How to choose a welding machine for home and garden, the best models are inverter, semi-automatic

РThe market of welding machines is represented by a large number of models that differ in appearance, manufacturer, characteristics and price.

It is difficult to understand such a variety, so the team has prepared a material with information on the algorithm for choosing welders by type of welding and their design features, types of spot devices.

Special attention is paid to the selection criteria, weight, protection class and other features of such devices.

Algorithm for selecting welding machines

The choice of a welding device involves the passage of several stages:

  1. The choice of type and features of welding.
  2. Control of the main characteristics for item 1.
  3. Definition of additional functions.
  4. Checking the company and country of origin.
  5. Price policy.
  6. Read reviews and buy.

We will go through all these stages below, since each of them is important and requires utmost attention when buying.

Types of welding

Several types of welding machines are available for sale, the principle of operation of which is based on different types of welding. All of them differ in design features and characteristics. Let’s briefly consider each of the options.

Manual MMA

The simplest type of welding, which involves manual work without the use of shielding gas. A feature of manual MMA devices is the minimum requirements for the quality of the current and the design of the device.

On the other hand, creating a reliable seam requires certain skills due to the risk of creating a low quality seam. Most often, MMA equipment is used to work with ferrous metals, and is not suitable for non-ferrous metals.

The abbreviation “MMA” itself stands for “Manual Metel Arc” or “manual metal welding”.

The principle of operation is built as follows:

  1. One contact is connected to the metal element.
  2. The second clamp is connected by means of a holder to the metal electrode core.
  3. An arc appears between the electrodes, which leads to the melting of the metal and the workpiece.

A special coating is used on the electrode, which may differ in composition, taking into account the characteristics of work and the type of metal.

During the melting process, the following happens:

  1. A high-temperature gas cloud is created, providing optimal conditions for welding.
  2. A surface layer of slag is formed that protects the metal from contact with oxygen.
  3. The hardened layer remains on the surface and is removed by chipping after completion of work, and the weld seam remains below.

Technology advantages:

  1. The simplicity of the apparatus and the ability to perform work without additional devices.
  2. Standard equipment. The composition includes an apparatus, power wires, a ground clamp and an electrode retainer, a brush with a hammer, a protective mask.
  3. High power welding arc.
  4. High mobility of the device, which can be used in any convenient place. Everything is limited only by the length of the wire and the possibility of installation.
  5. Opportunity to learn how to weld even without any experience.
  6. A variety of electrodes that allows you to weld different metals.
  7. The low cost of the devices, which makes them more affordable for consumers.


  1. The complexity of creating a high-quality seam, which requires a lot of experience of the performer.
  2. Problems when welding small workpieces with a thickness of less than 1,5 mm. Even when thin electrodes are used, the risk of burn through is high.
  3. The need to take breaks to replace used electrodes.
  4. During the welding process, the electrode is constantly shortened, which makes it necessary to control the position of the working element in relation to the workpiece and maintain a suitable arc.
  5. Difficulties in choosing special electrodes that are suitable for welding different metals.
  6. The need for preparation due to strong spattering of the metal.
  7. Problems of ignition of the welding arc.
  8. The worst quality of the seam, when compared with direct current devices.
  9. The dependence of MMA devices on the voltage level and a high probability of drawdown.

An example of a welding machine for MMA welding Resanta SAI-205T LUX 65/78.

In fact, there are a lot of models for this type of welding.

Semi-automatic (MIG/MAG)

In this abbreviation, MIG (Metal Inert Gas) means inert gas (used for welding non-ferrous metals), and MAG (Metal Active Gas) is active gas (suitable for ferrous metals).

In such welding machines, the function of the electrode is performed by a thin wire, which is fed to the welding point through a special hole.

In this case, the arc burns in a cloud of shielding gas (active / inert) supplied to the place of work from a specially connected cylinder.

The wire acting as an active element may differ in composition, size and manufacturing technology. Its choice is determined by the type of material being welded.

For ease of control, a button is provided on the burner, with which you can activate the supply of current and wire.  

The formation of a gas cloud creates an optimal environment near the seam, which, in combination with a small thickness of the electrode, forms a high quality of welding. At the same time, the process itself does not cause difficulties and takes less time.


  1. High performance.
  2. The best seam quality.
  3. Ease of mastering the technology by beginners.
  4. Ability to work in MMA mode (typical for many models).
  5. Convenience of operation.


  1. Complicated design.
  2. Large set of equipment. It includes welding itself (transformer), gas-balloon equipment, welding torch, wire feed mechanism.
  3. The high price of the kit.

An example is the Wester MIG 100.

Argon arc (TIG)

The abbreviation stands for “Tungsten Inert Gas”, which means “tungsten inert gas”. A feature of welding is the use of electrodes without flashing.

In their manufacture, a heat-resistant material is used that has a melting point that exceeds that of the arc.

As a result, the electrode forms the combustion process, but does not affect the creation of the seam. There is a “sticking” of materials under the influence of temperature.

For reliability, additives can be used – different elements of materials that are placed at the junction and fused into the seam.

The welding process takes place in an argon cloud, which is why such welding is called “argon-arc”.

In practice, this definition is not entirely correct, because other gases can be used instead of argon, for example, nitrogen, helium, carbon dioxide and others.

The main element of TIG welding is the L-shaped torch. This feature ensures convenient fixation of the product and the accuracy of the work performed.

On the “gun” there is a button and other controls that allow you to adjust the gas flow or the accuracy of setting the welding current. Depending on the device model, the level of complexity of the burners may vary.

At the edge of the burner, a ceramic gas nozzle is provided, in the center of which a tungsten electrode is provided.

These elements are used to start and support the arc. At the same time, the electrode itself almost does not decrease during operation, and the existing set is enough for a long time. In diameter, such electrodes have a size of 2-4 mm, and their length is 17,5 cm.

An inert gas enters the burner nozzle, which forms a protective cloud and ensures high quality welding. Thanks to this feature, there is no need for additional layers and additives, because the seam, therefore, turns out to be even.

To connect the torch and the welder, a special sleeve is used, which has a more complex design. For reliability, the burners are provided with a cooling system by supplying gas or liquid.


  1. Ability to weld thin material – up to 1 mm thick.
  2. No spatter during the welding process, the presence of even and neat seams.
  3. Simplified control of the welding process.
  4. Economical use of electrodes that almost do not burn out.
  5. The versatility of the technology and the possibility of using it for welding various metals: copper, iron, bronze, aluminum and even titanium.
  6. Ability to work on AC / DC.
  7. The presence in many models of the MMA welding mode.


  1. The high cost of such equipment.
  2. The need to use two hands at once for work.
  3. High requirements for the experience / qualifications of a specialist.
  4. The need for the correct use of gas cylinders and their refueling.

An example is the Solaris MULTIMIG-227 welding machine model.

Spot (SPOT)

Such welding has much in common with the rivet type of fixation and involves the point connection of two elements. The size of the contact patch is no more than 3-4 mm thick.

SPOT welding units are actively used in service stations, primarily in the process of body repair. The use of this technology allows welding materials with a thickness of 0,5 to 8 mm, and when using large models – up to 30 mm.

An example is the model of a welder working on SPOT RedHotDot Hammer TT technology.

The welding process takes place in several stages:

  1. Cleaning the part from dirt and oil.
  2. Laying workpieces on top of each other with subsequent fixation between the electrodes.
  3. Power supply.
  4. Welding waiting. The process occurs due to heating and movement of ions.
  5. Stopping the current supply when the desired volume is reached.
  6. Automatic stop of current supply and melt crystallization.
  7. Removal of electrodes and quality control of welding.

The size of the weld spot is affected by the size and shape of the electrode, the type of surface and the compression force. In the manufacture of electrodes, copper is most often used, which is characterized by high thermal and electrical conductivity.

SPOT welding is soft and hard. In the first case, a small current is applied from 70 to 160 A / sq. mm, and the welding time is about three seconds.

In the hard version, the density reaches 360 A/sq. mm, and exposure time up to 1,5 s. In this case, the diameter of the electrode should exceed the thickness of the parts by 3-4 mm.

According to the principle of operation, spot welding is divided into one- and two-sided:

  1. The first option allows you to tack the metal anywhere, but it may be difficult to clamp the material.
  2. In the second situation, the pressure level is always sufficient, but difficulties may arise due to the limited length of the forceps.


  1. High performance.
  2. Automation of basic processes.
  3. Good quality of connection at observance of welding rules.
  4. No need for auxiliary materials.
  5. Work safety.


  1. Inability to perform welding work for some metals.
  2. The complexity of the design and operation of the electrodes.
  3. High probability of scatter of the welded metal at the moment of current supply.

Spot (STUD)

It implies the use of a lifting arc, necessary for attaching the hairpin to a flat base.

The welding process takes place in several stages:

  1. Pressing the pin to the base.
  2. Current supply.
  3. Slight raising of the stud for the appearance of an arc.
  4. The melting of metal under high temperature.
  5. Lowering a hairpin into a molten substance.
  6. Power off.
  7. Solidification of metal.

The use of the STUD technique involves the use of powered torches with a hydraulic/spring system to raise/lower the stud.

A flux or inert gas is used to protect the contact point from the action of oxygen.


  1. Convenient stud welding.
  2. High speed of work.
  3. Excellent welding quality.
  4. Minimal risk of welding distortion.
  5. Versatility and applicability for steel, stainless steel, copper, titanium, aluminum and others.


  1. The high cost of a professional tool.
  2. Narrow specialization.
  3. Strict requirements for the size and material of the studs / base.

Example, welding machine RAM TOOLS 98357.

Plasma welding

Metal is cut by supplying plasma or ionized gas, which is supplied to the work site through a special nozzle and converted into plasma using an arc.

The latter plays the role of an additional element and does not always affect the finishing material.

As a result, it is possible to achieve a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees and a speed exceeding the speed of sound. Under such influence, the metal melts and is practically squeezed out of the part.

The whole process takes place inside another gas, which acts as a protective shell.

Advantages of plasma cutting:

  1. High speed of work.
  2. Good quality output.
  3. Security.


  1. The high price of equipment.
  2. The complexity of the process due to the use of two different gases.

An example is the TSS PRO CUT-40 air plasma cutting machine.

Types of welding machines

When choosing welding, it is important to consider the type of equipment. Today, the following options for welding machines are available: transformer, inverter, semi-automatic and semi-automatic-inverter.

All of them differ in features and principle of operation, which requires separate consideration.


In transformer devices, the current from the network immediately goes to the winding of the step-down transformer without the use of intermediate control circuits. Direct/alternating current can appear at the output of the electrodes.


  1. Structural simplicity.
  2. Load resistance.
  3. Reliability.
  4. Low price


  1. Large mass.
  2. Solid dimensions.
  3. Less stable output current.
  4. Poor seam quality.
  5. Impossibility of application for solving special problems.
  6. Difficult technology for beginner welders.

An example is the BlueWeld Gamma 3200 model. This is a transformer welder operating in the MMA type. It is powered by 220 or 380 V and consumes 3500 W of power.

The minimum/maximum welding current is 52 and 55 A, and the recommended electrode diameter is 2 to 4 mm. Additionally, transport wheels are provided.

Protection class IP21, and dimensions – 44×32,5×70 cm. Device weight – 19,5 kg. The price is about 7500 rubles.


This category includes conventional transformer welding machines with an individual principle of operation. Here, after decreasing the voltage and increasing the current, the latter is rectified and becomes constant. In this case, part of the power is lost.

An example is Selma VD-131. This is a reliable rectifier-type welding unit capable of operating in DC and AC voltage modes.

It has a smooth stroke adjustment, power up to 12,5 kW and XX / nominal voltage – up to 70 / from 27 V, respectively. Recommended electrode sizes are from 2 to 4 mm, dimensions 36x36x93 cm. Weight – 60 kg. Estimated price is about 60 rubles.

Structurally, the rectifier device can have a different form: thyristor valves with the ability to control or diode bridges.

The process of changing the current strength can be carried out using electronics or using electromechanics. Some models are capable of delivering both AC and DC output.

Advantages of rectifiers:

  1. High arc stability due to no zero crossing.
  2. Easy to strike and hold the arc.
  3. Low risk of metal spatter, which reduces the need to clean welded elements from slag and metal elements.
  4. Deeper impact on the metal without the appearance of bubbles and other flaws.
  5. Creating a quality seam.
  6. High efficiency in comparison with welders on a transformer.
  7. Wide scope. With the help of rectifiers, alloyed non-ferrous alloys, stainless materials, etc. can be welded.
  8. There are no strict requirements for the use of electrodes.


  1. Dependence on the input voltage.
  2. Large mass.
  3. High price in comparison with transformer devices (sometimes several times).
  4. More complex design.


The most popular type of welding machines used for domestic purposes. The main feature is the presence of electronics that processes the current from the network to supply it to a step-down transformer.

Thanks to this feature, instead of 50 Hz, the transformer produces several tens of kilohertz.

Example – FUBAG IR 160 31401. DC welding inverter with 220 V input voltage and 5 kW power consumption. The minimum / maximum welding current is 10 and 160 A, respectively, and the XX voltage is 74 V.

The optimal dimensions of the electrode should be between 1,6 and 4 mm. The length of the power cable is 180 cm, dimensions – 18,5×12,5×28 cm. The cost is about 6000 rubles.


  1. Smaller size and weight of inverter devices.
  2. Resistant to power outages.
  3. High quality weld.
  4. Wide scope.
  5. Easy to use even for beginner welders.


  1. High price.
  2. Strict application requirements.
Inverter device


In terms of design features, from the standpoint of electronics, semi-automatic welding is a classic transformer device. The current from the network is also sent to the step-down transformer without pre-treatment using a special circuit.

The main feature is the electrode used, which has a thickness of 0,6 to 1,2 mm, and its supply is provided through a special nozzle.

An example of a semi-automatic welding machine is the RedVerg RDMIG-150K. The device operates on an input voltage of 220V, consumes power at the level of 5,2 kW. The wire diameter should be between 0,6 and 1,0 mm.

Welding currents (minimum and maximum) – from 40 to 140 A. The device has dimensions of 42,5×31,5×51,5 cm. The switching frequency is 10%.

The wire exits automatically, which eliminates the need for manual adjustment and simplifies operation. At the same time, the coil lasts for a longer time when compared with conventional electrodes.


  1. High quality welding.
  2. Possibility of carrying out work with the use of protective gas.
  3. Wide scope.
  4. Long life of the coil, which requires a rare replacement.


  1. Higher price.
  2. Restrictions on welding different metals.

Semi-automatic inverter

A welding machine with an inverter circuit with partial automation. The peculiarity is that the current from the network before entering the winding goes to the inverter circuit, which helps to increase the frequency from 50 tens of kHz.

A thin wire is used as a working element, which is fed to the welding site through a special hole.

An example is Wert MIG 200. This is a semi-automatic inverter with a voltage of 220 V, minimum / maximum welding current – 30 and 200 A. The optimal electrode size is from 0,6 to 1 mm. The dimensions of the device are 36x24x45 cm, and the weight is 10,7 kg. Estimated price – 15 800 rubles.


  1. Small size.
  2. Improving the current characteristic.
  3. Improving the quality of the seam.
  4. Long wire life.
  5. Convenience in work.
  6. Versatility of application.


  1. High price.
  2. A small selection of models.

Input voltage

When choosing a welding machine, you need to look at the voltage for which it is designed. There are three options to choose from here.

In 220

A single-phase welding machine that plugs into a simple household outlet. It is in the greatest demand and can have different power (small or medium).

When buying such equipment, it is worth remembering the high power consumption, which creates a large load on the network. To connect such equipment, you must have reliable wiring with a cross section of 2,5 square meters. mm and up.

If the power of the device is more than 5 kW, a direct connection to the shield may be required. In this case, the wires are connected to phase and zero.

In 380

The three-phase welding machine is used in production facilities: workshops, workshops, etc.

Devices operating at this voltage are more powerful, and this allows you to perform more complex work.

An example is the Svarog PRO TIG 315 P AC/DC MULTIWAVE (E202) model.

The connection of such welders to a conventional household network is not provided due to inappropriate voltage and the need for three phases.

For this reason, 3-phase welding machines are not in great demand, but are an indispensable solution for the industrial sector.

220 / 380V

Universal models that can be connected to a single or three-phase network. Today, most 3-phase welders have the ability to connect to 220V.

This feature expands the functionality of the device and allows you to use them for solving various problems.

An example is the Aurora PRO Stickmate 250/2.

Open circuit voltage

This parameter characterizes the voltage that is applied to the electrodes and does not imply a load. In other words, it is a measurement without the passage of current during the welding process.

The reason is that at the moment of touching the material being processed, a sharp voltage drop occurs, so it is not possible to accurately measure this parameter.

The considered value depends on the characteristics of the welding device and the type of work performed. For example, for transformer models, this parameter ranges from 45 to 55 V, for inverter models – up to 90 V, and for semi-automatic – about 40 V.

It is important to remember that the open circuit voltage depends on the electrodes used. The higher the potential, the easier the arc is ignited, and the more stable the discharge.

welding current

When choosing a welding machine for home and garden, pay attention to the welding current. Three options are available to choose from, differing in characteristics and application features.


The most common type of current, having a certain frequency and type of sinusoid (when studied on an oscilloscope). If the frequency in the household network is 50 Hz, in inverter welders this parameter can increase to 20-30 kHz or more.

Advantages of welding devices operating on this current:

  1. No risk of reversed polarity.
  2. Simple construction.


  1. Poorer weld quality due to constant current variation.
  2. Risk of splashing during work.

The considered shortcomings are almost leveled in inverter devices operating on alternating current. This is due to the higher frequency.

At the same time, the quality of welding still leaves much to be desired, so this option is used in manual devices designed for welding ferrous metals.

In other cases, this method is rarely used or not used at all.


Unlike the option discussed above, here the connection is made to plus and minus. A uniform current flows through the electrodes, which guarantees high quality welding, minimal material spatter and a better seam.

DC welding machines are suitable for processing stainless steel, non-ferrous metal and other complex work.

When connecting such models, it is important to pay attention to the polarity, because errors can damage the equipment.

Variable / permanent

Universal welding devices that can use two types of current at once. They are in high demand due to the possibility of application in various fields and welding of different metals.

Maximum and minimum welding current, electrode diameter

When choosing a welder, it is important to look at its minimum and maximum characteristics in terms of current and electrode diameter.

To begin with, consider the features of the following welding currents.


The smallest parameter that can be applied during operation. May differ depending on the material, thickness of the workpiece and the model of the device used.

Determined by special tables. At the same time, high current is not very good, because it forms a rough seam, and when working with thin materials, there is a risk of making a hole at the point of contact instead of welding the necessary parts.

Therefore, when working with thin materials (up to 2-3 mm), it is worth making sure that welding with such a current is possible.


The highest current parameter that the welding machine can produce during operation. The higher this indicator, the thicker the parts can be processed.

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account which parts will be welded. If you plan to work with thick materials, you must select a welding machine with the appropriate parameters.

The optimal current can be determined from a special table. In devices of small power, it does not reach 100 A, and in more powerful ones – 250 A.

With regard to electrodes, it is also necessary to take into account two parameters in diameter:

  1. Minimum. Shows the smallest electrode size that can be used in the welding machine. The parameter depends on the type of welding device, material and thickness of the workpieces. Non should not be guided by a high parameter, because a thick electrode can cause more harm. In order to avoid mistakes, it is important to pay attention to the type of work that you plan to do and make a decision accordingly.
  2. Maximum. The upper limit of the electrode diameter that can be set for welding. Determined by special tables. Large diameter can be useful for thick materials. Therefore, before buying, you need to make sure that the welding machine is able to work with all diameters of devices. Note that the maximum current and electrode parameters are not related to each other.

Most often, the range of electrodes used is from 1 to 6 mm or more.

Maximum welding current, A

Maximum diameter of applied electrodes, mm




Welding inverters with such parameters are suitable for simple work in the country or in the garage. The thickness of metal products is not more than two to three millimeters. Pluses – low weight (up to five kilograms) and small dimensions.



They are used for domestic purposes, in personal workshops and small industries. Welding machines with such parameters are capable of welding metal and structural elements up to 4-5 mm thick.



Recommended for use in specialized workshops and in production. The permissible thickness of the processed elements is up to 8-10 mm.



They are used in industry, agricultural machinery and the construction industry. The thickness of the processed metal is up to 1,4 cm. With the help of such devices, tanks and large structural elements can be welded.

Until 500


They are distinguished by a stable arc, able to work for a long time without stopping and process sheets up to 2 cm thick. As a result, welding can easily cope with pipes, metal frames and other specific equipment.

Maximum wire diameter and feed speed

This refers to the maximum wire size that the welding machine can accept. This type of electrode is used, as a rule, in MIG / MAG devices. The greater the thickness, the more complex work can be done.

Even when thick wires are used, this material is thinner than the electrodes. The standard version is 1 mm, but there are models with smaller parameters – 0,8-0,9 mm. More expensive and powerful devices accept wire 2 mm thick.

Another important parameter is the feed rate. This criterion is typical for devices operating on a semi-automatic principle. The higher the feed rate, the faster the job can be done.

But it is worth considering that a high feed rate, on the contrary, creates problems when working with seams of small length.

Power Consumption

The unit of expression for this parameter is kVA (kilovolt-amps). More familiar is the kW parameter, but it shows the total power consumed by the device. Using it, it is easier to calculate the capabilities of the device and the current consumed.

In the case of kVA, the reactive component and the so-called “cosine phi” are taken into account. This option is more preferable for load calculation.

The kVA parameter is always 20-30% greater than kW. Some manufacturers of welding machines indicate power in kW to highlight the device from a position of efficiency. As for the real parameters, they are in the range from 2-2,5 to 10 kVA and more.

More simple models have a power of up to 2,5-3 kVA, and complex ones – up to 11-12 kVA.

The greater the power consumption, the more advanced the welding machine is, and the more complex tasks it can handle.

But you need to take into account that such devices have a higher price, so you need to focus on current tasks.

Switching frequency

During operation, the welding machine needs rest and at least short breaks. This is necessary to cool the working units and prepare for a new cycle of work.

The switching interval indicator shows how much time from the total cycle can be used for welding. For example, if the base cycle is 10 minutes and the parameter in question is 30%, the uptime cannot exceed three minutes.

After that, the device must be given a 7-minute rest. In some models, a 5-minute period is sufficient.

Longer intervals are needed only for professional use. If the welding machine is used to solve simple tasks, you do not need to pay attention to this parameter.

So, a switching frequency of 30% is typical for entry-level devices, 30-50% is a parameter that is relevant for most welders, and professional models can boast an indicator of 70% or more.

It is important to note that in practice, continuous work rarely exceeds two or three minutes, because the specialist is forced to interrupt to check the quality of the seam, clean it, replace the electrode, check the amount of wire on the coil, etc.

That’s why it doesn’t make much sense to chase a device with a high turn-on frequency.

Additional functions

Modern welding machines have many additional features that expand the capabilities of the equipment and increase the safety of their use. The main options include:

  1. Hot start is a function that provides for the appearance of a pulse of increased power when the electrode contacts the workpiece. Immediately after ignition, the current decreases to the operating parameter.
  2. Arc force – prevents the electrode from sticking to the welding point. When this risk is present, the amperage increases, resulting in faster melting and reduced risk of sticking.
  3. Transport Rings – Makes welding easier to move, which is especially true for heavy models. This is most important for powerful and heavy devices weighing more than 20-25 kg.
  4. Sticking protection is an option that provides for a sharp decrease in current at the moment of sticking, which reduces energy consumption.
  5. Numeric display – a screen designed to display numbers and special characters. Guarantees visibility and convenience of management of welding. The digital display shows a variety of information that may be useful to the operator.
  6. Removable sleeve (for MIG / MAG) – a special tube that provides connection between the torch and the body. Designed to supply gas through it. The presence of a removable structure indicates the possibility of disassembling the device without the use of a special tool. This feature gives a number of advantages – the ability to dismantle and collapse for storage / transportation, quick replacement. Of the minuses – less reliability, which does not significantly affect the performance of the device.
  7. Liquid cooling – high power and reduces the risk of overheating to a minimum. The presence of such an option negatively affects the weight, dimensions and price of the equipment. In this case, the cooling liquid can be purchased separately. Fluid blocks can be built in or located outside. The second option is more convenient, because it allows you to turn off the system and thereby reduce the weight / size of the equipment.
  8. Starting the car engine. The presence of the option indicates the possibility of starting the motor instead of the starter. The starting function is useful if there is a power source nearby with the ability to connect a welder. Most often, this option allows you to start cars that have a 12-volt on-board network (cars, small trucks, minibuses).

Also, other useful options may be provided on the best semi-automatic or inverter welding machines:

  • automatic voltage stabilization;
  • safe stop;
  • blocking from accidental inclusion;
  • voltmeter;
  • overload protection;
  • shoulder strap;
  • arc force adjustment;
  • case / bag;
  • digital pressure gauge and more.

The weight

The parameter is relevant for compact welding machines weighing up to 20 kg. Heavier equipment is characterized by higher power and advanced functionality.

Weight is an important consideration when choosing portable devices that need to be easy to carry. At the same time, models weighing up to 3 kg can be found on sale.

Protection class

When buying a welding machine, it is important to pay attention to its protection class.

This indicator is standardly distinguished by two digits and shows the quality of protection of the case against mechanical stress, dust and moisture.

In most models of welding devices, the degree of protection is negligible, due to the need to ventilate the case.

The main levels of protection against objects (by size) include:

  • over 5 cm;
  • from 1,25 cm – protects against fingers;
  • over 2,5 cm – protection against accidental penetration from a familiar tool.

In terms of moisture protection in most cases 0-th. In other words, such a device can be used very carefully and avoid the ingress of water.

But more advanced options are also possible:

  • 1 – protection against vertical drops when the device is located horizontally;
  • 2 – prevention of vertical drops when the equipment deviates up to 15 percent horizontally;
  • 3 – protection against splashes falling at a 60-degree angle;
  • 4 – prevention of any splashes, including the ability to work in rain and strong gusts of wind.

Often, instead of one of the numbers, X is put, for example, IP3X. This indicates that it is impossible to determine the protection class.

In such situations, it is considered that there is no protection at all. This ensures maximum safety and avoids risks during operation.

Insulation class

An equally important parameter is the insulation class, which reflects the degree of resistance of the device to heat.

Today, in welding machines, as a rule, materials of the following classes are used:

  1. B – resistance up to 130 degrees Celsius.
  2. F – withstand temperatures up to 155 degrees.
  3. H – cope with temperatures up to 180 degrees Celsius (see photo above).

Note that most modern welding devices have overheating protection that turns off the unit until the insulation is destroyed.

For this reason, the specified parameter is important in rare cases when the built-in protection failed for some reason.

On the other hand, knowledge of this parameter makes it possible to assess the safety of the application.

The higher the class, the higher the probability of noticing the fact of overheating (for example, by the appearance of an unpleasant odor) and turning off the device.

Power cable length

When buying, you need to pay attention to the length of the cables that come with the device. These are the wires that connect to the welding machine and the electrode.

The longer they are, the wider the operator’s reach and the farther they can go without moving heavy equipment.

The disadvantage of long wires is the difficulty of transportation and storage, as well as an increase in the overall weight of the device.

When buying, you need to pay attention to models with long wires, if you really need them.

Company and country of origin

Beginners and experienced users always choose equipment from well-known brands with a good reputation. However, there are no clear criteria. Some trust only the products of foreign brands, while others, on the contrary, prefer to buy domestic or Chinese equipment because of the lower price.

If we talk about quality, Telwin and Blue Weld welding devices from Italy are a good option, which meet European standards and have high-quality performance.

Welding inverter BlueWeld Prestige 216 PRO

Such equipment has a one-year warranty and a relatively low price.

No less popular is the Renaissance brand. The products of this brand are manufactured in China and Latvia. Welding machines of the manufacturer are well appreciated by Russian users because of the ability to work at temperatures up to -10 degrees Celsius.

Resanta SAI-205T LUX 65/78

Users who prefer only domestic brands should pay attention to Brima and Svarog brands. At the same time, the former are made in Germany, and the latter in China, so it is difficult to fully attribute them to domestic ones. They provide stable current and a smooth seam under any conditions.

If we talk about brands, the TOP of the best should include:

  1. Resanta is a brand from Latvia, founded in 1993. Today it is considered one of the best in Russia among all manufacturers of electrical products. The company produces stabilizers, welding machines, uninterruptible power supplies, autotransformers and other equipment. The range includes more than 200 models. The advantages of the products include not only high quality, but also a large number of service centers in the Russian Federation and the CIS.
  2. Aurora is a group of companies engaged in the production of welding equipment, pumps, washes, gasoline and diesel generators, thermal equipment, reciprocating compressors, etc. The brand’s equipment has been supplied to the Russian Federation since 2007. All brand equipment has a shelf life of one to two years, and the buyers themselves receive after-sales service and warranty support. In 2018, our own production of special-purpose welding devices was launched, and the main directions were quality, innovation and a number of other features.
  3. Fubag is a manufacturer from Germany that produces professional equipment for construction and repair work. For 40 years of activity, the company has become one of the leaders in the market and today supplies products to many countries. Today, the brand’s equipment is produced at 19 factories, and all products meet high quality standards.

No less popular are the products of the following brands – Wert, Svarog, FoxWeld, Quattro Elementi, Zubr, Forsage and Telwin.

Rating by manufacturer based on customer feedback.

Models to watch out for

Among the inverter welding machines for home and garden, you should pay attention to the following models:

  2. Torus 255 Profi TIG, MMA.
  3. Wester MINI 220T MMA.
  4. Svarog REAL ARC 200 (Z238N) MMA.
  5. BLUEWELD Prestige 236 PRO TIG, MMA.
  6. BRIMA ARC-200 MMA.
  8. Fubag IR 200 MMA.
  9. Aurora SPEEDWAY 200 Synergic TIG, MIG/MAG, MMA.
  10. Solaris MULTIMIG-245 TIG, MIG/MAG, MMA.

Among the transformer models, pay attention to:

  1. ZUBR ZTS-200 MMA.
  2. Wester MIG-100 MIG/MAG.
  3. ZUBR ZTS-180 MMA.

Among the semi-automatic devices, pay attention to the following models:

  1. Stavr “SAU-180M.
  2. Western «MIG-140i», MIG/MAG/MMA.
  3. START MigLine 170.
  4. Resanta SAIPA-135 (MIG/MAG).
  5. Electrolite MIG-200 MIG/MAG/MMA.

The continuation of the article is a rating of the best welding machines according to customer reviews and value for money.

How to choose a welding machine | Tips for choosing a welding

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