How to calculate the area of ​​a room, premises

How to calculate the area of ​​a room, premises

The first question that arises during the renovation: how to calculate the area of ​​the room? If all the work is done by a professional team, it will cope with such a task without any extra hassle. But, when they decided to do everything on their own, we will have to recall the course of school algebra and geometry.

How to calculate the area of ​​a room?

Where to start calculating the area

All calculations are carried out by the usual old-fashioned method using a tape measure, a pencil, a building level, a calculator. You may also need a large square, a compass (usually the simplest tools at hand are used as this tool, for example, a cord tied to a nail).

Of course, there are many modern building devices, computer programs that allow you to quickly and efficiently calculate the area. But most craftsmen prefer traditional methods. To avoid errors, it is best to take all measurements twice.

Before starting work, all furniture from the room should be removed.

When measurements are taken with a tape measure, you need to be careful not to sag. When using a laser tool, make sure that the beam is directed exactly perpendicularly.

If the measurement of the area of ​​the room is carried out for the first time, it is better to sketch out a plan of the room on paper in advance. This will make the calculation much easier.

We measure the area of ​​a rectangular or square room

How to calculate the area of ​​a room that has rectangular sides? To do this, you need to measure the width and length of the room with a tape measure, then multiply the values ​​among themselves. Based on the school curriculum, the formula will look like this: S = a x b, where a is the length, b is the width.

But the walls are not always even in the room. In this case, the area is measured at the top and bottom. If the results differ slightly, you need to determine the arithmetic mean.

How to independently calculate the area of ​​the room?

How to calculate the area of ​​a room with niches

Sometimes there are niches or other structures in the room. Measurements of such a room are carried out somewhat differently than just a rectangular room. To figure out how to calculate the area in this case, you will need to calculate each site separately. For example, when there is a niche in the wall, the area of ​​the room and the area of ​​the niche are measured separately. The results are summed up.

How to calculate the area of ​​the walls of a room

If you need to calculate the area of ​​the walls in order to calculate the required amount of materials for their decoration, other methods are used.

  1. Their height, length and width are measured with a tape measure.

  2. To find out the volume of the walls, first of all, you should calculate the perimeter of the room and multiply it by the height. That is, first we use the formula P = (a + b) x 2, where a is the length, b is the width, then S = p x c, where p is the perimeter of the room, c is the height.

  3. The values ​​of window and door openings are calculated separately. This result should be subtracted from the number obtained when calculating the area of ​​the room.

  4. If there are protrusions or decorative recesses in the walls of the room, then the area of ​​the protrusion or niche is added to the area.

Complex configuration room

Very often there are very unusual design solutions for premises. Understanding how to calculate the area of ​​a room in such a case is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

  1. If the room has only right angles, you should divide it into several squares, measure the area of ​​each, add the results obtained.

  2. When the room is round, the area is calculated using the formula S = πr², where π is a constant of 3, 14 and r is the radius. A semicircular section is calculated using the same formula, but the result is divided by two more.

  3. To calculate the area of ​​a triangular room, you will have to remember school geometry. First, the semi-perimeter of the triangle is recognized: P = (a + b + c), then its area: S = √ (p (p – a) x (p – b) x (p – c)), where P is half of the perimeter of this polygon , a, b, c – the size of its sides.

It is not difficult to make measurements and make calculations. Each owner should be able to calculate the area of ​​the room. Correctly made calculations will help not only to reduce the cost of materials, but also to control costs if master finishers are engaged in repair work.

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