, Makita, Caliber, Greenworks. Do not ignore the products of other manufacturers – Enkor, Stavr, Daewoo, Denzel, Patriot, etc.

The manufacturing plant is an important, but not the main criterion. There is no need to focus only on the manufacturer, because the promoted brands are often overpriced.

There are many examples when an inexpensive model is in great demand and performs as well as expensive devices.

Cutting system type

Electric lawn mowers are conventionally divided into two types:

  1. Rotary – the steel knife is fixed on a vertical shaft that rotates during operation. It moves parallel to the ground and removes the grass with a chopping motion. These machines can handle thick grass, but the perfect lawn is more difficult to achieve.
  2. Drum – more complex devices with several movable and one fixed knife. They are attached to a cylindrical drum. The grass is cut in a scissor fashion. The movable part lifts the stems with their subsequent cutting. These models give the lawn a perfect appearance, but they are not suitable for removing tall grass.

The main difference between the types is the power of the motor. As a rule, rotary models are more powerful. An additional difference is the number of wheels.


Electric lawn mowers are conventionally divided into three classes:

  1. Household – devices designed to process small areas. They are easy to use and have a low price tag. The downside is a limited resource.
  2. Professional – electric lawn mowers for regular use and large areas. Their feature is a longer resource, high quality parts, maintainability. The only drawback is the high price. Such devices are bought by state and private enterprises.
  3. Semi-professional – a cross between the household and professional class. This option is suitable for people who need a reliable mower, but do not want to pay more for professional machines.

When buying a model, you need to consider the area of ​​the cultivated areas and the frequency of use of the mower. So, for 6 acres, a household-class device is enough, and for plots of a larger site, for example, up to 12 acres, it is better to take semi-professional models.

The ability to move

Electric lawn mowers differ in the way they move. There are two options available:

  1. Non-self-propelled – devices that are manually moved by the “operator”. They are lightweight, easy to use and store. The difficulty lies in processing an area that has many irregularities on the surface (rolls, bumps, bumps).
  2. Self-propelled vehicle on wheels moves independently. The task of the “operator” is to set the right direction. The motor is used to rotate the knife and move the wheels of the machine. Unlike non-self-propelled electric lawnmowers, self-propelled devices are heavy and are suitable for large areas.

When choosing between a self-propelled and non-self-propelled device, you need to keep in mind the price. As a rule, self-propelled lawn mowers are of the professional class and are more expensive.

Ejection of grass

An important point is the way to remove the cut stems from under the apparatus. Three types stand out:

  • with accumulation in the grass-catcher;
  • side discharge;
  • mulching.

The second type is suitable for cleaning heavily overgrown areas. Tall stems do not get stuck on the way to a special container, they immediately go out (to the side) and do not delay the processing of the lawn. The downside is that after cleaning, you will have to go through the area with a rake.

Some models have a mulching option, which means chopping and throwing the grass onto the treated area. To perform such work, a high-powered motor is required.

See also:

Experts assure of the usefulness of such an option, because the stalks processed into dust play the role of fertilizer for the lawn.

In practice, mulching is useful when cutting low stems. Otherwise, large pieces are thrown onto the lawn, which do not rot well.


When choosing an electric lawn mower, the main focus is on engine power. The market sells models with a motor from 300 to 3000 W. The performance of the mower and the consumption of electricity depend on this parameter.

Powerful devices heat up faster, so in the characteristics you need to look at the continuous operation time. As a rule, this parameter is equal to 0,5 h (enough for a small area).

The location of the electric motor depends on the power. With a parameter from 0,3 to 0,6 kW, the motor is at the bottom, and in other devices – at the top.

When buying a lawn mower, the following is also taken into account:

  • manufacturer – Hyundai, Honda, Kawasaki, Daewoo, etc.
  • power source – household network 220 V or battery.

On plots up to 400 sq. meters fit devices up to 0,9 kW. When processing lawns with an area of ​​​​about 1200 square meters. meters, it is better to take an electric lawn mower with a power of up to 1,8 kW. When harvesting grass with thick stems, 2 kW machines will be required.

Grass collector

Grass catcher – a container for collecting cut grass. The duration of operation of the equipment without stopping depends on its volume. In addition, after the treatment of the site, the grass does not need to be removed from it, which saves time.

The capacity of the grass catcher must be selected taking into account the location of the lawn. If he is near the house and cut regularly, there will be little grass, so you can do without a grass box or be content with a small amount.

Another thing when it comes to a country house, where the grass outgrows. The capacity of the grass catcher should be between 25 and 80 liters.

Grass collectors are of two types:

  1. Rigid. Such structures are easier to turn over to get rid of the accumulated grass.
  2. Soft. It is more difficult to choose a mowing from them due to squeezing by the sidewalls made of a fabric base.

Rigid ones are more convenient to maintain – it is enough to rinse them with water. The soft design clogs faster and then you have to use a vacuum cleaner or wash the product.


Electric lawnmower wheels can be wide or narrow. Their number also differs – from two to four.

If the treated area has an imperfect terrain with bumps and depressions, it is better to use a device with wide wheels (it is easier for them to pass over an uneven area) on bearings (more reliable).

Processing width

Processing width (bevel) – an indicator that depends on the size of the knife and deck used. The larger the dimensions, the wider the cleared strip after the passage of the electric lawn mower. Most models mow 30-40 cm. More expensive devices capture up to 46 cm.

Wide-bevel mowers have the advantage of being able to finish the lawn faster, but they are harder to control. If you buy a model with a smaller bevel width, you will have to work longer. Consequently, more time and electricity is spent on bringing the lawn to the desired state.

The advantage of such devices is briskness and ease of control. It is easier for them to bypass bushes and trees.

With a lawn up to two acres, a mower with a processing width of 30-34 cm is suitable. For large areas (up to 6 acres), models with a bevel of about 40 cm are suitable.

Mowing height

Bevel height is a measure of the distance between the ground and the top of the grass after the electric lawnmower has passed. This setting is adjusted in the following ways:

  1. Rearranging the axis in the deck to the desired hole. This is a structurally simple, but inconvenient method of changing the height.
  2. The use of a lever or button that changes the height of the wheels (individual adjustment for each wheel). This method is also not convenient.
  3. Central height adjustment. The “driver” of the electric mower presses on the lever or button (depending on the system provided) to lower or raise the product.

More convenient models with central regulation, but they are more expensive.

When studying the height of the bevel, two criteria are taken into account:

  • The minimum parameter is about 2 mm (the grass is not cut below);
  • The maximum bevel height is the top value that can be set for a specific mower model.

When processing a lawn with foreign objects, the highest height is set to avoid getting foreign elements under the knife. After cleaning the area from branches and other objects, you can once again go through the area with a lower processing height.


The electric lawnmower powered by the Mains is equipped with a cord and a plug for plugging into an outlet. For convenience, you need to use an extension cord that allows you to “serve” a large area. When choosing a carrier, the cross section of the power cable is taken into account – it must withstand the power (current consumption) of the mower.

It is advisable to buy an adapter with a bright-colored wire (red, yellow) so that it is more noticeable on the grass.


  1. Before starting work, it is necessary to completely unwind the cord to avoid chafing.
  2. When mowing grass, the cable must be behind the electric lawn mower (on the treated part).
  3. The best solution is to put the wire on the shoulder so that it is away from the ground and is not damaged by the knife of the device.

The maximum length of the cord does not exceed 20 meters.


The deck contains the blades of an electric lawn mower. Depending on the price, it is made of plastic, steel and aluminum.

Models with an aluminum deck are the most expensive. Their plus is durability and resistance to rust. Plastic decks are less reliable and fail faster.

Source of power

There are two types of electric lawn mowers:

  • without battery (only powered by 220 V);
  • with battery. In the absence of voltage in the household network, the device operates from a separate power source;
  • universal – can work from the network and from the battery.

Battery capacity can vary from 1,6 to 6 Ah, and voltage from 12 to 82V;

Models with batteries are convenient, but when choosing, you need to take into account the capacity. If it is not enough to process the site, you will have to spend time charging.

The weight

The overall weight of the device affects the usability. Electric lawn mowers with two wheels weigh about 13 kg. They are easier to carry or move around the site. Products with four wheels have a mass of up to 40 kg.

They are more difficult to use, but this disadvantage is compensated by the greater power of the motor and a wide range of functions. The buyer himself decides what to pay attention to – maneuverability or functionality.

See also:

Additional functions

When choosing an electric lawn mower, you need to consider additional criteria:

  1. Knife drive. Some models are equipped with direct drive, which means connecting the grass-cutting part directly to the motor. There is no belt drive here. This design is simple and reliable.
  2. Folding handles. The option allows you to reduce the dimensions of the device and find a place to store it. It takes a few minutes to assemble the mechanism and no additional tools are needed.
  3. Self-Starter System – easy start at the touch of a button. After actuation, the spring flywheel spins up and starts the motor.
  4. 3 in 1. The function implies the possibility of three types of grass mowing – with collection in a container, with ejection to the side or mulching.

When choosing a lawn mower, it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to the assessment and determine the purpose of the purchase. For periodic cleaning of the local area, simpler and cheaper models are suitable.

When regularly processing large areas, an electric lawn mower with more power and capabilities will come in handy.


Trimmers are portable grass cutting devices. The main manufacturers are Bosch, Stihl, Triton and others. With the help of such devices, you can maintain the grass at the required height, mow the stems along the paths and in narrow passages, remove thickets and cut plants near fences.

They have a small price when compared with an electric lawn mower. Convenient and easy to use.

To start using it is necessary to put the device on the body on the worker and secure it with belts. The engine starts after the trimmer head is brought close to the grass.

To protect against impacts against foreign elements and the ejection of sticks, a protective case is installed that covers almost half of the cutting part.

Today, two types of devices are in demand:

  1. Electric – powered by 220 V. They are easy to use, make little noise, are equipped with an adjustable handle and have an affordable price. Cons – the need to connect the wire and limited action.
  2. Rechargeable – work from a power source. Such models are suitable for ennobling lawns in areas where there is no electrical network. Pros – noiselessness, lightness, no restrictions on area, fast charge. Cons – limited energy supply, high price.

When choosing a trimmer, the following parameters are taken into account:

  1. Power. For domestic use, an electric apparatus for 250-700 watts is suitable. Utilities choose more powerful products from 900 to 1800 watts.
  2. Cut width. When used on solid lawns, trimmers with a cutting width of 30 to 42 cm are suitable. When processing small areas in a country house or near a multi-storey building, 25-27 cm is enough.
  3. Weight. The ease of use and the ability to work for a long time depend on the weight of the device. The weight of an electric trimmer ranges from 1,5 to 9 kg. When buying for a summer residence, models up to 5 kg are suitable. If there is no household network, the mass of the device increases to 7-9 kilograms.
  4. Turnovers. The efficiency of the trimmer depends on the number of revolutions. In products of low power, this parameter is up to 7 rpm. This is enough for processing suburban lawns. With frequent use, it is recommended to prefer professional models with a speed of 000 rpm or more.
  5. Line diameter. This parameter is in the range from 1,4 to 3,3 m. For domestic purposes, products with a fishing line diameter of up to 2 mm are suitable. When mowing thick grass and processing overgrown areas, models with a thicker fishing line from 2,4 to 3,3 mm are needed.
  6. Fastener type. Trimmers are fixed on a person with one or two straps. The second type guarantees greater comfort for the operator and is suitable for continuous work.
  7. cutting system. The device uses “hard” knives (plastic, metal) or a soft cutting element (fishing line). The first type is suitable for the treatment of overgrown areas with thick grass stems. Line trimmers are the best option for bumpy surfaces, areas near the edge. Such knives are not afraid of beating against foreign objects.
  8. Ease of holding. The indicator depends on the number and shape of the handles and the ability to balance the apparatus. For continuous work, models with a cross frame and two powerful handles are suitable. An important point is the location of the motor. If it is in the lower part, this increases the load on the operator, who can work for several hours. If the motor is at the top, the back gets tired less.
  9. Battery capacity. For devices with batteries, an important parameter is the battery capacity. It is measured in Ah. On average, 1 A / h is enough for 15 minutes. In this case, the charge requires 45 minutes (three times more time).

When choosing a trimmer, as well as an electric lawn mower, it is necessary to take into account the scope of its application and financial capabilities.

TOP-5 popular models

The market for electric lawn mowers is wide enough to pick up the device for the price and tasks. Below we highlight the five best models in the price range from 7 to 60 thousand rubles:

  1. Greenworks GLM1035 (USA) – a model with an electric motor powered by 220 V. There is an option for mulching, there is a grass collector with a volume of 40 liters. The motor power is 1 kW, and the processing width is 35 cm. The cutting system is of a rotary type. The manufacturer’s warranty is two years. The height of the bevel is adjustable in the range from 2 to 8 cm. The advantages of the model are the combination of the option of mulching and bagging, convenient height adjustment and a large grass collector. The handle is covered with a rubber compound, which reduces worker fatigue. Thanks to the wide wheels, the electric lawn mower does not slip when moving on soft ground.
  2. Bosch ARM 33W / EEU (Germany) – a model with a 1,3 kW electric motor and four wheels. Powered only by 220 V. The lower grass cut parameter is 2 cm, and the upper one is 7 cm. The weight of the model is 11 kg. Width of processing is 34 cm. Volume of the collector for a grass is 40 l. The body is made of plastic.
  3. Black & Decker EMAX42I-QS (USA) is an electric lawn mower powered by 220V, 1W. Grass catcher with a capacity of 800 liters is provided. Bevel width 50 cm. Minimum and maximum cutting height 42 and 2 cm, respectively. The cutting system is rotary. Product weight 7 kg. The package includes a lawn mower, a handle (can be folded), a grass collector and instructions.
  4. DDE LME3816 (USA) – lawnmower with electric motor 220V, 1650W. The model comes with a 45 liter grass collector. Handles a 38 cm wide area. Height is adjustable from 2,5 to 6,5 cm. Weight 11,5 kg. Features – rigid grass catcher, large rear wheels, rear discharge. Advantages (according to reviews) – ease of assembly, reliability, maneuverability and high quality components.
  5. Champion EM3813 (Russia) is a domestic mower with a 35-liter grass collector, powered by a household network. The cutting height is adjustable from 2 to 6 cm. The power of the device is 1,3 kW. The cutting system is rotary. Weight 12,8 kg. Features – plastic body, rear selection, 3,5 thousand rpm. According to reviews, the model is excellent for processing areas up to 6 days.


An electric lawn mower is a useful device that can tidy up any lawn, ridding it of undergrowth and turning it into a perfectly flat and beautiful area. The challenge is to choose the right model for your application and budget.

In order to avoid mistakes, you need to carefully approach the purchase and take into account all the criteria discussed in the article.

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