Sweet and fragrant melon, along with watermelon, is a must-have summer delicacy, without which it is difficult to imagine an August feast. But not always, a beautiful melon turns out to be tasty: the aroma is not the same, there is not enough sweetness or no juiciness at all. It turns out that choosing a Torpedo melon is not so easy, because for this you need to know a few subtleties, and not just focus on the appearance of the fruit or just your intuition. In how to choose the right ripe berry, let’s try to figure it out together.
Characteristic of the variety
We love the Torpedo melon variety for its exceptional sweetness, unique aroma and juiciness. This Uzbek melon has a characteristic elongated shape and yellow skin, which is all covered with a rough mesh pattern. The variety is considered thermophilic, and the fruits in the homeland can reach a weight of 15 kg! In our latitudes, in conditions of lack of heat, you should not count on such sizes, the maximum possible fetus can be about 5 kg. The variety is late, the fruits ripen by the end of August. This is the most common reason for buying low-quality berries: everything that was sold earlier was harvested unripe and reached the desired state solely due to the use of specific substances hazardous to human health.
Video “Description”
From the video you will learn about the features of the “torpedo” melon.
How to choose
Not to mention the unique taste, melon has a host of other benefits: it improves digestion, boosts immunity, drives away depression, and even has a beneficial effect on skin condition.
In addition, even the melon diet is familiar to many, helping to quickly part with extra pounds without experiencing an exhausting feeling of hunger. But all these useful properties of the berry are available only to those lucky ones who know how to choose the right ripe melon. So, let’s begin to reveal the “melon” secrets:
- skin color and condition. This variety is characterized by a light yellow hue of the peel, with a fine mesh pattern. At the same time, the entire cobweb must also be yellow, those fruits in which it has a greenish tint are probably still immature. Of great importance is the number of longitudinal grooves, the more there are, the better the taste of the melon will be. On the surface of the fruit there can be no damage – spots or cracks. The former are a clear sign that the berry has already begun to deteriorate, the latter indicate that it is overripe, and are also a means of getting dust, dirt or infection into the pulp;
- fruit density. A quality melon will be quite dense and firm. Excessive softness of the fruit will indicate that it has overripe on the field or has already begun to wither inside. You should also not choose too hard specimens, they may be immature;
- aroma. If the melon smells good, you will immediately feel it. Feel free to smell the selected berry, because if the melon looks perfect, but does not smell at all, it will certainly not be sweet;
- tail condition. If the fruit ripened correctly and was plucked in time, then its stalk will definitely be dry. A missing or green tail almost always indicates immaturity;
- nose state. This is the opposite end of the fruit, which is a trace from the flower. Lightly press on the melon in this place: a too hard “nose” indicates that the melon is not ripe, and a soft one is eloquent evidence of the opposite situation;
- pulp. A good melon should be white, firm and juicy. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that you will be able to evaluate this characteristic when buying (you, of course, remember that in no case should you buy cut fruits?), but at home, putting fragrant slices on the table, you will probably decide whether to return to this seller again;
- purchase time. No matter how much you love melons, refrain from buying this berry before the second half of August, at least the Torpedo variety. Otherwise, instead of a unique taste and benefit, you run the risk of getting a horse dose of nitrates, which are unlikely to have a beneficial effect on the body.
Where to buy
First of all, you can not buy melons in places located in close proximity to the roadway, as well as those that are sold directly from the ground. Fruits are distinguished by the ability to quickly absorb toxins, heavy metals and other harmful substances.
It is best to buy sweet berries in specialized places – officially equipped markets or supermarkets. It will not be superfluous to also require the seller to present a quality certificate and a laboratory conclusion on the conformity of the goods to established standards.
If the seller reacts negatively to such a request or tells a story about the benefits of melons, it is better to immediately go somewhere else. As already mentioned, you can’t buy cut fruits or ask the seller to do this with the selected specimen: after all, you have no confidence that the seller’s hands and knife are perfectly clean, and while you bring such a berry home, it will surely be saturated with dust and other toxic substances .
That’s all the simple rules that will help you not to make a mistake in choosing a good, sweet and fragrant melon, which will give you a lot of pleasure, and will not become a threat to health. Choose your melons carefully, feel free to pay maximum attention to the process, and then the title of an expert in ripe, tasty and fragrant melons is guaranteed to you, not to mention the fact that you will always feast on only the best melons.
Video “How to choose”
From the video you will learn how to choose a ripe melon.
Author: Svetlana Galitsina