Woman’s Day learned that ideal proportions can be calculated using a special formula. There are many beauties from Chelyabinsk. Whose face is perfect?
The news is actively discussed on the Internet: a specialist at the London Center for Plastic Surgery, Julian de Silva, uploaded photographs of 10 celebrities into a computer mapping program. The traits of the actress Amber Heard turned out to be the closest to the ideal.
Another plastic surgeon Stephen Marquardt 25 years ago, having studied the works on the proportions of the “golden ratio”, created the so-called “beauty mask”. He divided the face into triangles and pentagons, the ratio of the sides to the base of which is equal to 1,618 – this is the number of beauty that Pythagoras deduced.
Having imposed a “beauty mask” on the faces of the Chelyabinsk beauties, Woman’s Day tried to find out which of them had ideal proportions.
As it turned out, according to calculations, the supermodel has ideal facial features Irina Shayk from the Chelyabinsk region – the upper, middle and lower parts of the face are equal to each other. It turns out that it is not for nothing that she is so popular in the modeling business. But the nose pumped up – the ratio of length to width is not equal to 1,618.
And here are other beauties from Chelyabinsk: model and actress from Chelyabinsk Lolita Bunyaeva, showman Natasha Krasnova, model Olga Sedova, actress Anna Peskova, as well as TV presenter and model Ekaterina Fisher. Their example shows that beauty is not limited to dry calculations. And that’s right – when meeting a girl, no man will measure her face with a ruler!
У Anna Peskovoy perfect nose – the aspect ratio is almost exactly 1,618.
Lolita Bunyaeva has almost perfect facial proportions. As you can see, the girl chose a modeling career for a reason.
У Katie Fisher ideal proportions of the eyes: the width of the eye is equal to the distance between the eyes. But the proportions of the upper, middle and lower parts of the face are not equal to each other. However, this does not prevent Katya from working as a model. It also did not stop me from becoming a participant in the third season of the reality show “The Bachelor” on TNT and getting a kiss from Timur Batrudinov.
Olga Sedova close to ideal: the proportions of the face and eyes are only slightly away from the parameters of the “beauty mask”. The beauty of the girl is one of the reasons why she received the title “Vice-Miss Office – 2015”.
Natalia Krasnova possesses ideal proportions of the face, and the nose almost completely corresponds to the “golden ratio”.
Woman’s Day reached out to experts who know how to make people beautiful, and they commented on the “hot topic”.
“Makeup artists take advantage of the knowledge of ideal proportions when applying makeup. By working with light and shadow, as well as with contrasting lines, you can bring the face closer to the reference. The face should be close to the shape of an oval. The proportions between the upper, middle and lower parts of the face are equal. Anyone can independently calculate several parameters of a “beauty mask” for their face. The number 1,618 should be equal to: the height of the face divided by the width of the face; the width of the mouth divided by the width of the nose; the distance between the pupils divided by the distance between the eyebrows. “
“Ten years ago, such programs were very popular. But in plastic surgery everything is very individual and is always discussed with the client. You cannot calculate beauty by a formula. For example, beautiful noses can be snub-nosed or crooked. Everyone has their own ideas about beauty. Once I calculated a breast implant in a similar program, showed it to a client, she said that she wanted a completely different breast. “