How to choose a method of laser vision correction?

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Wearing glasses or contact lenses can be a pain in some professions. Also athletes and people with severe visual impairments or those who do not tolerate wearing lenses also decide to undergo laser vision correction. What should you consider when choosing the right method of laser vision correction?

Who is laser vision correction for?

In most cases, vision defects are corrected with glasses or lenses. Sometimes, however, these methods can be too cumbersome. This is especially true for very large defects or for professions that require excellent eyesight (e.g. a pilot, driver, policeman, person operating machinery or performing precise activities). It also happens that the person wearing the lenses suffers from frequent conjunctivitis or has an allergy. In such cases, and sometimes also for your own convenience, you can opt for laser vision correction.

Before we set ourselves up for laser vision surgery, we must remember that the first thing we need to do is qualify for the procedure. Not everyone can undergo vision correction, and the decision is made by the doctor who conducts the tests. The procedure for correcting myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism with a laser is intended for people from 21 to 55 years of age. The upper limit is not a strict determinant, and it all depends on the degree of natural vision degradation that occurs with age.

The reason for disqualification from the procedure may be pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as chronic diseases (diabetes, thyroid diseases) and eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts).

Learn the detailed contraindications for laser vision correction.

Laser vision correction for athletes

People who practice sports professionally or as a hobby may be interested in laser vision correction, when the defect makes it difficult for them to perform the necessary activities without any problems. This applies, inter alia, to swimmers, tennis players, runners, gymnasts and weightlifters. Unfavorable external factors such as water, dust and dirt make the lenses unsatisfactory and the glasses will fall off in the run. Therefore, the solution for active people will be laser correction of the defect.

Useful information for people who practice sports: Laser vision correction and physical activity

For an athlete, the key is to choose a method that guarantees quick eye healing and minimizes the risk of complications. LASIK will be effective in the treatment of large defects – in its case, the process of eye healing is quite fast, but the risk of complications typical of deep vision correction methods increases.

Contact and extreme sports both increase the risk of injury, so they will be better in this case surface methods. They do not require the separation of the corneal flap, which may break off as a result of a sudden injury, so they increase the postoperative safety of the eye. Procedures involving the removal rather than removal of the corneal epithelium include, inter alia, PRK, LASEK, EBK and EPI-LASIK.

Laser vision correction for people with a thin cornea

Too thin a cornea does not have to be a complete contraindication to laser vision correction surgery. At least such an eye structure disqualifies from the LASIK method, this is an indication for surface surgery with complete removal of the corneal epithelium, i.e. PRK or LASEK. The thin cornea can also be laser operated on by one of the newer methods, including EPI-LASIK or EBK. A good solution is also an individualized treatment using the Wavefront procedure. Not only a thin cornea may suggest one of the above methods. This also applies to other medical indications, including a deep eye socket.

See more about laser vision correction using surface methods:

  1. Laser vision correction using the EBK method – description of the procedure and recommendations
  2. Laser vision correction – PRK and Trans-PRK

Major eye defects – what method?

Treatment of major visual impairment means correction high myopia (over –6 diopters), hyperopia up to +6 diopters and astigmatism up to 5-6 diopters. Most clinics will qualify for surgery with a defect of up to -10 diopters. In some cases, it is also possible to treat slightly larger defects, i.e. up to about –13 diopters. Then the FemtoLASIK technique is used. Lower defects (down to -8D) are also operated by laser within PRK or EBK.

Farsightedness qualifies for treatments in a lower range, i.e. up to about +6 diopters. They show the highest effectiveness here deep methodsand thus LASIK and related treatments, also with the support of the Wavefront procedure. Also, astigmatism up to 6 diopters is most often corrected with these methods.

Also read: Laser vision correction in children

The choice of the method of laser vision correction – summary

Although it is the doctor who, based on the qualifying tests, suggests the best method of vision correction in any given case, it is helpful to know what influences the choice.

Surface techniques, including PRK, LASEK, EPI-LASIK and EBK, may be recommended:

  1. in people practicing contact sports;
  2. in the case of a thin cornea;
  3. in people with deeply set eyeballs.

Enough limited range of methods people with hyperopia can choose from. Some laser techniques are not adapted to the treatment of hyperopia (ReLEx Smile) or can only cope with minor defects (PRK up to +4 diopters). LASIK, FemtoLASIK, iLASIK and Wavefront are usually used to correct major defects in hyperopia. The highest defects of myopia (even down to –13 diopters) can be corrected with the FemtoLASIK method.

You can buy various types of laser vision correction treatments, tailored to the individual needs of the patient, at

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