How to choose a good rum in a convenience store and 4 ways to crack a fake

I remember reading books about pirates and noble corsairs as a child. Sabatini was read to holes!

Someone dreamed of being an astronaut, but I dreamed of the sea and sails. What was my disappointment when I found out that they no longer go to sea under sail. But they drink rum very successfully!

Which countries make the best rum?

“Caribbean rum” is a well-established brand, much like “French wine” or “Scotch whisky”. Therefore, the best “pirate drink” is produced in the Caribbean countries:

  • Cuba. Recognized world leader in the production of rum. Some even consider this country the birthplace of the drink.
  • Barbados. In fact, rum was “born” and first went on sale here. It was even first called “Barbados water”.
  • Jamaica. The local drink has a specific taste and aroma, not everyone likes it. Perceptible “sulphurous”, even “formaldehyde” notes. The point is in the traditional technology of making a drink.
  • Guyana. A small country that not everyone is immediately able to find on the map. However, the rum here is very good, with a mild taste and hints of smoke.
  • Haiti, Martinique. Here, rum is produced using approximately the same technology as cognac. They are even aged in oak barrels from the Limousin region.

Rum from the Caribbean Islands is appreciated by connoisseurs and connoisseurs of the drink all over the world.

Important! Unexpectedly for many, India is also included in the list of countries producing good rum. By the way, it is she who ranks first in the world in the consumption of this drink.

How to distinguish real rum from a fake

The authenticity of the drink can be established even in the store, paying attention to the following nuances:

  • Pay attention to the correct spelling of the title. Real rum is Bacardi, not Bakardy.
  • Study the label. It sticks on smoothly and neatly. It contains data on the country of origin, brand, importer, the drink itself (volume, strength, composition, date of bottling).
  • Examine the tax stamp. You can download a special application that allows you to scan it on the spot and check the authenticity of the drink.
  • Check out the drink itself. The color must be even, any impurities, suspensions, sediment at the bottom, turbidity are unacceptable.

Any grammatical errors on the label of a bottle of rum are unacceptable (the left option is a fake).

Varieties of rum and their characteristics

Rum is classified into varieties depending on the color:

  • Light. Colorless transparent rum, less often with a silvery sheen. The taste is quite soft, not too expressive. Aging period – up to 2 years (minimum 4 months). Most often goes to cocktails.
  • Gold. The hue varies from pale straw and light honey to proper golden. Caramel and spices are most often added to raw materials. The drink is aged for 1-2 years. The taste is more expressive.
  • Dark. An amber-colored drink with a long aging (from 3 years). The saturation of the shade is provided by the addition of sugar cane juice evaporated to a syrup state. The taste and aroma is very complex, multifaceted. Experts distinguish in it notes of molasses, spices, caramel, pepper, walnut shells.

The color of rum is determined by what raw materials are used for its manufacture, and the aging period.

What to look for when choosing rum in a convenience store

It is best to go for rum in a specialized store. But even at a retail outlet near the house, you can buy a quality drink, if you pay attention (in addition to cost) to the manufacturer and the aging time of alcohol.

The products of the most “promoted” brands in Russia are available in the vast majority of stores where alcohol is generally sold:

  • Bacardi. A bottle of Bacardi Carta Blanca aged 1,5 years or Carta Negra aged 4 years with a volume of 0,7 liters will cost about 1400 rubles.
  • Captain Morgan. The cost of a 0,7-liter bottle of Captain Morgan White with a minimum exposure is about 1100 rubles, a 3-year-old Black is 1800 rubles.
  • Havana Club. White rum Anejo 3 anos costs about 1100 rubles per 0,7 liter, gold Anejo Especial – 1400 rubles, dark Anejo 7 anos – 1800.

Even in shops near the house there is now a good selection of spirits, where you can also find high-quality rum.

Rum is now sold everywhere. Even in the store closest to the house, there will certainly be products from several of the most “promoted” brands. To protect yourself from acquiring a fake, you need to know in advance what to look for when choosing.

What do you think: is it worth buying alcohol only in specialized stores, or is it quite possible to visit the supermarket closest to the house for a bottle of rum? Did you have to buy a fake? If so, which store category?

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