How to choose a ripe mango in the store

Mango is an exotic fruit of any shades of yellow and red. Mango contains many vitamins and amino acids. This Asian fruit is sold in all European supermarkets, and the condition of the fruit is often poor.

Before choosing a mango, pay attention to its color, smell and condition of the skin.

The ripe and juicy mango has an attractive appearance: its skin is even, smooth and shiny. Dark, neat specks on the peel indicate the ripeness of the fruit. The color of the peel depends on the variety. Therefore, a yellow-green mango, if ripe, is in no way inferior in taste to a dark red one.

The color should be bright and saturated, not faded.

When buying a mango, pay attention to the condition of the peel and the smell:

  • gently press down on the peel with your finger. A small dent should remain. If the fruit is very soft or the skin is torn, it means that it is overripe and is already starting to deteriorate. This is also evidenced by loose skin with wrinkles. Too hard mango is simply not ripe yet and is unlikely to ripen on your windowsill;

  • smell the fruit. Ripe mango has a pleasant and sweet aroma. At the stalk, the smell intensifies, and resinous and coniferous notes slip through it. If the fruit does not smell at all, then it is immature. Too intense sour smell indicates that the fruit is overripe.

Mango shape can be any. But on sale, pear-shaped mangoes are most often found. Deformed fruits are unusable.

How to choose a mango in a store

When choosing a fruit, don’t just rely on your eyes. Be sure to come closer, carefully examine the mango, weigh it in your hand, feel it, smell it. Be sure to press lightly on the peel. Thin and flat mangoes have too little pulp and juice. Fruits should be moderately plump, full and round.

If you want to buy a mango for a few days, it is better to choose fruits with a firmer structure. Mangoes last longer in the refrigerator, less in warmth, but ripen faster.

It’s good to be able to taste the fruit before purchasing. The pulp of a ripe mango is juicy and fibrous, easily separated from the stone. The color of the pulp ranges from yellow to orange. The fruit tastes like a combination of peach, melon and apricot. The unripe fruit has a hard flesh and poor taste. Overripe mango tastes the same as pumpkin porridge.

Now you know how to choose a mango. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of feasting on this healthy and tasty fruit from time to time.

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