How to choose a melon – enjoy the juicy and tasty fruit

Summer is the time for holidays. Everyone strives to gain strength for the whole year and consume as many vitamin products as possible. Among the leaders, of course, are fruits and vegetables. Many people are very fond of tasty, juicy and fragrant melon. Therefore, they are interested in how not to make a mistake with the choice of a quality fruit. Today we will tell you where it is best to buy it and how to choose the right melon.

Where to buy?

In fact, the yellow-sided beauty is not a fruit, but a vegetable of the pumpkin family. It has many advantages, for which it is also loved by the gardeners of our country. In addition to a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, it improves the structure of the blood, calms the nerves, and improves the normal ratio of salts in the body. Melon quenches thirst well.How to choose a melon - enjoy the juicy and tasty fruit

Doctors advise using dinyu as a prophylactic agent that has a diuretic, mild laxative, general tonic and atherosclerotic effect. Doctors are convinced that melon contains many vitamins that help slow down the aging process, strengthen hair, invigorate the brain, and fill muscles with more energy. It is important to follow the right diet. This sweet vegetable is indispensable in the spring, when the immunity of each person, weakened by a difficult winter, is in dire need of support.

To choose the right quality product, you should know about the place of purchase. You should not buy melon near the roadway. Since the presence of a large number of cars nearby causes the accumulation in the fetus in a few days of a significant amount of heavy metals that come from car exhaust.How to choose a melon - enjoy the juicy and tasty fruit

How to choose the right melon? It is recommended to refuse to buy a fruit, on the peel of which there are obvious damages. Because they can contain pathogens of botulism, salmonellosis and other infections. It is best not to purchase already cut specimens. Because you cannot be sure of the cleanliness of the knife with which this was done. It is also not advised to buy such fruits that are located on the ground, and not on pallets specially designed for this purpose. Immediately before purchasing, you need to ask the seller if he has permission to trade in this product. Usually it is issued by the SES authorities. It will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the results of laboratory analyzes and a quality certificate.

Video “Varieties”

From the video you will learn about the best varieties of melons.

Melons. Tasting of 8 sorts of melons.

How to choose sweet?

There are proven ways to choose a melon, in particular, how to get a sweet melon. Much in this matter depends, of course, on the variety.

For example, Kolkhoznitsa, Torpeda, Gulyabi are popular among hundreds of well-known varieties of melons.How to choose a melon - enjoy the juicy and tasty fruit

The former is bright yellow in color, round in shape and quite fragrant. However, it does not boast a good degree of sweetness. Do not chase the size when buying. It is best to choose a copy whose diameter will not exceed 10 – 15 cm. The torpedo has an elongated shape and a large size. Moreover, the larger the fruit, the sweeter it is. It is colored pale yellow, less fragrant and sweeter than Kolkhoznitsa. According to scientists, the Gulyabi variety appeared before our era on the territory of Central and Asia Minor.

In the days of the former Soviet Union, the Gulyabi melon was the personification of the famous oriental product. Outside, it is protected by a dense peel with a mesh of small cracks. Inside the Gulyabi is juicy, tender and very sweet pulp. The product is naturally endowed with a rich chemical composition. In addition, Gulyabi melon is distinguished by a high degree of keeping quality and transportability.

In addition to varietal characteristics, there are ways to correctly identify a juicy melon. How to choose a good melon? You should pay attention to the smell. A tasty fruit necessarily has a delicate and pleasant aroma with pineapple, honey or pear notes. If not, it’s best to keep looking. A fruit with high sweetness and quite ripe can be distinguished by tapping the surface with your fingers. In the presence of a dull sound, you have an excellent copy in your hands. It is necessary to examine the area of ​​the peduncle. If in this place, in the process of pressing, the peel bends a little, then you have a ripe and juicy oriental beauty in front of you. The condition of the tail is also important. It should be thick and dry. The fruit should have a fairly tender skin. Which then can be easily removed with a knife or other sharp object. Under it should be a green skin.How to choose a melon - enjoy the juicy and tasty fruit

You can not purchase a fruit on the surface of which cracks or any other damage are found. In addition to the fact that in this case there is a risk of various viruses and bacteria getting inside, it is unlikely that such an instance will be able to please you with excellent taste. Girdle mesh on the surface of the fetus should be dry and have a sandy color. If the veins are colored green, this may indicate that this fruit is unsweetened.

How to choose ripe?

How to correctly identify a ripe beauty? The most excellent specimens appear on the market at the end of August. In the middle zone of our country, many excellent varieties are grown. We have already talked about the most popular ones above. We also sell nutmeg melons imported from other countries. But they do not go to any comparison with vegetables that are grown on local fields.How to choose a melon - enjoy the juicy and tasty fruit

Choosing the right ripe and high-quality oriental guest that will bring maximum benefit to the body is not so difficult if you know some selection criteria. Experts do not recommend purchasing cracked and cut specimens. You need to study the condition of the tail. Dry indicates the normal ripeness of the vegetable. After the pop, you should hear a hollow sound. When pressed on the peel, a ripe specimen should spring a little.

Excessive firmness of the fruit will tell the consumer about its immaturity. You can not buy too soft, most likely, it will soon deteriorate and become unusable.

When fertilizing the land, chemicals such as saltpeter, urea, and sometimes even urine are often used. In order not to get poisoned, it is better to refuse to buy a copy that has signs of excess nitrates. This is the presence of longitudinal veins, grayish and empty seeds. In nitrate fruits, the place where the tail is attached to the fruit differs in color from the rest of the specimens. It is realistic to buy nitrate melon not only in June-July, but even in mid-August. Therefore, you should pay attention to the characteristic features.How to choose a melon - enjoy the juicy and tasty fruit

In order for a wonderful summer fruit to please you with excellent taste and other characteristics, you should not cut and eat immediately after it gets into your house. It is better to lather the surface first and rinse it thoroughly with cold water. This simple procedure will make it possible to get rid of existing toxins and substances harmful to the human body, which tend to accumulate in the peel. The cut copy should only be stored in the refrigerator. It is not advised to use melon together with dairy products, cold water, alcoholic beverages. If you neglect these recommendations, an upset stomach is not ruled out.

Video “How to choose”

From the video you will learn how to choose sweet melon without nitrates.

How to choose a ripe, sweet and nitrate-free MELON

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