How to choose a ripe persimmon, the benefits and harms of persimmons, how to accelerate the ripening of persimmons

How to choose a ripe persimmon, the benefits and harms of persimmons, how to accelerate the ripening of persimmons

Signs of ripeness and simple ways to eliminate astringent taste – in the instructions from

Food of the gods – this is how the name of persimmon is translated from Latin. And it is no coincidence. It surpasses apples in sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese and iron content. This fruit has twice the amount of dietary fiber. Persimmons are very nutritious due to glucose and sucrose, which is why these fruits are not recommended for people with diabetes and obesity. It contains a lot of vitamin C, provitamin A, P and iodine.

“Persimmon contains a lot of tannins (plant compounds) – hence its astringent properties. They also have another effect – fixing. Therefore, unless you suffer from diarrhea, it is really not worth eating a lot of it, otherwise there will be problems of the opposite order, ”explains Mikhail Vorobiev, biologist, agronomist.

This fruit has a diuretic effect, strengthens blood vessels and heart muscle, calms the nervous system. Eating these fruits prevents iron and iodine deficiency in the body, prevents the formation of kidney stones. “Food of the Gods” is strongly recommended for pregnant women. It has tonic properties, improves appetite, and increases efficiency.

In addition, persimmons are high in beta-carotene, which plays an important role in the prevention of lung cancer.

Persimmon trees live for 500 years

Unripe persimmons contain tannins, and they provide the fruit with an astringent taste. Ripe fruits are easy to identify by sight and touch. They are soft and translucent, with a dry stalk.

Such persimmons have a jelly-like flesh, a dark thin skin that is easy to press.

If you see a “kinglet” on the price tag, take it without hesitation. Despite the unprepossessing appearance – small, spherical, the fruits of this persimmon variety are practically not astringent, they are sweet, even if they are not ripe. “Kinglet”, as a rule, is dark orange in color with brown flesh (for which it is also called “chocolate”). But there are also light greenish-yellow tight fruits – surprisingly, they also do not knit your mouth at all.

5 ways to help persimmons ripen

1. Put the persimmon in the freezer, after 10-15 hours, the fruits can be removed, thawed and enjoy the sweet taste. But you will have to eat such a persimmon with a spoon – after defrosting it will become very soft.

2. A gentler method: Place unripe fruits in warm water (30-40 ° C) for 10-12 hours.

3. Place the persimmons in the bag along with the apples or tomatoes. The latter release ethylene, which will help the persimmon to ripen faster. After a couple of days, the persimmon can already be eaten.

4. Prick the tight fruit with a needle dipped in alcohol, or pour alcohol over the persimmon.

5. Astringent persimmons can be wilted or dried. It will become quite edible.

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