how to choose a floor in feng shui

how to choose a floor in feng shui

Unlucky in business, bad relationship with the boss, the beloved will not invite you to get married. Fans of the oriental teachings of feng shui believe that everything can change for the better if you move to another floor. But what about relevance? The information is more than 3 thousand years old …

Choosing a floor in Feng Shui is not so easy. Literally everything matters: the year in which you choose housing, the elements, the energy of a person, but most importantly, a specific need. For example, self-realization is important for creative people, but not everyone pulls out the “golden ticket”. A suitable floor would help a person create and realize opportunities without waiting for a gift from fate. Or you look at a girl – everything is with her: economic, cheerful, smart, curvy, with a golden character, and the prince is not even visible on the horizon. Why? The floor is not the same – it blocks love streams, so a careerist would go there …

In feng shui, everything is about energy. Moreover, even inanimate objects possess it. So, if the apartment and the owner “do not agree”, it remains a stranger in spite of any efforts. And with an energetic coincidence, it thrives without visible effort.

In general, the floor space in accordance with He-tu (orientation scheme) belongs to one of five elements: the space of the first floor – Water, the second – Fire, the third – Wood, the fourth – Metal and the fifth – Earth. From the next floor, the cycle repeats indefinitely.

Now we determine the phase of time – the year in which you moved into the house also matters. The fact is that the Chinese calendar consists of the same five elements and 12 more animals. The first among them is the Rat, symbolizing success and financial well-being. The full cycle of the Eastern calendar is 60 years. Each 12th anniversary belongs to one of the elements and is counted in Rats:

1984-1995 – Wood Rat, energy of time – Wood;

1996-2007 – Fire Rat, energy of time – Fire;

2008-2019 – Earth Rat, energy of time – Earth;

2020-2031 – Metal Rat, time energy – Metal;

2032-2043 – Water Rat, energy of time – Water.

Where to live well right now

Until the end of 2019, we are in the Earth Time phase. Let’s see how this affects the energy of the floors.

Through hardships to the stars: 1st, 6th, 11th, 16th floors

Having chosen the Space of Water (1st, 6th, 11th, 16th floors) during the Earth Time (2008-2019), get ready to solve the difficulties generously presented by fate. The pluses include character hardening. And the next 12 years promise to be more prosperous, because after the dark stripe there always comes a light one.

Peace for the world, and for pioneers and innovators on the 2nd, 7th, 12th and 17th floors

For success in their careers and creativity, they only need the opportunity to prove themselves. Students, businessmen, people of art will learn to create such opportunities for self-realization that it will take your breath away! And all the energy of Space (Fire), feeding the energy of Time (Earth).

Love lives on the 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th floors

Lack of money and loans bypasses the 3rd, 8th, 13th and 18th floors

On them the energy of Space (Wood) controls the energy of Time (Earth). Which opens up favorable financial flows for tenants: a long-awaited increase, winning the lottery, a sudden inheritance, a rise in stocks … In general, everything that can improve your financial situation.

Behind inner peace – on the 4th, 9th, 14th or 19th floors

It is there that the energy of Space (Metal) is created by the energy of Time (Earth), which not only stabilizes every sphere of life, but also gives complete inner harmony.

Do you want to improve your personal life? Move to the 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th floors

There, the energy of Time (Earth) and the energy of Space (Earth) are friends with each other, creating a powerful positive energy necessary for teamwork, overgrowing with useful connections … and meeting true love, of course!

Which floor to choose when buying an apartment in 2020-2031

If you are planning to buy an apartment during the years of the Metal Rat, then the alignment of forces is changing dramatically. Let’s see what Feng Shui says about the relationship between the energy of Space and Time in 2020-2031.

5th, 10th, 15th and 20th floors suitable for those who are going to start a new life and are ready for changes. It can be a wedding, the birth of a child, the signing of a major business contract. It is on these floors that the energy of Space (Earth) renews the energy of Time, hence your life. Mostly for the better, but sometimes repairs will have to be done.

4th, 9th, 14th and 19th floors. Here you will find a burst of energy, an increase in erudition and an increase in working capacity. And all this thanks to the energy of time and the energy of Space.

On the 3rd, 8th, 13th, 18th floors there is a chance to lose the steel grip. Be careful – you can get influenced by others. Not that disastrous, but all the same. The creation of a family should also be approached thoughtfully and not rushed.

Complete relaxation awaits 1st, 6th, 11th and 16th floors. The interaction of energies here is so favorable that it will be big luck in any undertakings. Perhaps after a housewarming party you will want to do yoga, fly on an exotic trip, re-read your favorite books.

“Everything in good time” – this is the golden rule for people whose apartments are on 2st, 7th, 12th and 17th floors. The reason for this is the energy of Time (Metal), which comes under the control of the energy of Space (Fire). Try to prioritize correctly so as not to upset the balance between work, financial and love spheres of your life.

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