The film “Private life: the joy of close relationships. Fragment of the training, December 2012»

Exercise «With a smile on your face.»

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Mood at zero, you don’t want anything — loved ones annoy, loneliness — oppresses … Everything is seen in gray tones — the weather, and passers-by, and yesterday’s plans. We got up on the wrong foot in the morning, the rose-colored glasses fell off somewhere, we haven’t seen them for a long time … Fatigue, minor annoyances (like mosquitoes — small, annoying and take in quantity). A bad mood has different roots, but what is insulting — it often happens to us for no apparent reason, from scratch.

And it’s good if it’s a minute thing — I brewed a cup of coffee for myself or talked on the phone with a friend for ten minutes, and let go. What if it’s protracted? Life goes on, but for you it stands still, «because everything around is bad and tomorrow will be exactly the same.» Or maybe it’s time for you to wait for the visit of an unpleasant lady whose name is depression? However, there are plenty of ways — affordable, easy to perform — to make your mood level skyrocket. It’s like in treatment — the main thing is to choose the right one. Some of the methods are for pickup, at any time, and some can enter the usual daily routine and significantly enrich your supply of positive energy.

Well, first of all, a question to start with. Did you get enough sleep? Sleep deprivation does terrible things to people. What kind of mood is there when, like Napoleon, you sleep three or four hours a day. I remember a familiar young mother who, loaded with household duties of raising, cleaning and cooking, went on a trip to Karlovy Vary as a gift from her relatives, but not in order to enjoy the contemplation of architectural monuments or drink plenty of local healing springs. Two weeks in the hotel to sleep off — that’s where happiness is!

Woke up? For the hundredth time, but about the main thing — do not forget about physical activity, just exercise. At first, laziness, but at the end you feel such a surge of vivacity and energy that you think — or maybe repeat tomorrow? Yes to health! But if the lost mood and apathy have resulted in invincible laziness, and you are not at all up to charging, acupressure will help. With your index finger, lightly press on the area of ​​​​the third eye, massage the groove under the nose, the earlobes and the center of the chin, the first phalanx of the thumb and middle finger of each hand — clockwise and counterclockwise, nine times.

A lot of people, especially women, like to be friends with antidepressants. However, pills are pills. It is better to resort to such measures when other methods have been tried and the situation is approaching a critical point. A moment of bad mood is not a reason to resort to medication. And if you choose, then take a closer look at homeopathic, herbal preparations — and do this only after consulting a doctor, and not succumb to advertising from the lips of a girlfriend — what she drinks, and what kind of life she has now in “pink-green-blue” …

But much more successful «pill» may be music. Just choose the “medicine” wisely. This is how a person is arranged, if he is melancholy and closed in on his hardships, he is tempted to listen to something mournful and aching without that exhausted heart. Problems are aggravated, to the music you begin to feel sorry for yourself even more, you feel so unhappy and lonely, you have no strength — what a good mood there is. So, in defiance of your current state — charge yourself a whole cocktail of major chords, be more cheerful, more energetic … It’s somehow … uncomfortable to sit and feel sad under such music. And why bad mood to create comfortable conditions?

The next «tablet» is a diary of joyful events. Do not be lazy, get yourself one — write down fragments of life that pleasantly surprised you, made you laugh, and gave you a lot of pleasure. Describe your feelings, experiences, convey colors! Let it be an extreme bungee flight in the fight against fear of heights or a wild vacation on the occasion of the defense of a diploma, or an amazing gift given to you on your birthday that you will never forget. Or maybe … some mind-blowingly ridiculous and curious act of your best friend, over which you laughed for more than one week. Remember, in difficult days for you, this booklet will become a real lifeline. Just open it and smile.

By the way, have you tried to smile at the most difficult moments — just like that, even if there are no reasons for this at all? In vain. After all, these muscles instinctively stretch with us due to certain positive information. So if you (try to imagine in reverse order) force yourself to smile, you will involuntarily begin to attract this positive information, memory will do its job. Checked — it works!

And also, try to pour out your negative mood on paper — compose a poem or draw a self-portrait, or … your future, as you would like to see it — whatever! A bad mood simply cannot stand creative focus on anything. At first, you will have to force yourself, and then you will get involved and in half an hour you will take a different look at the world — it turns out to be not at all monochromatic! By the way, rose-colored glasses were found, here they are cute! And how they fell there — perhaps next time you need to be more careful …​​​​​

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