How to calculate the date of maternity leave?
Start of maternity leave during pregnancy
Methods for calculating the approximate date of leaving on maternity leave
To calculate the first day of the beginning of maternity leave, you need to mark on the calendar the date of the onset of the last menstruation – 210 days, or 30 weeks, should be added to it. If a woman has irregular periods or does not remember when they started, then, unfortunately, this method of calculating the date of issue on maternity leave will not work.
The first ultrasound is done for pregnant women at 10-14 weeks. Based on its results, it is possible to accurately determine the term. To find out from what date the beginning of pregnancy should be counted, the doctor compares the size of the unborn baby with average indicators and concludes about its development. Based on the results of an ultrasound scan, you can set the start date of maternity leave by finding out from which day the obstetric gestational age should be counted.
You can find out the gestational age by conception. It will be two weeks less than obstetric.
It is also possible to calculate the date of maternity leave by the first fetal movement. This is believed to occur around 20 weeks of gestation. However, thinner and re-giving birth women can feel the first movements of the baby much earlier, and with a large amount of body fat, it is much more difficult to notice how the baby begins to push.
On examination, the obstetrician-gynecologist can determine the gestational age, and accordingly, calculate the approximate date of maternity leave by the size of the uterus. At a later date, it is possible to measure the height of her standing with a centimeter tape, while the number of weeks of pregnancy should approximately coincide with the distance from the pubic articulation to the place where the uterus is probed in the abdominal cavity.