How to choose a ripe pomegranate: right, when buying in a store, sweet

How to choose a ripe pomegranate: right, when buying in a store, sweet

Pomegranate is a very healthy fruit. It strengthens the immune system, which is important in the autumn-winter period, and maintains the level of hemoglobin in the blood. There are several secrets on how to choose a ripe pomegranate. Only ripe fruit brings benefits, so you should not neglect the advice.

What to look for when buying a pomegranate in a store

The pomegranate is covered with a dense shell on top, so it can be quite difficult to figure out what is inside it. And relying on the recommendations of the sellers is not always correct.

Choosing a ripe pomegranate is not as difficult as it seems.

Ripe pomegranate is always resilient. If the fruit is too hard to touch or soft, dents remain in it, it is better to refuse to purchase. Such fruit will be unripe or spoiled. Only ripe fruit is kept in the refrigerator for several months.

To choose a mature fruit, it is enough to evaluate its external characteristics:

  • the color of the peel and its condition;
  • the size.

The peel of a ripe fruit is always bright, well-colored, and can be dark in color. There are no cracks or damage on it, it is moderately dry. Light skin tone, spots and other damage indicate the immaturity of the fetus. And they have nothing to do with varietal characteristics.

Mature pomegranates are heavier and larger. Take two fruits and hold them in your hands. Choose the one that meets all the specifications. A light fruit will be unripe.

Pay particular attention to the tip of the pomegranate, i.e. its inflorescence. It should be dry, dark in color, free from greens, fully ripe.

How to choose the right sweet pomegranate

The pomegranate fills with juice as it ripens. Unripe fruit will always be dry and sour. And overripe fruit is most likely spoiled, its juice with an unpleasant aftertaste.

More juicy and sweeter seeds are found in larger fruits. You can determine which grains are inside by the sound that the fruit makes when tapped.

Turkish pomegranate is considered juicy and tasty, it quickly ripens and pours

Tap the skin lightly with the tip of your index finger. If the sound is dull, then the fruit is immature, its seeds are sour, they have little juice. With the appearance of dents and a muffled sound, it can be concluded that the grenade is overripe. It is no longer worth buying. Delicious ripe fruit makes a ringing sound, as it contains a lot of juice.

When choosing a pomegranate, take your time with the purchase. Carefully examine the fruit, touch it, ask where it came from, only then draw conclusions. Do not listen to the advice of the seller, they will not always turn out to be practical.

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