How to calm your nerves before speaking in public: 4 methods

Many of us feel very uncomfortable if we have to speak in front of an audience for work. Yes, this is a good opportunity to draw attention to yourself and stand out among colleagues, but public speaking is seriously scary for many. Fortunately, there are proven methods to help you calm down and not panic.

1. Treat Anxiety as Pleasant Excitement

If you are afraid of public speaking, do not listen to those who advise “just calm down and talk.” Sweaty palms and pounding heart? Take this as a sign of joyful excitement, not anxiety! A study done at Harvard Business School proved that this method actually works. The effectiveness of your actions in an anxious state largely depends on how you perceive your feelings.

The authors of the study asked subjects to sing the song Don’t Stop Believin’ in front of an audience. Before the performance, some of the subjects repeated “I’m scared”, others said: “I feel a pleasant excitement”, and the rest did not say anything. The best performers were those who claimed to experience pleasant excitement.

If we try to convince ourselves that we are calm, then we perceive the performance as a threat.

In another experiment, subjects had to give a short speech to an audience. Before that, some of them had to say “I am calm”, and some – “I feel a pleasant excitement.” Independent observers rated the performances of the subjects from the second group higher.

Scientists believe that by encouraging pleasant excitement in ourselves, we begin to view the upcoming performance as a good opportunity, and if we try to convince ourselves that we are calm, we automatically perceive the performance as a potential threat.

2. The main thing is the ideas that you want to convey to the audience

Yes, being able to speak in front of your peers is a kind of honor. But don’t worry too much about what your boss or audience will think.

Coach Amanda Hennessy provides training in the art of public speaking. In such situations, she recommends thinking less about yourself and focusing on the valuable information that you are trying to convey to your listeners. “Turn your presentation into an exchange of ideas,” she suggests.

It is important to return to the present moment, and not fantasize about the future.

Think about how your speech can benefit the team or clients, “what’s at stake.” “It immediately gives us purposefulness and energy, in this state we feel full of life,” explains Hennessy.

If your brain begins to paint frightening pictures of possible failure, the coach recommends an exercise that will help you feel that you are firmly on your feet: “Feel your feet rest on the floor, pay attention to your surroundings, carefully look at some object on the table. that makes you feel happy. It is important to return to the present moment, and not to fantasize about the future.”

3. Don’t pay too much attention to details

Psychologist Sian Beilock has studied when we start to “stammer” in stressful situations and found that even highly successful people can misbehave by falling victim to “analysis paralysis” – trying to control their performance to the smallest detail.

“Often, despite excellent preparation and practice, we fail precisely because we begin to pay too much attention to detail. If you mentally rehearse the entire speech to the last word before a speech, you can complicate your task, ”explains Beilock.

You can write down positive affirmations on a piece of paper and carry it around with you.

“Golfers are often told to think only about the next stroke and nothing else. When you make a speech and try to convey your ideas to the audience, choose three main ones among them and focus on them, ”the psychologist recommends. In this way, when giving a speech, you will not analyze every word spoken, but will be able to focus on the overall goal of your speech.

Amanda Hennessy also advises practicing positive auto-suggestion: “I can do it,” “I don’t have to prove my worth and worth anymore,” “I’m glad to be able to talk about what is important to me,” “I’m already good enough.” You can write down these positive statements on a piece of paper and carry it with you to reread right before your presentation.

4. Be physically active

Numerous studies show that aerobic exercise reduces the body’s biological stress response. If your lifestyle and daily routine allow it, include physical activity in your preparation for a speech.

But do not worry that you will not be able to adequately perform without playing sports. “If for some reason you can’t practice before a performance, it’s not a big deal. You should not depend on rituals for preparation, ”explains Amanda Hennessy.

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