How to choose a good port wine in an ordinary store, and not “Three Axes” that were sold in the USSR

I’ve always liked fortified wines. But to my shame, I paid attention to port wine not so long ago. Apparently, the teenage association of this name with foul-smelling people standing at the cash register with a bottle of 777 port wine interfered.

But after I was treated to real Portuguese fortified wine, I realized how wrong I was about it. Today I will tell you about this noble drink.

How Port is Made

It turns out that only fortified wines made in the northeastern part of Portugal can legally be called port wine. The entire production process can be divided into three stages:

  1. Fermentation. It is very short – only 2-3 days. During this time, the maximum amount of aroma, color and tannins is extracted from the grapes.
  2. Must fixation. After three days, grape alcohol is added to the must. It stops fermentation. Its volume is calculated based on the amount of sugar remaining in the wort.
  3. Maturation. Young wine is sent for a long process of maturation in oak barrels. It takes at least three years. As winemakers mature, they determine the character of the future wine and classify it.

Interesting! The climate in this part of Portugal is characterized by harsh winters and sizzling summer heat. Locals believe that all this is reflected in the drink, which they call wine with a strong character.

Why is the price of this drink so different in stores?

If you want to try port wine, do not be surprised that the price for it in the same store can vary dramatically depending on the brand. It all depends on the class and age of the drink. The higher they are, the more expensive the cost of one bottle.

The most expensive type of port is vintage. It is made only in the most favorable years for grapes. Moreover, the best part of the harvest is taken (this is about 1%). Exposure time is not less than 10 years. This wine gets older, the richer its aroma and richer taste.

Prices in Lenta stores:

The most affordable are red (ruby) and white port wine. It is the result of blending wines from one or more vintages. Barrel aging is minimal. They may not have enough depth and sophistication, but their price will not hit your family budget too hard.

How to choose a good port

I would advise buying port wine only in specialized places. They have more trust and the sellers are more prepared, they will tell you if something is not clear. So let’s get started.

If you want to be sure that the wine will not disappoint you, take vintage port wine. The label of such a bottle says Vintage and indicates the year of harvest. A prominent representative is “Quinta da Grisha” Vintage Port 2005 (“Quinta da Gricha” Vintage Port, 2005).

Interesting! The presence of sediment in a bottle of port is a sign of quality. These are natural components of wine that settle a year after bottling.

Another type of premium port wine is Colheita. On its label, in addition to the name, two dates are indicated: the harvest and the year of the spill. Excellent wine – Andersen, Colheita Port, 1992 (Andresen, Colheita Port, 1992).

On bottles of blended tawny (golden port), they write not the year of the harvest, but the average age of the wines in the blend. The higher it is, the more expensive the bottle is and the better its contents. For example, Doy’s, Old Tony Port 10 years old (Doy’s, Old Tawny Port 10 Years).

White ports vary in sugar content and are divided into dry, semi-sweet and sweet. For example, a good dry port “Calem”, White & Dry Porto (“Calem”, White & Dry Porto).

What is the best way to drink port wine for non-marginals

It is generally accepted that port wine is combined with any dishes. It excites appetite well, therefore it is better to use it before meals. But if you want, you can serve wine for dessert. Gourmets prefer to drink it on an empty stomach, sipping from a glass in small portions.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!

I also like to savor a little, so we cook cheese slices and grapes at home for a bottle of port wine. Have you tried Portuguese port wine? If so, write in the comments what impression you have of him.

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