How to change attitudes towards a situation that cannot be changed

Hello everyone! Thank you for being here! Do you want to know how to change your attitude towards a situation that you cannot change? I hope that this case will help you draw conclusions and make the right decision.

Cautionary tale

Opening my eyes in the recovery room, I saw the face of the doctor bending over me. He told me how difficult it was to find a bullet in my body, and reassured me, saying that they still found it and pulled it out. Then, as if in passing, he dropped that during the operation to remove the bullet, they also cut out my appendix at the same time.

– What are you talking about! Why did you do this? – I was amazed. – After all, the wound from the shot is on the other side!

“Oh, this is a standard procedure,” the surgeon hastened to console me. – If we open the patient’s abdominal cavity, then we remove the appendix. So that later there will be no problems with him. Do you really want to get to the operating table again?

I was filled with doubts. I could not imagine to what extent a doctor would have to be arrogant and arrogant in order to consider himself superior to God, and which organs my body needs and which not.

The power of negative thought

A week later, I was discharged from the hospital very upset. Not only did the doctors unknowingly remove part of my body, but also the operation did not go as smoothly as they tried to assure me. The stitches were careless and I noticed more than once blood stains on my shirt.

A week later, the wound began to fester, and I had to go to the same hospital again. I was tormented by unbearable pain. I tried to change positions: I went to bed, sat down, got up – everything was in vain, the pain did not subside.

How to change attitudes towards a situation that cannot be changed

A month passed, but my condition did not improve. I was getting worse. Every night I woke up four or five times in a cold sweat. My strength was melting. It seemed that my body was completely depleted.

I paid visit after visit to the attending physician. We tried almost every available remedy, but nothing helped in the fight against my ailment. The doctor didn’t know what to think about the cause of my problems.

In the end, he suggested that while traveling to hot countries, I could catch a tropical disease. Then he referred me to a consultation with an infectious disease specialist. But he threw up his hands in bewilderment.

Unexpected diagnosis

Then I was referred to an otolaryngologist. The result is the same. We turned to various specialists, but none of them could say anything intelligible. Desperate to somehow clarify the picture, I decided to test one guess, which has been haunting me all this time.

“Doctor, send me an x-ray. I suspect the surgeon never got anything out.

– Don’t be in a hurry to part with your money. Of course, anything happens, but I have never heard of anything like it.

And he sent me to a gastroenterologist. While I was preparing for the examination procedure, the nurse drew attention to the scars on my abdomen and inquired about the reason for their appearance. I told about the operation for the bullet wound, after which she proceeded to examine my stomach.

About twenty minutes after the end of the procedure, the nurse returned to the office with an X-ray.

“As you can see, the bullet was not removed,” she said. – Perhaps because she was stuck directly behind the spine.

My amazement was quickly replaced by extreme indignation. I have suffered for a long time. I had no health insurance and had to spend almost all of my savings on medicines, tests and specialists.

I already forgot the last time I slept normally. And in the end it turns out that the doctor shamelessly lied to me! How could he do this to me?

The laws of the universe

Thoughts were confused in my head. I didn’t know where to go, who to turn to for help. Later it was decided to hire a lawyer specializing in professional negligence claims.

I was assured that my case could be settled without going to court, and that I could well count on compensation in the amount of one million dollars.

But that was after I discovered The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. Taking it in my hands, I closed my eyes, leafed through a dozen pages and at random pointed my finger at the first paragraph I came across. I always do this when I need wise advice. This time the paragraph was about forgiveness.

In this section of the book, we discussed the possibilities of bringing to justice the person who caused you a nuisance. The author argued that you cannot forgive a person if you filed a lawsuit against him.

And if you do not get rid of resentment or desire for revenge, then there is nothing to expect to receive your share of the welfare. I physically felt thousands of dollars drift out of my hands.

Pros in my situation

Intuitively, I recognized the author’s correctness. It took me about half an hour to think about the problem. It was clear to me that the surgeon had excised my appendix, but for some reason had not removed the bullet. He still saved my life.

I received a gunshot wound at the moment when they tried to rob me. I was hospitalized in critical condition because I lost a lot of blood. My pulse could hardly be felt, and my heart barely fluttered in my chest.

If it were not for the intervention of doctors, I probably would have lost my life. I understood that in my case the doctors did everything in their power.

I wrote down the phrase thirteen times on a piece of paper: “I forgive people who deceived me and caused me so much pain.” Having put this sheet in my Bible, each time in prayer I turned to the Lord with a request to give me the strength to forgive these people.

And soon I managed to get rid of the resentment. I began to remember the health workers who brought me back to life with love and gratitude. Then something amazing happened.

I never woke up that night. This has happened to me for the first time in the last couple of months. Soon I underwent a second operation to remove the bullet. However, my condition began to improve even before that. And it all started from the very day when I realized that I had forgiven the people against whom I held a grudge.

I am forty-eight years old, and I feel better than at twenty. I came to this conclusion: if you have grief in your soul, then you will not discover the path to abundance. You are incapable of experiencing love if your heart is filled with a desire for revenge.

If you are angry with someone, then you are moving on a path on which you yourself will become a victim. If in some circumstances you feel like a victim, you cannot become a winner.

How to change attitudes towards a situation that cannot be changed

How to get rid of resentment and forgive everyone

1. Remember with whom you are at odds and mentally forgive everyone.

2. Recollect people who have been mistreated in the past. With whom they sued, whom they condemned, against whom they committed unseemly acts. Mentally ask everyone for forgiveness.

3. Forgive yourself. If you have resentment against yourself, or a feeling of guilt for what you have done or not.

By these actions, you will discover a truly bottomless storehouse of prosperity. Believe it or not.

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