How to change hair color and not harm them

Changing your hair color can completely change your life. To make the changes only for the better, we figure out how to make staining as safe as possible.

Cardinal color changes are always a responsible process that is best left to a professional. This procedure will require the knowledge and skills of a colorist.

From brunette to blonde

If you are thinking of going from a burning brunette to a platinum blonde, think hard. You can only radically change your hair color in the salon to avoid unpleasant surprises like bright orange curls. The second rule is to bleach your hair gradually. This will keep them healthy and find your shade easier. How many times you will have to visit the salon, only a professional colorist can determine. It all depends on the level of the existing tone, the saturation of the color pigments in the hair after the previous dyeing, as well as their condition. If injury to your hair is unavoidable, prioritization is essential. Better to temporarily stop at a transitional color. After repeating the procedure a second time, after a month and a half you will receive two bonuses – a wonderful blond and excellent hair quality.

We select a shade for brown-haired and redheads

Hair stylists divide people into four color types – “summer” (light skin, gray, gray-green or gray-blue eyes, hair with a cold ash tint), “winter” (dark hair, dark brown eyes, porcelain or dark skin), “autumn” (peach skin, freckles, bright eyes, red or brown hair) and “spring” (peach skin, golden hair, light eyes). Knowing your color type, it is easier to find suitable tones. For example, if you are a cold color type, and this is “winter” or “summer”, consider ash, chestnut, light brown tones for coloring. But it is best for you to refuse the red shade. When changing colors, remember that the most fashionable and beautiful color is the color that is right for you!

Blonde to brunette

Bleached hair is devoid of natural pigment. So that the newly acquired dark color does not wash off, before dyeing, it is necessary to fill the hair with artificial pigment, that is, to carry out the procedure of repigmentation or prepigmentation of hair, depending on the desired result (natural range or tone with a shade). It will take a little longer than standard staining, but the result will please with durability and color saturation. Stylists advise to start applying hair oil before shampooing a month before dyeing.

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