Surely you have noticed more than once that what happens in the first hours after waking up sets the tone for the rest of the day? When things are going well in the morning, even rain and gloomy pedestrians will not make you sad. But if something ruined your mood before you could get dressed, then chances are you will remain grumpy for the rest of the day. Woman’s Day has found 10 ways to lift and speed up your mood in the morning, so that the whole day is as beautiful as the morning sun.
Select one task per day
After waking up, give yourself a few minutes to think about what good things you can do today. Start the day not by browsing social networks, but by mentally completing a work contract, booking a table for dinner. Or maybe it’s time to sign up for a dance?
Eat a well-balanced meal
Start your morning with a nutritious blend of complex carbohydrates and proteins to keep you full and energized until lunchtime. For example, have breakfast with oatmeal or peanut butter toast. By the way, toast can be sprinkled with cinnamon, which has been linked to improved mood and activity, according to research. Also, experts insist that one cup of coffee a day not only improves mood, but also mental activity.
Get some fresh air
The so-called “green exercises”, according to experts, are much more effective than home workouts. Thus, a short walk is uplifting and a better cardio exercise than a treadmill. Studies have shown that exercising near water enhances the effects of exercise, so try to spend more time outdoors. Start small: get up five minutes early and walk to the metro instead of taking the bus.
Listen to the sounds of nature
Of course, starting the morning with fiery music or dancing to “everyone is dancing” with elbows is fun, but experts recommend listening to the sounds of nature. Open the window and turn off your consciousness for a few minutes while listening to the birdsong. In a recent study, participants recovered more quickly from a stressful situation by listening to a recorded combination of running water and birdsong.
And even if you live next to a busy road, turning on the recording on your computer also promises a good mood.
Focus on good mood Right after waking up, Robin McKay, Ph.D., a psychologist based in Arizona, recommends taking five deep breaths and deciding to feel good throughout the day.
“Imagine that even when you are faced with disappointments and unpleasant surprises, you need to breathe and react with awareness, and not get lost,” says Robin. During the day, in any stressful situation, take five deep breaths and consciously set yourself up for a good mood.
Drink hot chocolate. A recent study found that those who drink cocoa drinks in the morning have significantly better mood and alertness even when they are working on math problems. So we suggest making yourself some cocoa with skim milk and dark chocolate early in the morning. The protein and carbohydrates in milk will help keep your blood sugar stable until lunchtime to keep your mood up to date.
Take a moment to appreciate yourself
No need to jump out of bed from the first second of the alarm. Instead, wind it up five minutes early to give your lover some attention. Take a deep breath and stretch well. Before you start the race for hundreds of work and household chores, tune in for a good day, bookmark a planned vacation, or just look out the window. This will charge you to a calm, peaceful state.
Anticipate the negative
You’ve probably heard that gratitude boosts your mood, but here’s an unexpected twist, a new tactic proposed by scientists: think about a positive event in your life, how you got your dream job or met your ideal partner, for example, and then imagine what it was like. would be your life if the event did not happen. While it seems like it would have the opposite effect, the experience actually improved the mood of the participants in one of the studies.
Breathe in the mint. Researchers have found that the scent of mint improves mood and focus, and fights fatigue. Try keeping a bottle of peppermint essential oil or a bag of peppermint tea on your bedside table. Experts say that even peppermint gum can raise your mood and alertness. Let’s try?
Smile There is one thing you can do wherever and whenever you want: smile. Remember, says Dr. McKay, smiling is an easy way to change your mood and the mood of those around you too. Smile!