How to choose a petrol grass trimmer

A trimmer is a tool for cutting grass by hand. It is useful to owners of private houses, summer residents, rural residents. The popularity of the tool is due to its compactness, grass cutting efficiency and simple operation. To choose the right gasoline grass trimmer, you need to understand where it will be used and how often.

Gasoline trimmers are the most common tool for private owners, summer residents and public utilities

Let’s look at what trimmers are and their purpose.

Types of trimmers

Devices differ in such parameters as: engine type, power, rod shape, etc. The main difference is the type of engine used. There are two types of motors for mowers:

  1. Gasoline. 1.1. 2-stroke. 1.2. 4-stroke.
  2. Electric. 2.1. Network. Work from a network of 220 volts. 2.2. Rechargeable.

In the article, we will consider only gasoline options.

Gasoline trimmer device

The main structural elements of the trimmer are:

  1. Engine.
  2. Gas tank.
  3. Starter. Needed to start the engine.
  4. Bracket for attaching the belt.
  5. Barbell.
  6. Handle with controls.
  7. Reducer. Transfers the rotation of the shaft to the nozzle.
  8. Casing. Protects from flying grass and stones.
  9. Nozzle. Mounted on the output shaft of the gearbox.
The main elements of the trimmer

It is worth understanding the trimmer device in order to distinguish between the models presented in the store and to detect breakdowns if the device fails.

Collapsible models

The length of the mower bar is about two meters. It is inconvenient to transport it in a car, so if transportation is necessary, it is better to purchase a trimmer with a collapsible bar. It is divided in half by pressing the latch. It should be borne in mind that additional complication reduces reliability.

Collapsible trimmer for easy storage and transportation

Selection by characteristics

When choosing a trimmer, it is important to evaluate it according to several parameters. In the future, when cleaning the yard or garden, choosing the right tool will extend its life and make your work easier. So, before buying, please note:

  • Engine’s type.
  • Power.
  • Rod and type of drive shaft.
  • Lever.
  • Nozzle.
  • Mount.

Petrol trimmers are equipped with 2-stroke or 4-stroke engines.

Two-stroke – cheaper, run on gasoline mixed with oil. The noise level is high. The duration of continuous operation depends on the power.

Four stroke trimmers more expensive, the motor runs quieter and does not smoke. Need oil for lubrication. But since the engine is 4-stroke, you do not have to dilute the gasoline mixture. Suitable for long work.

Trimmer power

Power trimmers are divided into three types. The scope of their application depends on it:

  1. Professional. They are sometimes called brush cutters. Power from 2,5 HP Used by management companies, utilities. Such a device will cope with the growth of burdock or hogweed, small trees. The tool is designed for long-term use. Cons – weight up to 12 kg and high price.
  2. Semi-professional. Power from 1,5 to 2,5 liters. With. and continuous operation time up to 5 hours. Suitable for working on a neglected uneven area, mowing weeds, tall grass, hay making. Weight and cost are average, parts are high quality.
  3. Household. Low power, up to 1,5 liters. With. and running time up to 2 hours. Lightweight, manoeuvrable devices for lawn care and small summer cottages. They cut low grass, a young lawn. The device must not be used on large weeds – this will lead to overheating of the engine.

Bar shape

The bar is a trimmer frame that connects all the elements. Inside is a drive that connects the engine with a rotating head.

The motor is connected to the gearbox by a rigid or flexible shaft. The choice of a gasoline trimmer with a straight bar and a rigid shaft will allow not only to mow the grass, but also to cut down shrubs, branches, young trees up to 7 cm thick.

Curved rod head, easy to position parallel to the ground. The cut from it is even, like from a lawn mower on wheels. The disadvantage of a bent rod is that there is a flexible drive inside. It deforms when working with hard shrubs or undergrowth and may break. It is used on low-power household models.

Bison TB 250

Control knob

The handles are attached to the bar. They are of three types:

  1. D-shaped. Typical for compact household models. The owner holds the trimmer like a shovel, which allows you to evenly cut bushes, flower beds and areas with difficult terrain. Minus – hands get tired quickly.
  2. U-shaped. Reminds me of a bicycle wheel. Suitable for long term work. With them, it will be possible to mow a patch of grass with a width of about 2 meters in one movement.
  3. V-shaped. They have the same pros and cons as U-shaped.

Work tool

Permitted mowing attachments are indicated in the instructions. Do not neglect the indicated data. An increased load on the shaft, gearbox and engine will lead to premature failure of the trimmer. Types of nozzles for mowing grass:

  1. Fishing line. It is used only for cutting the lawn, burdock, cow parsnip. The thickness of the fishing line is selected in accordance with the characteristics of the grass.
  2. Knives. They are plastic and metal. They can mow the lawn, trim the bushes and large grass.
  3. saw blades. Suitable for professional tools. Cope with young trees and neglected areas.
Popular trimmer attachments: line head, 3-blade blade, disc

All three types of nozzles can be included in the kit, but it is permissible to buy separately, making sure that they are compatible with the trimmer.


A petrol trimmer weighs 4-12 kg, and with a large area it is difficult to hold it in your hands for several hours. The task of holding is performed by special belts.

A shoulder strap is standard on many models. If this option does not suit you, then you should look at the knapsack mounts for the trimmer with two straps, a waist belt and a shield to protect the thigh. The fixture is adjustable, and the tool is easily removed and clings to the structure.

Backpack fastening makes it easier to work with the trimmer

Other Features

Some models are equipped with optional features that greatly facilitate operation.

The anti-vibration system facilitates long-term work. Shock absorbers dampen vibration, making the wearer less tired.

Various accessories will come in handy: a face shield, goggles, a measuring cup for mixing gasoline with oil. They are included or purchased separately.

The difference between a lawnmower and a trimmer

In principle, this is the same device – a trimmer. Translated from English trim – trim, crop. But originally this name was used in relation to a manual mower with a fishing line.

With the increase in engine power, it became possible to use various nozzles: discs, saws, blowers for working in the garden or in other areas. Such devices began to be called scythes.

Interchangeable tools expand the possibilities of the trimmer

Advantages and disadvantages

The question: “which trimmer is better: gasoline, battery or electric” is wrong. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Of course, a gasoline spit is universal: independence from external devices, duration of work, mobility – all this makes it stand out. However, is there any need to overpay twice for a gasoline model when you need to mow a lawn with grass of 1 acre near the house. In this case, an electric model of low power is enough, because it is cheaper than a gasoline one.

Electric or petrol

Electric scythes are much cheaper, but summer residents still choose gasoline models, because they can work not only close to the outlet. There is no wire that gets tangled underfoot and cut by tools.

Another difference is power. Electric models are usually weaker, they are more suitable for cutting sparse lawn grass. Electric trimmers have two obvious advantages: they are lighter and more economical.

Electric trimmer Parma ET-1500N with a power of 1200 watts

There are also quite powerful electric models, for example, Huter GET 1700B, with a power of 1700 watts.

Petrol or battery

Battery trimmers are more convenient than electric trimmers, as they are not connected to the network. However, they are heavier, more expensive, limited in power and operating time without recharging. They cannot be used in the rain.

Benzokosoy will be able to process a large area overgrown with large weeds. The disadvantage of gasoline trimmers is that they need fuel and oil to work, they are heavier, they make more noise.

Trimmer Makita DUR181RF with battery and charging station

Petrol trimmer or gas lawn mower

The main difference between the tools is that the trimmer must be held in hand. It is compact, so it can be stored anywhere and fit in a car. Suitable for cutting grass in difficult areas, including around trees or between beds. The cost is relatively low.

The lawn mower is more powerful, allows you to process a huge area. It is more suitable for trimming the lawn, as it maintains a uniform grass height throughout the area. Cut plants do not scatter in different directions, but remain in the container. Cons – high cost, inability to work on uneven terrain, bulkiness.

Thus, the tools are designed for different purposes. A lawn mower is needed to create a beautiful lawn. Trimmer – for hedge care, cutting weeds on uneven surfaces.

A lawn mower is the best option for large, flat surfaces.

In general, gas trimmers are in the greatest demand, but a couple of tools can come in handy for a summer resident.

Selection by manufacturers

Many, even before the purchase, decided which company to choose a gasoline trimmer. In this choice, the advice of friends, acquaintances and the Internet play a role. The durability of the device, maintenance, availability of replacement parts depends on the manufacturer. We also associate the reliability of the device with the brand. The most reliable gasoline trimmers are equipment from companies:

  • Visible.
  • ECHO.
  • STIHL.
  • Husqvarna.
  • Patriot.
  • Champion.
  • Partner.
  • forward.
  • Oil Mac.
  • Zubr and others.

When choosing, it is worth studying customer reviews, it is better to buy in specialized stores. Managers will let you hold the tool in your hands and make sure it is in good condition, as well as correctly fill out warranty cards. In addition, they usually have their own service center.

In order for the device to last as long as possible, it must be serviced in a timely manner: replace filters, candles, lubricate the gearbox.

Repair kit for service trimmer STIHL FS38

Popular brands of summer residents are “Champion” and “Patriot”. Pros: Quality build. “Champion” is valued for low fuel consumption and wear-resistant parts.

It cannot be said which is better: the Champion or Patriot trimmer. Comparison is made between specific models. For example, CHAMPION T433-2 and PATRIOT PT 555. They are almost identical in terms of characteristics, but Champion has a higher user rating.

Light trimmers

The weight of the lawn mower varies from 4 to 12 kg. Models up to 6 kg are called light, such trimmers are suitable for women and pensioners who cannot manage a bulky device for a long time. The weight of the tool is affected by:

  1. Motor type and power. 2-stroke products are preferred.
  2. Launch system. Petrol trimmers with an electric starter are more convenient to start. This trimmer can be recommended for women. Instead of the jerks of a mechanical starter, it is enough to press the “Start” button to start the engine. But they are heavier because of the starter and battery.
    Electric start of the engine of the model Parma Praktik BTK-0333
  3. Volume of the tank. There are small models with a tank that can hold only 350 ml. They are lighter, but lead to frequent refueling stops.

The table shows the lightest models.

NameWeight, kgPower l / s
ECHO GT-22GES4.30.91
Husqvarna 122C4.40.8
MOBILE K XT142C4.391
SEE EM2500U4.51
Oleo-Mac SPARTA4.51

Light petrol trimmers include: Husqvarna 524R, STIHL FS 131, STIHL FS 94 CE and PATRIOT PT 3055 Imperial. They are slightly heavier, but weigh no more than 6 kilograms.

Cheap models

The lowest price is typical for household trimmers. Usually these are Chinese or Russian lawn mowers with a capacity of up to 1,5 liters. With. and weighing up to 8 kg. More often they are equipped with only one nozzle with fishing line.

Here are some of the cheapest petrol trimmers with high user ratings:

  1. PATRIOT PT 3555 ES COUNTRY. Power – 1,8 liters. With. Easy start, anti-vibration system. As attachments, a knife with four blades and a fishing line are used.
  2. HUTER GGT-1500T. 2-stroke engine with a capacity of 2 liters. With. Rugged construction with non-separable stem. Includes a fishing line and a three-bladed knife.
  3. CHAMPION T333-2. Engine 1,22 l. With. The bar is disassembled. Knife with three blades and fishing line.
Inexpensive gasoline trimmer Huter GGT-1500S with a collapsible bar

When choosing a budget gas trimmer, remember the value for money. Goods from unknown Chinese manufacturers are cheaper, but such a device may break down after the first start.

Trimmer for giving

For a summer residence, a household or semi-professional lawn mower is suitable. To choose the right gasoline garden trimmer, pay attention to a couple of data:

  1. Power. With regular lawn mowing, the grass does not have time to grow and 700–800 W is enough to mow it, for example, Stiga SBC 226 JD, Husqvarna 122C. If you rarely visit the country house and the garden has time to fall into disrepair, then you will need a tool with a power of 1000 watts or more.
  2. Mowing width. For a lawn, you need about 45 cm, and for mowing the space between the beds – 25–35 cm.
With a large distance between the beds, the mowing width of the trimmer can be any

Also, when choosing, it is worth evaluating ergonomics. The straps must be adjustable. It’s a good idea to hold the device in your hands before buying.

Hazelnut or knife

Fishing line – This is the most popular nozzle. Its advantages:

  • low price;
  • simple replacement.

Cons – sensitivity to collision with hard surfaces. At the same time, consumption increases sharply. It is also not suitable for pruning bushes.

Нож – devoid of these shortcomings, with its help it will be possible to trim the green hedge or prepare fodder for livestock. At the same time, a trimmer with a metal knife is vulnerable to solid objects that accidentally get in the way: stones, tree trunks. Collision may result in breakage of the shaft or gearbox.

Both nozzles have their drawbacks, you should choose the one that meets your goals. If we are talking about a cottage with a soft lawn, then you can not overpay for the purchase of a disk and limit yourself to fishing line.


We have considered all the issues that you should pay attention to when choosing a gas trimmer. In conclusion, we want to note that you should not rush to buy – evaluate the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbwork, their nature – based on them, choose a tool. Watch a helpful video about choosing a trimmer from a store consultant.

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