How to change floors in an apartment
Those who make major repairs in an apartment probably know that flooring is a complicated matter. It is possible to approach the solution of the problem from different positions, therefore the question arises: how is it best to change the floors in an apartment?
How do I change the floors in my apartment?
What do you need to know to change the floors in an apartment?
1. Type of apartment. In modern brick high-rise buildings, the floors become directly the floor and are supplied with a rough screed. Old “Khrushchevs” have a wooden floor, laid on wooden beams. Concrete slabs are most often hidden under them.
2. The slope of the building. Every house, even built according to all standards, can sag and warp over time. Therefore, to estimate the amount of work, it is worth determining the curvature of the slope of the building or floor.
3. The purpose of the repair. If your task is to freshen up the interior, then it is better not to touch the floor. Even minimal interventions will entail solving complex technical problems.
4. Budget. There are some fairly simple ways to get your floor repaired, but it’s not cheap anyway.
How do I change the floors in my apartment?
Consider three types of repairs:
1. Cosmetic. New thick linoleum is placed on top of the old materials. This is the most economical and fastest, but not the most aesthetic way. For a wooden covering, the simplest leveling is sometimes used: sheets of a durable wooden composite (chipboard, fiberboard) are placed on top of the boards, on which parquet, laminate, linoleum are laid.
2. Replacement. The old coating is removed, but the substrate (screed, logs, expanded clay) remains the same. A new coating, similar to the previous one (for example, a new one is taken instead of the old tile), is laid on virtually the same base.
3. Capital. All old floor materials are removed, a new screed is created, fresh strong logs are laid, expanded clay is changing.
How to change the floor in an apartment? Screed
There are three types of screed:
1. Cement.
2. Polymer.
3. Lightweight (expanded clay).
It is also worth considering:
- The first option is most often used, since it is a reliable and relatively cheap way to repair the floor in an apartment. Its only serious drawback is the complexity of the technology for creating a cement screed. In addition, for best results, the floor must dry long enough.
- A resin screed is very expensive and requires a perfectly flat base. However, it is she who prepares the bulk polymer floor. He has no equal in decorative qualities, and he has the highest safety indicators (it is made in hospitals and kindergartens).
- With a small budget, with large differences in height between different rooms, if necessary, to lighten the load on the floors, a dry screed is used. An even layer of expanded clay is poured onto the vapor-proof film, chipboards are placed on it, and then decorative materials are laid.