How To Calculate Body Fat? How to measure body composition? |

In this article you will learn, among others:

  • How To Calculate Body Fat?
  • What is the norm of body fat?
  • How to measure body composition?
  • How to measure body fat?
  • What is the formula for measuring body fat?

How To Calculate Body Fat?

Measurements of body weight do not fully reflect whether the diet and exercise performed are bringing the desired results. The obtained results may distort the current situation, especially when the process of weight reduction is based not only on the diet itself, but also on systematic physical activity. Yes, weight control can be supplemented by measuring the circumference of individual parts of the body, but it is this measurement of body composition that is currently the gold standard.

Body composition

The human body is made of three basic components: water, muscle tissue and adipose tissue. In addition, for diagnostic purposes, the so-called lean body mass (LBM) was also distinguished. It is made up of everything (including muscles and bones) except adipose tissue.

What is the norm of body fat?

Normal body fat content ranges from 14 to 28% of body weight in women and from 9 to 18% of body weight in men. When the share of adipose tissue in the total body weight exceeds 19% in men and 29% in women, then we are talking about overweight. In turn, the content of adipose tissue in the body at the level of over 22% in men and over 32% in women is classified as obesity. It should be emphasized that the content of adipose tissue in the body changes with age.

How to measure body composition?

At present, body composition is measured using special devices that use bioelectric impedance analysis. It is a non-invasive method of diagnostic examination that allows for a very precise determination of individual components of the body. But what if you don’t have access to this type of device? One of the following formulas can then be used to estimate the amount of body fat.

A simple body composition analyzer

What is the formula for measuring body fat?

Professor Wieliński’s models

Women – correct body weight LBM [kg] = 0,384 x body weight [kg] + 0,129 x body height [cm] Fat mass [kg] = body weight [kg] – LBM [kg]

Women – excess body weight Fat mass [kg] = 0,760 x body weight [kg] – 0,177 x body height [cm] Men – normal body weight LBM [kg] = 0,278 x body weight [kg] + 0,22 x body height [cm] Fat mass [kg] = body weight [kg] – LBM [kg]

Men – excess body weight Fat mass [kg] = 0,512 x body weight [kg] – 0,089 x body height [cm]

Footman pattern

Women F%= -12,770968 + 0,014611 log x1 + 0,102559 log x2 + 0,060924 log x3

Men F%= -8,948988 + 0,044703 log x1 + 0,0628201 log x2 + 0,27324 log x3

where: x1 – thickness of the skin and fat fold on the arm (expressed in mm) x2 – thickness of the skin and fat fold of the chest (expressed in mm) x3 – thickness of the skin and fat fold on the lower leg (expressed in mm)

How to measure body fat?

It should be remembered that the above formulas only allow you to estimate the body fat content – they are not a substitute for laboratory tests. Hence, they should not be trusted blindly. The most accurate of those presented above is the one developed by Professor Wieliński.

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What are your ways to measure while on a diet? Have you used a body composition scale? What’s your opinion?

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