Management companies do not always cope with their responsibilities. It happens that the courtyards are not cleaned, the porches are not cleaned. In such cases, you can part with careless utilities by choosing another company that will provide order. To do this, you need to follow five steps.
December 3 2016
Choose the option to change the management company. This can be done in three ways, which one is better depends on the circumstances.
First option. We must wait until the contract concluded between the company and the tenants of the house ends. If you do not communicate your desire to re-elect the service provider, the contract will be renewed.
The second option. We’ll have to rely on the violations committed by the management company. Of course, unsubstantiated statements, emotional letters will not be enough. It is necessary to secure documents, fixing the shortcomings. As a rule, these are orders and fines of the State Housing Inspection and the Prosecutor’s Office. This means that it will not be possible to change the utility provider right away. First you have to complain to the controlling organizations. If they establish the fact of violation, you and the cards are in your hands.
Third Embodiment – to use h. 8.2 of Art. 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation: “The owners have the unilateral right to refuse to fulfill the management agreement if the management organization does not fulfill the terms of such an agreement, and to decide on the choice of another management organization.”
Conduct a tenant meeting. There must be a vote on the change of company. More than half of homeowners must vote for termination of the old contract with the company (not 50% of those present at the meeting, but more than 50% of all owners). For example, if 20 people came to the vote, and the apartment owners 100, the decision will be considered invalid. If the meeting is scheduled for the winter period and there is no warm room where it can be held, it will be enough to walk around the apartment and collect signatures.
Select and negotiate a new utility provider. To do this, you need to research the market of the management companies of your city or town, talk to the residents of those houses that are served by the candidate companies. Often this method of collecting information makes it possible to obtain the most accurate information. You can find out the ins and outs of the company on the portal “House of Moscow” ( Here is a list of houses that serve all the organizations presented on the site. It will not be difficult to go to any address and see the state of the house, yard, how often garbage is taken out.
The decision of the general meeting of tenants to transfer to the company that served the house earlier. After three months, the contract must be terminated. A month before the final, the management company is obliged to transfer the technical documentation to the new company.
Conclusion of a contract with a new service provider.
Time is money
The fourth and fifth steps are taken at the same time. It is important that the transfer of control of the home takes place without delay. The fact is that management companies are reluctant to give up the reins of government, because this deprives them of a stable income. Often, tenants for some time receive two receipts for payment of services – from the old company and from the new one. And here you need to be on the lookout – carefully check the current account and the name of the organization.
Half measures
You can soften the blow and try to negotiate with the management company that works in your home. To do this, you will have to renegotiate a contract with her, indicating the key points in it: how will the control over the work of the company be carried out, what is the list of services provided. All changes in the document must be approved at a meeting of homeowners, and then require the management company to agree on the contract.