How to calm nerves at home
Such a difficult period as hormonal changes in the body causes severe stress. Unpleasant sensations exacerbate an already nervous state. Learn from the experts how you can calm your nerves at home

Women have been considered more emotional, anxious, vulnerable for centuries. This was once called a bad temper, but numerous studies have confirmed that this is not always the case. The subtlety of the hormonal apparatus of women cannot be compared with that of men. In the fair sex, hormones “jump” even during the day much stronger than in the male population. What can we say about the menstrual cycle.

A change in a woman’s behavior is indeed often associated with pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, menopause, PMS – premenstrual syndrome. During these periods, the ratio of sex hormones changes dramatically: estrogens and progesterone, and such a jump greatly affects the entire biochemistry of the body.

Mood swings and unpleasant symptoms accompany a woman for a particularly long time when menopause occurs. Closer to 45-50 years, the production of estrogens gradually decreases, which leads not only to obesity, skin fading, but also to irritability, tearfulness. Sleep is disturbed, there is a feeling of hot flashes, which further upsets the nerves.

Some rules will help calm your nerves at home and survive a difficult period.

Change your attitude to menopause

Menopause is often seen as the beginning of aging. This attitude is especially noticeable in Russia – it is not even customary to talk about the onset of menopause. Psychologically, this puts a lot of pressure on a woman, especially given the heightened reaction to everything due to hormonal changes.

Meanwhile, menopause is not old age, not even a disease. Throughout her life, a woman constantly faced similar tests during puberty, pregnancy. Each such period was endured with difficulty, and caused fear and rejection. But then everything was successfully overcome, and subsequently it is remembered not only with an evil word.

Think of menopause as a normal, natural process that happens to absolutely all women. This is just a new stage in life, when there is usually more time for yourself and hobbies, and fewer obligations. And for those for whom menstruation every month brought a lot of torment, menopause will be a liberation.

You can contact a psychologist, try various trainings and sedative techniques.

Watch for food

A decrease in estrogen levels provokes obesity. Blood glucose rises, and the body begins to urgently process it, accumulating fat.

If before menopause an extra bun did not affect the waist, now everything can change. Fluctuations in glucose negatively affect mood, so try to give up junk food and eat fractionally.

Exercise regularly

Studies show that women who lead an active lifestyle are more likely to endure menopause. Sports will help relieve stress and throw out negative emotions. Running, cycling, aerobics are well suited for this. And for calming and positive attitude, do yoga and breathing exercises.

Fight hot flashes

These sensations cause instant irritation, and if the flushes are frequent, it is difficult to calm the nerves. To reduce the feeling of heat, take a contrast shower every day. It trains the vessels. You can sleep in a cool room with good air access.

Choose clothes made from natural fabrics and dress in several thin layers. Then it will be easy to control body temperature by quickly removing or putting on a jacket.

Give up bad habits

Coffee, smoking and excess alcohol, even in a calm period, can cause sleep disturbance, trembling of the limbs, and aggression. You will survive the menopause period more easily if you give up bad habits. Smoking statistically lengthens the duration of menopause. Coffee also leaches calcium, which is less absorbed during menopause.

It does not hurt to establish a routine, it will help you fall asleep on time. Don’t go to bed too late, quality sleep is the key to good health.

Contact your doctor

If menopause is difficult, you need to contact a gynecologist. Well, if this is your doctor, with whom you have been seen before. He will be able to trace the dynamics of changes in the hormonal background and give advice.

Sometimes you need to take artificial hormones. They are prescribed only by an endocrinologist or gynecologist, and if it is really necessary. There are many disadvantages of such drugs, and they are not suitable for everyone.

Take phytoestrogens and vitamins

Slightly increase the level of estrogen will help the intake of vitamins and phytoestrogens. They are found in plants and can partially replace estrogens in the body. It reduces the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Phytoestrogens are usually taken in the form of special complexes. They act quite gently, but it’s still best to consult your doctor.

Don’t Forget About Contraception

So that menopause is not complicated by sudden stress, even after the onset of menopause, contraceptives should be used for several years. The probability of pregnancy is extremely small, but it still persists, and such cases do exist.

Popular questions and answers

The topic of changes in mood and well-being during menopause sooner or later worries every woman. It’s good if there is a permanent doctor with whom she is observed – he can give competent advice.

And answers the most popular questions from patients obstetrician-gynecologist Eleonora Shagerbieva.

Does menopause always make you feel worse?

Do not let yourself be intimidated by such predictions. Reality looks different. Menopause is by no means a disease, but a hormonal restructuring of the body. It is known that menopause can be accompanied by ailments, but this is not inevitable. It is important to remember that almost all ailments can be prevented. The climax is no longer considered a “female share”, which has to be humbly endured.

Is it possible to predict in advance whether mood swings will occur during menopause?

It is almost impossible to predict in advance whether you will avoid these unpleasant accompanying manifestations of menopause. Psychologists are trying to identify personality traits that predetermine the manifestation of ailments caused by menopause. So, it is assumed that women who have chosen for themselves a rather classical female role (woman-wife, woman-mother), more often suffer from manifestations of menopause. It is also noted that the anxious expectation of the corresponding ailments is most likely justified, turning out to be a “self-fulfilling self-prophecy.”

Differences in mentality are also important: for some, menopause is often viewed negatively, so it touches on women’s deepest fears associated with aging. Often these fears take the form of temporary neurotic reactions, which are expressed in unmotivated mood swings, anxious suspiciousness about one’s present and future, and also in the form of mental vulnerability.

Is the breakdown of nerves at this age always caused by menopause?

It is known that women are more prone to depression than men, but scientists have not been able to prove an increase in these symptoms in middle-aged women. Research shows the opposite. It turns out that at the age of 40-50 years, women suffer from depression much less often than in their younger years. This is quite understandable. As a rule, over the years comes life experience, professional maturity, which allows a woman to become more confident in her abilities.

Anxiety symptoms that may accompany menopause are often associated with an overactive thyroid or hyperglycemia, i.e. with very real diseases that require examination and treatment by specialists. Feelings of anxiety and depression can arise as a result of adverse life changes, the “empty nest” syndrome, when children leave the parental home.

How to calm the nerves if they are “naughty” with the onset of menopause?

The most effective way, no matter how trite it may be, is to lead a healthy lifestyle. Eat right, be sure to stay physically active, get enough sleep. Herbal vitamins, herbal teas, and soothing baths can help alleviate symptoms. Breathing exercises are also helpful. Well, first of all, you need to avoid stress and not fall into despair due to the onset of menopause. Change your attitude to this issue, find new activities and hobbies.

Why does sex life worsen with menopause?

Estrogen deficiency, which is inevitable during menopause, can change your attitude towards sex, because it is often accompanied by unpleasant phenomena: itching, burning, abrasions and even bleeding after intercourse. These changes, if you do not pay attention to them and do not control them, will most likely intensify and, in the end, will force you to give up sexual activity.

Continuing to have sex after the onset of menopause will help keep the vagina more elastic, increasing blood flow to it and making sex less likely to become painful. Blood flow to the genitals stimulates the glands that moisturize the vagina and slows down atrophic changes. If problems arise, you should contact your gynecologist for advice.

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