How to choose a section for a child according to the zodiac sign

How to choose a section for a child according to the zodiac sign

Most often, parents select additional activities for the baby through trial and error. And this is generally correct. But what if the recommendations of astrologers will help shorten this path?

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Aries are small, multiply charged firecrackers. If you see a child roaring on the floor in a mall, then this is most likely him: Aries are real champions in tantrums. These kids love cars, swing, skate and ski. They also love educational toys and puzzles.

The best section for a little Aries – acting courses, vocal studio, dance club, school of leaders. He loves to be in the spotlight, so the chances of becoming a real star are great.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Taurus is an extremely hardy, calm, strong and … inclined to be lazy sign. Taurus love mechanical toys and swings because they require a minimum of effort on their part. And these kids are also very musical, so they will learn to play drums, pianos, rattles, pots – in general, you will find where to adapt this energy.

As for sports, the stars recommend those kinds of kicks and kicks for Taurus: football, softball, boxing, martial arts. Team sports, on the one hand, discipline Taurus, on the other hand, they enrage, because they cannot stand it when someone breaks the rules.

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

They are incredibly outgoing kids. These chatters may even come up with their own language, teach it to their imaginary friend, and chat day and night. Therefore, starting to teach him a second language from early childhood is a good choice. Gemini are very fond of drawing attention to themselves, and they are also very artistic, happy to try on different roles. A theater club with many of their peers is an excellent choice.

As for toys, Gemini is crazy about electronics. Keep them away from the computer – these kids can stick to the screen for days.

Cancer toddlers can be shy and even withdrawn. The ideal environment for them is a nursery full of toys and dolls with which they can act out whole performances. Or even a kitchen where they have their own skillet and pot and can play chef. Team sports and social games rarely appeal to Cancers. But mugs where you can do needlework, you may like it. Draw, sculpt, weave, sew, glue and assemble – there are many possibilities, the choice is wide.

Leo (July 23 – August 21)

Little Lions are capable of rolling any mother into a zombie state. Their energy knows no boundaries. Therefore, sport is vital for them. Team species are especially well suited: through strict rules and the development of skills to interact with each other, Lions learn to restrain their overbearing character. Hiking, expeditions are a great kind of family leisure that will help to throw out the energy of Leo.

Leo’s creativity is nourished by acting classes, modeling, drawing, any free creativity. Coloring pages are not for them. Lions want to create, and not complete what someone started.

Virgo (August 22 – September 23)

It may seem that these are very calm and even indifferent children, but this is not so: little Virgos absorb everything that is happening around. They love to help, so turn household chores into games – and you will be an assistant. Virgos need toys that will help them occupy their keen minds: puzzles or construction sets.

As for sports, here Virgos have no special preferences, if only the activities fit into their daily routine – Virgos are very fond of stability, regimen and routine. Gymnastics and dancing, swimming and fencing – try to offer the Virgo babies something from this list.

Libra (September 24 – October 23)

Libra kids are very addicting children. It doesn’t matter what they are playing, it is important to smoothly bring them to the end of the lesson: remind them in 15 minutes that it is time to wrap up, then again and again. Otherwise, they can sit down to their interesting affairs until late at night. They are also interested in complex constructors, musical toys. Libra loves dress-up parties, so an acting studio or drama club may well appeal to them.

Libra is not very fond of physical activity; it may be more interesting for them to teach how to play the piano. But they are very worried about beauty. For her sake, they are able to achieve great success in dancing, athletics, swimming and other sports that not only develop physically, but are also aesthetic.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

These kids are completely unpredictable and very talented. They love water and do not like sports where you need to compete with each other, teamwork is more suitable for them. Swimming, even synchronized swimming, is perfect for them. Like basketball, volleyball is not the most aggressive sports where teamwork is important.

They like the most different toys. Firstly, musical – if they are not there, Scorpios will play on pots. Secondly, they will also like the Young Doctor sets, a toy kitchen, dolls that can be dressed up. And also modeling and drawing. But wrap the whole Scorpio in an apron, he loves to get dirty!

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 22)

Sagittarians love to learn and try new things. Today he is learning to blow bubbles, tomorrow he is arranging a garden in the sandbox, the day after tomorrow he is laying a new channel for a stream in the yard. Don’t try to dress up a Sagittarius with a glamorous doll, he loves to explore the world too much by touch. If you are lucky enough to find a circle like “Young Naturalist” that we were in our childhood, it will be perfect. If not, now there are centers for young biologists, zoologists, where you can take care of animals and plants and study them at the same time.

Capricorn (December 23 – January 20)

Little Capricorns behave almost like adults. They love companies of different ages, outings, playgrounds. Team sports are perfect for them – due to their sociable nature and leadership qualities, Capricorns often become captains.

In addition, Capricorns have good programming skills and everything related to the IT sphere. And very little Capricorns like puzzles and puzzles. They even tinker with sorters with pleasure.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)

Aquarians love magic. That’s why they love the game of hide and seek, and it’s really addictive! Older children will enjoy fiddling with sets of the “Young Chemist” type. They have a very developed imagination, so they often write stories and fairy tales.

And in sports, these children are real daredevils. Kitesurfing, diving, parachuting – nothing is impossible for them. Try to take your little one with you to the trampoline center or climbing wall: he will surely enjoy jumping, running and climbing.

Fish (February 20 – March 20)

Creative and compassionate, Pisces needs a well-organized daily routine. Otherwise, they quickly get tired and irritable. They lend themselves easily to the magical effects of computers and televisions, so make sure they do not sit in front of the screen for too long. Watermark – Pisces enjoy swimming, and going to the beach is one of their favorite pastimes.

As for creativity, Pisces likes to make applications, assemble and disassemble constructors. They will also be happy to help you bake cookies or even make soup.

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