How to check and replace an inlet valve in a washing machine

The inlet or filling valve for a washing machine is similar in principle to a conventional tap for water supply. The only difference is that a conventional tap is opened manually, while the inlet tap is opened automatically.

How exactly it works and what the inlet valve is for, you will learn in this article. And you will also understand how to self-disassemble and replace parts without calling the master.

How to check and replace an inlet valve in a washing machine

How the filling system works

The water inlet valve for the washing machine is equipped with a thin membrane on the inside and coils on the outside. The main control module signals the valve to turn on. Then an electric current flows to its coils, which contributes to the appearance of a magnetic field. Due to this, the membrane opens, as a result of which water enters. After the end of the voltage supply, the diaphragm closes again.

How to check and replace an inlet valve in a washing machine

Thus, the water filling (supply) valve has two positions – open and closed.

Number of coils: what does it depend on

Their number depends on the model of the washing machine. In modern SMA, the manufacturer installs from two to three sections, so that each of them supplies water to a specific compartment of the powder receptacle.

  • 1st section: powder section.
  • 2nd section: compartment for rinse aid.
  • 3rd section: section for other funds.

If there are only two spools available to pick up the detergent, they turn on at the same time.

How to check and replace an inlet valve in a washing machine

Older models used a single-coil washing machine fill valve. He worked in conjunction with a command apparatus, the lever of which regulated the movement of the flow in a certain direction.

Where is the valve

Where is the solenoid valve in the CMA? It is located under the top panel near the wall. You will see hoses connected to it that carry water to the detergent compartments.

How to check and replace an inlet valve in a washing machine

Signs of breakage

The malfunction can be determined by external signs:

  1. Error code on the display of the washing machine.
  2. Water is drawn into the tank without stopping.
  3. When starting the machine, there is no sound of water being drawn.
  4. The tank fills up with water.

For details on how to check and replace the inlet valve of a washing machine, see below.

How to find a fault yourself

Before checking the solenoid valve, inspect the mesh filter. It is located between the intake hose and the inlet valve and serves to delay particles of debris coming from the water supply.

How to check and replace an inlet valve in a washing machine

Since the filter could become clogged over time, we will describe the principle of its cleaning:

  • Disconnect the CM from the power supply.
  • Close the inlet valve.
  • Unscrew the water inlet hose and drain the remaining water into a sink or other container.
  • You will find a mesh behind the hose. Pull it out with pliers and clean it under running water.

How to check and replace an inlet valve in a washing machine

Let’s look at how to open and check the inlet valve in a washing machine.

  • Remove the cover at the top of the washer. To do this, remove the screws from the back that hold the top cover.
  • Inspect the valve for damage. If nothing is visible externally, remove the device.
  • Disconnect the hoses to the valve. First you need to open the metal clamps, so use a pair of pliers.
  • Now disconnect the wiring.
  • Unscrew the bolts securing the part to the CMA body.
  • Pull out the valve.

How to check and replace an inlet valve in a washing machine

Inspect the hoses and the device itself at the time of blockage. How to check the filler valve? Check over a container or sink to avoid getting wet on the floor.

Connect the intake hose to the valve and turn on the water. If the element is serviceable, it should not leak water. If it leaks, then a replacement is needed.

The next version of the check must be carried out quite carefully. You must apply a voltage of 220 volts to the coils of the device. In this case, the section should open and fill the container with water. The danger of this method is that a short circuit can occur when electricity and water come into contact. Therefore, you need to work very carefully.

You can make sure exactly whether the valve of the washing machine needs repairs with a multimeter. Set the tester to resistance measurement mode. Apply the test leads to each winding one at a time, measuring its resistance. A defective part should show a result of 3 kΩ.

How to check and replace an inlet valve in a washing machine


Some users are interested in how to remove, disassemble and repair the solenoid valve of the washing machine. The fact is that this element is non-separable, only a change of coils is possible.

However, a complete replacement is still recommended. To do this, you will have to purchase an item corresponding to the brand and model of your washing machine.

  1. Screw the valve to the body with the bolt that held it in place earlier.
  2. Reattach the wiring connectors into place. It’s good if you marked or photographed the wires before disconnecting.
  3. Connect the hoses to the appropriate sections. Secure the clamps.How to check and replace an inlet valve in a washing machine
  4. Replace the top cover. Secure it with screws.

The solenoid valve has been replaced. It remains to put the filter mesh in place and connect the intake hose. After connecting the CM to the network, start the wash and check the work.

For those who are just going to start repairing, a video on the topic:

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