This article will help all those who are going to acquire new household appliances, but do not yet know how to choose a washing machine. We will consider the types and types of machines, and you can choose the best option for your needs and budget.
Washing machines: types and types
All washing machines can be divided into two main classes: front-loading and top-loading. When choosing a washing machine, many buyers cannot decide which SM to opt for. Sales consultants often claim that vertical washers are more reliable than front ones, but is this true? Let’s take a look at both options below and help you choose the type of washing machine you need.
Vertical cars
When wondering which washing machine to choose – frontal or still vertical, you need to know the features of both machines. Below we will look at how to choose a vertical washing machine. In the vertical design, there is no hatch familiar to us, through which you can see how the washing process is going on. Instead, there is a loading hole hidden behind a hinged lid. This lid is located on top, and behind it are the drum flaps.
In many models, in order to get the laundry after washing, you need to rotate the drum so that the hatch is on top. More modern models themselves turn the drum upside down so that the user does not bother. If you like the automatic rotation of the drum and do not want to play “Field of Miracles”, choose a washing machine with the Drum Up function.
MAIN PLUS vertical washing machine – a huge savings in free space. Often such cars become the choice of owners of small apartments: Khrushchev, studios and the like.
Important! It should be borne in mind that the machine will need space from above for the unhindered opening of the hatch. Therefore, it will not work to build it under the sink or put shelves on top.
The approximate dimensions of a standard top loader washing machine are as follows:
- Height: 800-950 mm.
- Width: 400-450 mm.
- Depth: about 600 mm.
Distinguishes two types of machines mainly depth. In frontal washers, this parameter varies from 400 to 600 mm.
As for the exhortations of sellers that vertical type machines are equipped with a more reliable drum, this is nothing more than a myth. Experts are sure that these machines have no fundamental differences in the quality, design or reliability of the drums.
The only fundamental difference is purely visual – if you like to watch the washing process, then the vertical washer does not have such an opportunity. This nuance does not affect the quality of washing or spinning in any way.
Front washers
Such machines are chosen by more than 80% of buyers of the domestic market. You are probably wondering how to choose a front-loading washing machine, what to focus on and not miscalculate in choosing. Below we will tell you about all the important points and characteristics of this type of SMA.
A PLUS. This is a real hard worker! Such a machine can wash from 3,5 to 10 kg of laundry, depending on the volume of the tank and the technical capabilities of the machine.
MINUS. When installing such a machine, you must always provide enough free space in front so that the hatch opens easily.
OPTIONS. Usually, such machines are about 80 cm high, but there are models higher or lower by about 15 cm. In addition, for small apartments, some manufacturers have created narrow machines, no wider than 40 cm. they can be washed much less, and washing is done at a lower power than that of full-fledged SMs. Sacrificing the size of the machine, and choosing to save space, you have to be content with modest washing parameters. Dimensions of frontal machines:
- Standard . Such washers reach a height of 90 centimeters. In terms of depth and width, the indicators are approximately the same – 60 cm. The possible weight of linen is 7 kilos.
- Compact . Usually they are 20 cm lower than standard cars. They are no more than half a meter wide, and the depth is usually about 45 cm. Compact washing machines can usually wash no more than 3 kg of laundry.
- Narrow. In height and width, they usually differ little from standard SMAs, but the depth of such machines is up to 40 cm, and sometimes 35! Capacity 3,5-5 kilos.
- Super narrow. With a standard width and height, the depth of such washers is no more than 35 cm, and sometimes even less. The maximum weight of laundry for washing is 4 kg.
Comparative table of frontal and vertical SM
If you still do not know how to choose a washing machine, and most importantly – which one: front or vertical, we have made a small summary in the form of a table. It will help you immediately determine the pros and cons and make the right choice.
Frontal | Vertical |
They are widespread in the home appliances market of the Russian Federation, are in great demand, and are famous for their impressive model range. | There are fewer models, but there are narrow machines that are suitable for even the smallest rooms. |
Slightly cheaper than top-loading machines (assuming the same parameters). | These are quite roomy cars for their modest size. |
There is a nice “bonus” in the front-type washing machine – you can watch the washing through a transparent glass hatch. | The location of the hatch in the vertical machine gives it another advantage – you practically do not need to bend down to put laundry in the drum or take it out. |
Models of the standard type can wash a decent amount of laundry. | You can stop washing and report things – water will not gush out of the drum. A very convenient feature, available only for vertical SMAs. |
Additionally! Of all the disadvantages of vertical machines, only the question of cost can be considered the main one. Yes, and there are no vertical mini-machines – they are all about the same in terms of overall dimensions.
Choosing a machine according to all the rules
Understanding further how to choose a washing machine, you should pay attention to other parameters of both types of machines.
How big is the drum
When buying a car, consider the number of people in the family:
- If a family of 3-5 people, then you should opt for a typewriter with a capacity of at least 5 kg.
- If you are a young couple, and do not plan to expand your family yet or live alone, then a tank of 3-3,5 kg may be enough for you.
- A large family of 5 people should take a closer look at the most spacious cars with a drum up to 10 kilos.
The type of fabric you prefer is also important. If you intend to wash woolen things, then they weigh a little, but they take up space like five cotton T-shirts.
Important! No need to overload the machine drum. If according to the instructions it is necessary to load no more than 5 kg of laundry, do not neglect this rule. Too little is also bad. If the machine is designed for 5 kilos, and you load only 0,5-1 kg, this will not be a plus for the washing machine to work. It is better to accumulate 1,5-2 kg of laundry, and then start washing.
What is the best way to save
If value for money is important to you, then standard CMA is your best bet. But if there is not much free space in the bathroom or in the kitchen, then a narrow or compact machine will suit you best. If you are going to save on resources – electricity and water supply, then pay attention to the parameters of efficiency. Determining efficiency is not so difficult: in the classification at the top are the most economical cars, and at the bottom of the pyramid are the cars with the highest level of consumption.
Important! If you need a machine with a drying function, then this will require a lot of water and energy.
Speaking about the parameters and designations, one cannot fail to mention the quality of washing. Pay attention to the Latin letters printed on the labels of washing machines. So, the letter “A” means that the washing quality of SM is excellent, and G is not very good.
A little about spin
The degree of humidity of your washed items, as well as the ease of subsequent ironing, depends on the strength of this parameter. So, at the first stage of washing, you can independently set the number of revolutions during the spin cycle. Of course, everything is based on the type of fabric – delicate fabrics need a small number of revolutions, and rough ones can be easily wrung out at maximum revolutions – from 800 and above. Spin is also classified in Latin letters from A to G.
How to choose CMA with drying
The benefit of this feature is so obvious that it makes no sense to praise it. The machine will dry the laundry, and you won’t have to hang it on the balcony, on the dryers in the apartment, or worse – on the street. But this improvement also has disadvantages – after drying, some fabrics are difficult to iron, and the counter begins to “wind” more light. Here you need to choose between convenience and cost, between the speed of obtaining dry laundry and profitability. This function is implemented by heating the air in the tank, which pushes the remaining moisture out of the laundry and collects it in a special tray. There are also dryers with a timer, when the drying function starts after the end of the wash cycle. There are machines equipped with a humidity sensor that decide for themselves how wet the laundry is and how long it takes to dry. Such sensors are installed in the latest SM models and significantly affect their cost.
All attention to management
Today, all cars are equipped with electronics, part of which is the CMA control system. As a rule, this is a clear interface, accessible by simplicity even to a child – he pressed 2 buttons, and the wash went on. All the most complex processes – this is the control of water temperature, and its change, and others – are controlled by a special board. Maximum convenience – display. Such machines “communicate” with the owner, displaying the washing or spinning time, or reporting errors. The smarter the system, the more expensive the machine – the first minus. The second minus: the smarter the system, the more parts, and the more parts, the higher the probability of a breakdown. This is often confirmed in practice.
Degree of protection
We continue to talk about how to choose the right washing machine. Approaching the issue seriously, it is worth talking about security, since for many buyers this is a significant criterion. Race manufacturers are equipping their washing machines with more and more new protection systems:
- Leak protection. This system will protect even from internal leaks. If the hoses or pipes break, the water supply stops. This will not only make the puddle on the floor smaller, but also protect the user from an accident.
- Protection against opening the hatch during washing. Almost any SMA can boast of this function. To do this, manufacturers build in special interlocks that securely fix the hatch door, preventing it from opening until the end of the wash cycle.
- Child protection. Not all models have this feature: check this question if you have children. The essence of the “gadget” is that the machine is unlocked only if some buttons on the control panel are pressed. It looks like locking smartphones from accidentally unlocking in your pocket. Very young children will not cope with this puzzle, which means they will not be able to open the car.
A little about modes
There is a classic list of modes that have not changed for decades, and there are modern modes that only the latest SMA models are equipped with. Some of them are really convenient, and some are just a marketing ploy to attract a buyer and make the equipment more expensive. Basically, you only need the basic programs:
- Cotton.
- Colored linen.
- Quick wash.
- Handwash.
- Delicate wash.
Everything that goes above the listed modes is not at all necessary. Of course, you need to proceed from your needs, but often modes such as “eco-super-bubble-cotton” are practically not used. If you are persuaded in a store to buy a typewriter for a couple of thousand more because of one such mode, do not listen, but take what you need. We have covered almost everything related to how to choose a washing machine. The video will also come to your aid: