One of the conditions for normal living conditions is a properly functioning bath and toilet, and the main thing is normally working plumbing fixtures. One of the key points is the correct selection of plumbing. This article will discuss how and which toilet to choose.
Installation method
First of all, you need to choose a toilet according to the installation method. They are floor mounted and mounted. Floor models are classics of the genre, familiar to everyone since childhood, it is only worth recalling that there are also corner models – they are often forgotten. Hanging toilet bowls appeared with us not so long ago, they differ in that they are attached to a steel frame, which is hidden behind a false wall. A flush tank is installed on the same frame behind the wall, cold water supply pipes and sewer pipes are located below. This frame is usually called an installation.
A toilet bowl with an installation is certainly more aesthetically pleasing – only the bowl is visible, which “hangs” on the wall. This installation method makes cleaning easier – the floor is free, and the hanging bowl is easy to clean. Minus – you have to fence off part of the room – you need to retreat about 30 cm from the main wall, and this is not always possible. But behind this wall you can place the wiring of pipes and other communications. There is one more feature – installation work is somewhat more complicated, the price for the services of plumbers is much higher, although you can also handle it yourself.
So, according to this parameter, the choice of a toilet bowl is determined mainly by the size of the toilet or combined bathroom, as well as your preferences.
Read about how to install a toilet with your own hands here.
What materials are they made from
The most common are porcelain and faience toilet bowls, but these are far from the only materials from which they are made. There are also natural and artificial stones. Products made of natural stone are very beautiful, quite hygienic – the stone is polished to obtain an absolutely smooth surface, so it is easy to take care of the products. But stone toilet bowls weigh a lot, are sooo expensive, and they also do not tolerate shock loads – they can crack.
Toilets made of artificial stone are made from composite compositions, which include crumbs or dust of natural minerals. Outwardly, they differ little from stone ones, but the cost is much lower, while the decorative effect is at its best, so this is a good option for those who like non-standard solutions.
Metal toilet bowls also belong to the exotic category. They are made of stainless steel, which makes them almost eternal. The disadvantage is a considerable price, a small assortment. It is also worth considering that their non-standard appearance should fit into the environment.
So it turns out that you have to choose a toilet from two materials – porcelain or faience. What material is better? Definitely porcelain. Its surface is less porous, smoother, it leaves fewer traces, almost no plaque remains. Porcelain toilet bowls are easier to care for, their surface looks white and shiny even after many years. Earthenware is much cheaper, but its surface is not as smooth, and the color is usually “not so white.” So if you choose which is better faience or porcelain for the toilet – take porcelain.
Types of toilet bowls
The comfort of using the toilet is largely determined by the shape of the bowl. There are three types of bowls:
- poppet;
- visor;
- funnel-shaped.
a brief description of
Pan-type toilets are so named because the drain hole is shifted forward, and the bowl has a flattened bottom, similar to a shelf or plate. Hence the name – dish-shaped, sometimes they also call this species called “with a shelf.”
With this structure, the waste remains on the ledge, washed off when the water is drained. It is this design that, when waste falls, it can spray, which is very unpleasant. If you have such a problem, you can solve it by setting the drain – make the water pressure less.
Even more likely to get spatter from Funnelbeaks. In them, the drain hole is located almost in the middle. The smell with this structure is minimal – the excrement immediately falls into the water, there are almost no traces on the surface, when the water is lowered, everything is finally cleared. But when the waste falls, splashes and splashes are a very common occurrence.
Absolutely no splashes are usually dispensed with in canopy toilets. Their drain is shifted forward, and the back wall of the bowl is even or even slightly curved. Once on it, the waste slides, so there really is no splash, but traces remain, and the smell is more noticeable. Traces, even when the water is drained, do not always disappear, you have to help with a brush.
Therefore, if you want to have less splashes, it’s easy to choose a toilet bowl – the optimal shape of the visor bowl,
What is an anti-splash system
When communicating with sellers in stores, they will begin to tell you about the anti-splash system. In fact, the whole system is a narrow drain hole with rounded edges and a low water level in the bowl.
With the dimensions of the drain hole, everything is quite simple – you can evaluate it visually, but how to understand to what level the water will be drawn? You need to look at the outlet of the toilet (rear pipe). The water will be at the level of its lower edge. Another option is to consider the scheme in the technical catalog. All dimensions are affixed there, including the water level (marked with a red arrow in the photo).
Another characteristic sign that there will be no splash is an off-center drain hole. This is perhaps the most important feature.
What to do if the toilet is standing, but there are splashes. There are two ways out – to move relative to the drain hole or to preliminarily throw several pieces of toilet paper there.
Types of drain (how water moves)
To decide which toilet drain is better, consider the features of each. There are three drain systems:
- direct (cascade, horizontal);
- circular:
- circular straight line;
- circular twisted.
With direct draining, water is discharged in a powerful stream from the drain hole of the tank. At the same time, it covers about half the volume of the bowl, but in the most polluted part there is a powerful stream. Such a system is typical for all models that were produced in the USSR. The disadvantage is that half of the bowl is not washed, you have to clean it with a brush.
A circular flush is distinguished by the fact that the edge of the bowl is made in the form of a groove, in which holes are located according to a certain pattern. When flushing, water enters this gutter, spreads around the entire circumference, entering the bowl through the holes. Differs in more uniform distribution of water, quieter work. Such a flush is more rational, but there is a solid minus – the possibility of overgrowing small holes.
Choosing a toilet on this basis is also simple – a circular flush is better. Just pay attention to the fact that the bezel is ceramic and does not have plastic inserts. If there are plastic elements, this is only an imitation of a circular flush, which works no better than a straight one. And flush toilets are expensive, and such a discovery is very unpleasant.
Release type
The type of toilet outlet (rear outlet) is determined by the position of the sewer outlet to which it is to be connected. Different releases do not give any advantages. Therefore, the choice of a toilet bowl in this case is simple – you need to put one that fits your sewer.
There are three types of release:
- Horizontal. From the name it is clear – it is parallel to the plane of the floor. This type of toilet is suitable if the sewer outlet is at a level of 10-15 cm above the floor.
- Vertical. The drain hole goes down. This type is installed if the sewer is hidden in the floor and its outlet is directed upwards.
- Oblique release. It is convenient to connect these models if the sewer pipe is at floor level or slightly higher. Just keep in mind that the angle of inclination can be different – 30°, 40°, 60°, 75°. Choose the one that will best fit.
The choice of a toilet bowl is also simple in that case – it depends on how the sewer pipe is located. If you have an old device, you are not going to change the sewer, it’s still easier – the new one should have the same release.
Kind of bum
The tank in the floor toilet can be of four types:
- Compact. The tank is attached to a special ledge-shelf, there are models with ledges on the tank, with which they are connected to the bowl. Advantage – the tank can be easily replaced, disadvantage – leakage is possible at the junction with the bowl. Tanks of this type are usually rectangular and angular in shape.
- Monoblock. In such a toilet, the tank and the bowl are a single whole, there simply cannot be leaks. The disadvantage is that if damaged, you will have to change the entire structure.
- Remote tank (high and medium). The water tank is mounted on the wall at various heights. It connects to the bowl with a pipe. This design can be considered a classic, the disadvantages are the possibility of leakage at the joints.
Types of tanks for floor toilets
It is difficult to decide which toilet bowl is better in this case. All have their pros and cons. We can only say that the more popular model is the compact. Separately, the bowl and tank are easier to transport than a monolithic structure.
Toilet fittings
There are two types of fittings in the toilet – for collecting and draining water. This is the part that you should not save on, because the comfort of using the device largely depends on how well the water drain works. The good news is that these devices can be changed at any time, and you can do it yourself, and the bad news is that good toilet fittings cost decent money.
There are two drain systems – lever and with a button. Lever flush toilets have a small lever on the side of the tank. To drain the water, you need to press this lever. The device is simple and clear, easy to configure and repair. The downside is that you can not adjust the amount of water that goes down at a time – the entire tank always leaves. At current water prices, this is unreasonable.
Push-button flush toilets have a button on the lid. It can work in different ways:
- Water flows as long as the button is pressed. On the one hand, it’s good – it is possible to control the amount of water. On the other hand, standing and holding the button is not very fun.
- When the button is pressed, the entire volume is drained. The disadvantages are obvious.
- Flushing system with two buttons. Reinforcement of this type is more complex, and therefore more expensive. But it is possible to dump half of the amount of water or completely the entire volume.
How to choose a toilet on this basis? Just based on personal preference. The only rule is to trust trusted brands. Maybe inexpensive, but well-known, which have been on the market for several years.
Additional functions
Modern technologies make our life more and more comfortable, and toilet bowls have not bypassed innovations. There are models with various additional features. One of the most popular is the bidet toilet. Sprinklers are built into the bowl or seat (there are some) that, on command, leave and pour warm water. The temperature is set from the control panel, which is usually located on the side.
Other interesting features include heating and lighting. How much backlighting is needed is a moot point, but heating the toilet rim can be pleasant in winter.
Interesting models: photo
Surely you will not be surprised if you find out that designers take part in the development of toilet bowls – their forms are very unusual. If earlier it was easy to choose a toilet bowl – it’s good if there were five models, today it’s very difficult to choose from hundreds and thousands. But you can find plumbing, decorated in a certain style – from classic to modern or high-tech. Photos of some interesting models from the point of view of design will be posted below.