How to choose a microwave so that it meets your needs and does not cause negative emotions? Reading the reviews, it is easy to see: problems with the operation of microwave ovens arise if buyers are tempted by a low price or a beautiful design. In order for a real assistant to appear in the kitchen, and not a source of trouble, you need to approach the choice of a microwave in terms of real quality and desired parameters.
Top Rated
The history of the microwave oven begins in 1945, when a certain Percy Spencer patented his invention. It turned out that electromagnetic microwaves can be used to heat food. In those days, a microwave oven looked like a cabinet and weighed 300 kg. Today, no one would agree to place such equipment in their kitchen: consumers value compactness, reliability and functionality.
Since the market is replete with offers, understanding a product is a whole science. Microwave ovens are presented by manufacturers from Germany, Russia, Slovenia, Korea, and China. Trademarks are consistently leaders in quality ratings and consumer demand Samsung, Bosch, Daewoo, Siemens, Hansa.
How to check security
Before going on sale, the equipment is subjected to serious testing. Among the main checks is safety. When buying a microwave for your home, it is important to make sure that it does not harm your health. The following signs are considered to be a confirmation of safety:
- the doors have a special grid that protects people from microwaves;
- there is a trap in the device that does not allow electromagnetic pulses to leak out.
The quality of the door mechanism is the object of special attention of developers. All stoves are tested for radiation levels before being sold. This parameter can be checked by yourself using a mobile phone. Putting the phone in the cell and slamming the door, call: if the call goes through, it is poorly protected from radiation leakage. A good microwave oven will not receive calls.
Important! Do not try to turn on the stove during the experiment, otherwise you will lose both your mobile phone and the microwave.
How much do they cost
Microwave ovens of different price ranges are presented at the choice of buyers – the functionality, power and quality of equipment depend on it. The market offers models:
- Up to 3 rubles. The simplest stoves designed to heat food. They are also called solo.
- Up to 8 rubles. Much better than the previous ones: more powerful, faster to cope with the tasks. They have wider functionality.
- From 8 000 rub. Lots of features. But practice shows that a small number of owners use all the opportunities offered.
To choose the best technique and not overpay for unnecessary functions, decide in advance on your needs.
Which one to choose
There are three types of microwaves:
- Microwave. Designed for heating and defrosting. Primitive version.
- Microwaves and grill. Allows you to cook interesting and tasty dishes. The grill can be quartz or heating element. The location of the heating elements can be different: from above or, with two heaters, from above and below. In the latter case, more uniform heating is provided – a crisp appears on the products.
- Microwaves + grill + convection. It is possible to prepare the most complex culinary dishes. Modes can be used individually or combined. Thanks to convection, air flows are evenly distributed throughout the chamber. If you are looking for a super oven with luxurious functionality and unlimited possibilities, this option is for you.
Important! In the combined triple mode, the food turns out as if it was cooked in the oven. But there is another plus – there is no heat, like from an oven, which is especially important in summer.
Basic Microwave Functions
Today, a microwave oven can play the role of a stove, oven, double boiler and other kitchen appliances. But the main function of the microwave oven is the heating of food, which can take place after manually setting the parameters or automatically. Most modifications are equipped with additional functionality – for baking food and baking.
What are the additional features
Some models have a certain set of additional modes. Some users are not even aware of them, others do not need them, and therefore do not use them. If you do not need auto programs and other additions to the main functionality, take the oven without them – this way you will save a considerable amount of money.
Additional options:
- Blocking. Prevents interference by children and adults who do not know how to use the device.
- Defrosting. The mode can be automatic.
- Autochef. The product is prepared on the basis of the initial data: name and weight. The power and time mode is set automatically.
- Fast cooking.
- Auto warm up.
- Self-cleaning and elimination of smells.
- Automatic maintenance of the set temperature.
How to choose the volume
The chamber should fit as many products as a family or a single person needs. The dimensions, in turn, depend on the volume of the chamber: the larger the stove, the larger and heavier. Properly selected volume will save you money and space in the kitchen.
When choosing, you need to be guided by the following ratios:
- For one person, 12-14 liters is enough.
- For 2-3 people – 17-20 liters.
- For a large family – from 30 liters.
Small ovens can reheat food or warm sandwiches for two. To prepare a full-fledged dish, you need a larger technique.
How to choose power
Most often, consumers choose microwave ovens by functionality, price, design, brand, less often by power. But in vain – the speed of work and the capabilities of technology depend on this parameter. The power of standard microwave ovens is in the range of 0,45-1,68 watts.
What tasks can be solved depending on kW:
- 0,15 – keeps food warm;
- 0,16-0,3 – defrosts food;
- 0,4-0,5 – quickly defrosts a portion of food;
- 0,56-0,7 – you can cook simple dishes, but the process takes a lot of time;
- from 0,8 – quickly warms up, you can cook food;
- 1,2 – may have a built-in grill;
- 1,35 – can be equipped with convection.
There is such a pattern: the larger the size of the model, the more powerful it is. Optimal in terms of parameters is considered equipment with a power of 0,8-1 kW.
Important! When choosing, you need to take into account the condition of the wiring – it may not withstand the load.
Types of furnaces
There are two types of devices:
- Freestanding – they are placed on countertops, on washing machines or dishwashers, hung on brackets, placed on shelves.
- The built-in model is installed in the kitchen set – in a specially designated compartment. This option allows you to save free space.
Choice of coating
The service life of the device and the safety of the owners depend on the coating of the inner chamber. The following options are offered:
- Enamel. Affordable price. Easily cleaned from food contamination and grease. Minus – low strength. Due to elevated temperatures, the enamel may crack over time.
- Stainless steel. High strength. More difficult to clean – do not use hard brushes and some detergents.
- Dye. The most affordable and most unreliable coverage. This is an option for cheap and short-lived models.
- Ceramics and bioceramics. Durable and environmentally friendly. Minimal absorption of waves – thanks to this, cooking is accelerated. The disadvantage is the high cost.
Most users are able to figure out how to operate a microwave without reading the instructions. The control panel has easy-to-understand symbols: the desired mode can be found and turned on in a matter of seconds.
There are two options:
- Mechanical control. It is carried out by two rotating handles. One set the time, the second – the power mode. Modifications with mechanical control are cheaper. Disadvantages – low accuracy of adjustment, limited functionality and complexity of maintenance – handles are difficult to clean from dirt.
- Electronic control. It is carried out using the buttons, the information is displayed on the display. Plus – high functionality and accuracy. The downside is the higher price.
How to choose the dishes
Having bought the device, do not forget to purchase special dishes. It will not take a lot of money, but it will save you from troubles during cooking. It is forbidden to put dishes from:
- crystal. It may contain lead, silver, other metals, and they do not belong in the cell. Often, crystal has edges of inhomogeneous thickness – this leads to cracking of dishes.
- Plastic. Do not use disposable utensils made of plastic or cardboard.
- Glass or porcelain, if it has a pattern in gold paint.
- Metal: copper, stainless steel, cast iron, aluminum. The food will not get warm, the microwaves will not be able to overcome the metal layer. As a result, a breakdown may occur.
It is allowed to use:
- Glassware is the best option. You need cookware made of heat-resistant, fire-resistant glass. The same is used in conventional ovens.
- Porcelain and faience without drawings.
- Glazed ceramics.
- Special types of plastic.
Important! The plastic containers are labeled with a picture of a microwave. Such containers can withstand temperatures up to 140 degrees. Plastic without special inscriptions cannot be used: when melted, it releases toxins.
Popular models in 2017
- SUPRA MWS-2102MW. Capacity – 21 l; 0,7 kW. A budget option. No extra features, no grill and convection. There is a breakdown. Mechanical type of control. Estimated cost – 3-500 rubles.
- Mystery MMW-1708. Holds 17 liters; 0,7 kW. Doesn’t work well at low power. Silver case, compact, weight – 10,5 kg. Rotary switches. There is no grill. Defrosting. Price — 4 900 rubles.
- Gorenje MO17DW. Volume – 17 l; 0,7 kW. Electronic type of control. Price – from 4 to 000 rubles.
- Hotpoint-Ariston MWHA 2422 MS. Holds up to 25 liters; 7,5 kW, grill 0,8 kW. Push button switch. Bioceramic coating. Cost – 6 600-10 400 rubles.
- Sharp R-2772RSL – the leader among solo versions. Holds 20 liters. Power – 0,8 kW, 11 levels. 8 autoprograms. Touch control. Price — 7 700 rubles.
- REDMOND RM-2502D. Volume – 25l; 1,45 kW. Grill (1,1 kW) and convection. The cost is 10 rubles.
- Bosch BFL634GS1. Capacity – 19 l; 0,9 kW. Expensive equipment: approximately 30 rubles.
- Panasonic NN-SD361M. Power – 0,95 kW. Volume – 23 liters. No grill or convection. The price is about 11 rubles.
- Siemens HF15M564. Options: 20 l; 0,8 kW. It costs up to 20 rubles.
- LG MS-2042DS – ranking leader. Characteristics: 20 l, 0,7 kW, 4 automatic defrosts. No grill or convection. The cost is up to 8 rubles.
When choosing an electrical appliance, decide how you are going to use it. Based on the goals and needs of the family, select a model of appropriate power, volume and functionality. The right approach will allow you to get what you want without spending extra money.