How to care for the joints of the hands – 10 interesting facts
How to care for the joints of the hands - 10 interesting factsHow to care for the joints of the hands – 10 interesting facts

Joints are one of the most important parts of the human locomotor system. They connect bones and parts of the skeleton to help you move. Due to the daily activities performed, it is especially important to take care of the joints of the hands, the overload of which can lead to many dangerous and unpleasant diseases.

Everything you need to know about hand joints and joint disease prevention:

  1. The most vulnerable to damage are those parts of the joints that are subject to friction during activities. Although they are covered with hyaline cartilage that inhibits abrasion, improper exercise or joint fatigue can lead to degenerative diseases of these parts of the body.
  2. The degenerative processes of the joints are very slow, often without any visible symptoms. Only in the later stages of the disease does the patient begin to feel pain, with which he reports to the doctor. So it is worth watching your hands and hands to protect yourself from too late detection of the disease.
  3. Joint cartilage is most often destroyed by various pathologies in its anatomical structure or in the course of autoimmune diseases. Factors that we naturally have a greater influence on are improper lifestyle and nutritional deficiencies.
  4. The healthiest form of prevention hand joints there is movement. It is important to do the right exercises every day or at least a few days a week. Joint hygiene requires proper exercise to keep your joints healthy for years. Exercises are worth doing, especially if we perform sedentary work, when hand movements are also significantly limited.
  5. Using dietary supplements and taking care of the food you eat, it is worth investing in a diet rich in vitamins D, B, C and calcium. Bioflavonoids may also be helpful.
  6. Among the supplements available in pharmacies and other points, it is worth looking for those that contain, for example, glucosamine. It is a natural building block of joint cartilage, it also helps in renewing synovial fluid. By the way, such a supplement should also contain vitamin C.
  7. The most important vitamin for hand joint health is vitamin C. It helps in the absorption of glucosamine and chondroitin.
  8. What sports are best to do to help the joints of the hands? Swimming, handball, volleyball, ping-pong, strength exercises, and aerobic exercises for the muscles and joints of the hands can be helpful.
  9. When carrying out the prevention of hand joints, one should also beware of long-term stress and fatigue. They lead to uncontrolled tensing of the muscles and a lot of strain on the joints.
  10. During everyday household activities – buying groceries, carrying heavier things, walking the dog, moving furniture – you should distribute the weight and strength on both hands in such a way that neither of the hands is overstretched. Pay particular attention to the shoulder joints. Relieving only one of the hands can contribute to the formation of pathologies in the other hand.

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