In 2019, payments for maternity and childbirth increased, and the size of a lump sum for the birth of a child increased. What amounts can expectant mothers expect? This and other questions from Antenna readers were answered by a specialist from the Social Insurance Fund.
I’m expecting a child, I’m working, I’ll go on maternity leave soon. How do I calculate the amount I will be paid before childbirth and during parental leave?
Maternity leave is 140 calendar days (70 before the baby is born and 70 after). During this period, the state pays an allowance. It is 100 percent of your daily wages. The calculation is done as follows. First, the salary for the two calendar years preceding the year of maternity leave is summed up, and then it is divided by the number of calendar days in two years. This is how the average daily wage is determined. It is multiplied by the number of days of the decree.
Please note that 140 days is the vacation period for a typical pregnancy. 156 days (70 before childbirth and 86 after) are prescribed for complicated childbirth, including caesarean section, 194 days (84 before and 110 after) in the case of the birth of several babies.
The daughter is going on maternity leave, but she does not work. I heard that when appointing maternity wages, earnings for the last two years are taken into account. How will my daughter’s benefit be calculated?
The minimum wage (minimum wage) will be taken into account. From January 1, 2019, it is 11 rubles. Maternity for 280 days will be equal to 140 rubles.
I have a good salary. Will it be fully taken into account when assigning maternity benefits or is there a so-called ceiling?
There really is a maximum allowance. In 2019, it is RUB 301. for 095,20 calendar days of maternity leave (in 140 the maximum was 2018 rubles). If the vacation is longer (282 days), then the maximum amount will be 493,4 rubles. (in 156 it was 335 rubles). With a decree of 506,08 days, the maximum payment does not exceed 2018 rubles.
My second child is due to be born in 3,5 months, I am still on leave to care for my first baby. What allowance will be assigned to me, because I have not worked lately?
Maternity pay can be calculated taking into account the wages you received in the two years preceding the maternity leave period. Of course, if this replacement will lead to an increase in payment. You will need to apply to the employer to change the time frame.
My husband and I thought about having a child, but my salary is not too high, so I can hardly count on a solid maternity allowance. What other payments are due to young parents?
The expectant mother is also entitled to a one-time benefit for women registered with medical organizations during pregnancy up to 12 weeks. Payment amount – 655,49 rubles. After the birth of the baby, the mother receives a lump sum. This is 17 rubles. By the way, the child’s father can also arrange this amount. To do this, he must apply to the employer with a statement that the young mother did not receive this benefit. You must apply for payment within 479,73 months after the baby is born.
There is also a monthly allowance, which is prescribed until the child is one and a half years old. It is 40 percent of the earnings of a family member who is on parental leave. This is not only mom or dad, but also grandmother and grandfather. The main thing is that the relative must be employed, and it is under an employment contract. To calculate the benefit, they take income for the two years preceding the vacation. The maximum size is 26 rubles. per month. Minimum – 152,27 rubles.
At the birth of the second and subsequent children from February 1, 2019, the minimum is 6554,89 rubles. (previously it was 6284,65 rubles). If the vacation was issued before February 1 and the minimum benefit was provided, then from February 1, 2019 it will be indexed, that is, it will be increased to the indicated figures.