Beginnings in any field are not easy, the newcomer of each business is faced with a bunch of unfamiliar and unknown. Fishing is no exception, few people know how to choose a fishing rod for effective fishing. Sometimes, only at the cost of their own mistakes, fishermen come to the right choice of the main tool.
Before you go to a specialized store, you need to study the topic a little, learn at least superficially what is needed for catching fish and how to make the right choice among the abundance of various types and models of blanks.
Types of fishing rods
Choosing the right fishing rod at first glance is simple, but when you visit a fishing store, this myth disappears very quickly. A fishing rod for beginners is selected according to the following criteria:
- First of all, it is worth deciding on the place of fishing, lakes with stagnant water will require the selection of a form according to one parameter, a fast river will dictate its requirements, a large reservoir will please the catch with completely different gear.
- The size of the fish also matters, for a small, peaceful, fairly light tackle, a predator will be attracted by a plug spinning rod. It is impossible to keep a big carp with light tackle, it needs a powerful rod.
- You can choose a fishing rod for summer fishing with the help of a consultant, but before that you need to decide where the fishing will be carried out from: the coastline or a boat.
In addition, there are many more nuances, which we will consider in more detail below.
A good fishing rod for float fishing is the easiest to choose, but there are many pitfalls here. Float tackle is considered to be the most versatile; this type of blank can be used both in still water, in currents, and in reservoirs. With float tackle, you can catch a decent option, well-designed equipment will help not to lose it. Rods are for long-distance casting and for fishing in the coastal zone. For each of them, the remaining components of the gear are additionally selected.
Float gear can be made deaf, or it can be sliding, depending on this, a blank with or without rings is chosen.
Regarding the material of the rod, I will also be divided according to different criteria, they also separately consider the quality indicators of fittings: reel seat, rings, connector.
Before choosing a fly rod, you need to find out how they differ from other types. This type is considered the best for beginners both in the collection of gear and in operation. The fly rod has the following features:
- such a blank is used for fishing small areas mainly from the shore;
- the rod is much cheaper than analogues with rings;
- both carbon and fiberglass rods are lightweight, so they are often taken for children;
- the simplicity of the tackle allows you to avoid overlaps on the rings due to their absence;
- there are different types, but most rods fold compactly, which makes them much easier to transport.
The disadvantage is that such a rod will not allow you to cast the bait far, and it is designed for relatively small fish. Large specimens are beyond the power of such a system of rods.
When collecting fly rod tackle, you should not put a thick fishing line and a heavy float, this blank is designed for light equipment.
For deep-sea fishing in still water, match rods are used. How to choose the right fishing rod of this type is known to experienced fishermen, it will be difficult for a beginner to decide and buy a form with the necessary parameters. The choice of float will depend on how far you need to cast the bait. Casting is carried out from behind, so both the reel and the thickness of the fishing line (braid) will be important. The match rod has the following features:
- it is used for fishing a reservoir from the shore or a boat over long distances;
- a good quality match blank is usually plug-in, that is, it consists of several sections;
- CFRP would be ideal, but fiberglass is much cheaper.
Fly fishing
How to choose a fishing rod to catch especially cautious types of fish? For this type of fishing, fly fishing rods are used, which are divided into several classes, depending on the weight of the bait used:
- the first four classes can be compared with ultra-light spinning blanks. They are designed for casting small baits, artificial flies, nymphs, very small silicone on the hook, without additional weight.
- Rods from classes 5 to 9 are used for fishing larger specimens; for this, heavier lures are used. Forms with such characteristics are equipped with streamers, large and medium flies.
- From class 10 to class 14, fly fishing rods are designed for fishing in the sea, fishing tackle for this type is used more serious and durable.
In addition to the blank, the rod must be equipped with a reel, which will allow for longer casts.
Fly fishing for a novice fisherman as a first experience is not desirable, here it is necessary to carry out an accurate cast, be able to use the bait used, and retrieve the already caught trophy.
In addition to the above, a fishing rod, as an item for fishing, is also divided according to other criteria. It is impossible to say unequivocally that one or another type is better or worse, for each equipment it is necessary to choose the most suitable one.
A rod of this type is most common among fishermen, both among beginners and avid fishermen. Telescopes are several hollow tubes of different diameters, which are hidden in each other when assembled.
A blank of this type can be with or without rings, most often telescopes produce:
- bolognese rods;
- flywheels;
- spinning rods designed for the feeder.
Among telescopes, choosing a rod for float tackle is problematic, because there are many varieties of them. Each angler selects a blank according to his priorities, for someone a hard whip and a rod with rings are ideal, someone likes a light flywheel, without everything superfluous.
It is better to take plug-in rods for feeder fishing and for spinning, the telescope will not be able to work normally with the declared test, it will often show idle bites. The same problems will be with the feeder.
A feeder rod or blank for carp, as experienced anglers advise, should be plug-in. It is this type of rod that will allow you to fish out even very large specimens of peaceful fish without any problems. Plugs differ from other forms in such features:
- the rod consists of two or more parts, the connection of which occurs by introducing one part into the other;
- blanks are highly durable, most often they are used for spinning, feeder fishing, fly fishing;
- depending on the purpose, the plugs may have removable tips.
Plug rods belong to a higher class of rods, so their cost cannot be low.
There is also a mixed type of connection, as a rule, the butt remains the plug, and the tip is decomposed into several knees.
Criteria and rules for choosing a fishing rod
Before choosing a float rod or blank for other types of fishing, you need to know all the necessary criteria under which fishing will be a pleasure.
And so, choosing a fishing rod for summer fishing, how to make the right choice? There are not so many secrets when choosing.
Rod weight
To choose a fly rod for summer fishing, like other types of twigs, the weight of the blank will help. The smaller it is, the longer the angler will be able to hold it in his hands. This is especially true when choosing both a Bolognese fishing rod and a spinning rod.
Rod length
Before choosing a float rod for summer fishing, pay attention to the length. This indicator depends on the reservoir and where the trophies will be caught from. The length of the blank is also important for spinning twigs, here the choice is made, starting from whether it is planned to catch from the shore or from a boat.
Material of manufacture
The best material for different types of rods is considered to be carbon or carbon fiber, it is light, durable, but is afraid of shock. Such material cannot be cheap, for those who are looking for cheaper options, fiberglass is offered. It is heavier, in other respects it will be slightly inferior to carbon fiber, but it is not afraid of blows.
Rod blanks are different:
- soft;
- medium hardness;
- tough.
The choice is made depending on personal preferences and the required system for the type of fishing. It is not difficult to determine the stiffness, the tip of the selected rod rests against the ceiling. If only the tip bends, then the rod is hard, the deflection passes in the upper half, the blank is classified as medium hard. If the stick bends to the very butt, you have a soft look.
Additionally, they check by shaking the rod, it should bend evenly up, down, right and left.
Rod quality
Quality indicators depend on many factors that should not be neglected:
- choose products of well-known brands that value their reputation;
- carefully inspect the fittings, it must be of high quality.
Ease of use
This indicator is purely individual, it is necessary to decompose and hold the product in your hand, it is possible to simulate a light cast. If the rod could “lie” in the hand, then it will be convenient to use it.
Everyone will choose a rod for float tackle or another according to their wallet, but you should not save on the form. It should be understood that a good fishing rod cannot be cheap. Therefore, first calculate how much you can really allocate for the purchase.
The best rod manufacturers
Many countries try to make fishing tackle, Japan and Korea remain leaders in this area. No one can make original rods, reels, related materials better than them. The most famous brands that produce forms of various kinds are:
- Mikado;
- Siveida;
- Shimano.
These are the generally recognized top three, but there are many other manufacturers of high quality fishing rods besides them.
The best fishing rod for a beginner
A novice fisherman who is just starting to learn all the intricacies of catching aquatic inhabitants should try himself in simple gear. The best option would be a fly rod, while the tackle must be assembled independently. An important point will be how to choose a float for a fishing rod.
You can try your hand at fishing with spinning, while it is important to know how to choose a spinning reel for such purposes.
Feeder fishing and fly fishing are best left for later, these types of fishing will require a greater range of knowledge.
Tooling elements
To catch one blank, a rod is not enough, in addition to it, it is necessary to select other elements of no less quality.
Choosing an inertialess coil for float gear is simple, the main indicators are:
- The size of the spool, the reel for the Bolognese fishing rod can have a size of 1000, this will be enough. A feeder rod will require larger sizes, starting from 3000.
- The number of bearings directly affects the service life, the more, the better.
- Weight should be minimal so as not to weigh down the form.
Regarding companies, everyone has their own preferences, advice can be asked from a consultant.
When choosing a rod with rings, special attention should be paid to them. They should be located on two legs, while the distance to the blank closer to the whip should be reduced.
When checking a rod upon purchase, go through each ring with your fingertips. This will help to identify the presence of burrs and cracks, which will then ruin the fishing line or cord.
This consumable is selected depending on what bait will be used and what specimens live in the selected reservoir. Float tackle and feeder will require 5-9 numbers according to the domestic classification, other types will require an individual approach.
Fishing line
How to choose a fishing line for a float rod? The criteria here are different, in most cases they make thin, light tackle, but the dimensions of the inhabitants must be taken into account:
- for fishing with a float, 0,18-0,22 mm of fishing line is enough;
- spinning will require, depending on the test and the bait used, 0,2-0,3 thickness;
- the feeder needs stronger rigging, 0,25-0,4 mm fishing line goes here.
- fly fishing is chosen depending on the bait used.
An important point will be the manufacturer, you should not be led to a low price.
How to choose a float for a fishing rod? Not much advice here.
- the float tackle on the flywheel or lap dog is made tender, therefore, it is necessary to choose the weight of the float small;
- match rigs require heavier floats.
For spinning, such an element is not needed, but fly fishing and feeder use special products of this type.
They are selected strictly according to the weight of the floats, the equipment of the bottom gear will require heavy sinkers so that the gear is not blown away by the current.
How to choose a tackle for a fishing rod
It is necessary to choose equipment for the rod individually and depending on which blank was purchased:
- Spinning is characterized by an excellent reel, strong fishing line or cord, high-quality leashes and lures of the appropriate weight.
- The feeder blank is distinguished by a powerful coil, which, when hooked, can hold a large trophy.
- Fly fishing is easy.
- A float with rings can have an inertial coil, here everyone has their own preferences.
- The fly rod is equipped with only a fishing line, which is attached to the whip.
Now we know how to choose a reel for a fishing rod and the blank itself. Use the tips and tricks and your gear will always be of excellent quality.