Have you already decided what to wear for the New Year’s party, found gifts for your loved ones and even thought about your New Year’s makeup? In preparation for the most magical holiday of the year, the only thing left is to buy a Christmas tree. Woman’s Day will help you determine the freshness of the tree, guide you in the varieties of spruce, and also tell you how best to store the New Year’s beauty.
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Spruce is the most important symbol of the New Year, so you should not neglect its choice. In order for the tree to delight with its beauty as long as possible and create a New Year’s mood, first of all, you need to know how to choose it correctly. There are several points on which to evaluate the tree before buying.
In order for the Christmas tree to make your New Year fabulous and unforgettable, fill the house with a pleasant coniferous aroma and bring a lot of pleasure to you and your loved ones for several weeks, you just need to be smart about choosing it, as many stars who prefer natural Christmas trees have done.
It is necessary to determine the size of the tree. The tree should correspond to the scale of the room where it will stand. The height of the ceilings and the size of the room must be taken into account. The Christmas tree should not clutter up the room and interfere with the passage of people. If you plan to put the Christmas tree in a corner, it is better to take a “one-sided” tree, that is, one with short and sparse branches on one side. It is important to measure the spruce correctly. The height of the tree is measured along the length of the trunk – from the place of the felling to the top of the trunk, while the height of the crown is not taken into account.
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Arriving for a tree in a store or at a Christmas tree market, first of all, you need to look at the cut of the tree trunk. If a dark border several centimeters wide is noticeable on it, then most likely such a tree will die very soon. When buying, you should also pay attention to the trunk – for mold, fungi and other foreign objects. You need to take the vending tree by the middle of the trunk, lift it and hit it with its bottom on a hard surface. If at the same time a lot of needles fell off the tree, it means that it is old and will not stand for long.
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It is important to pay attention to the branches and needles of the tree. The tree should be fresh, dry will begin to crumble in two to three days. In a fresh tree, the branches are elastic, it is not easy to break them off, while in a dry tree they easily break with a characteristic crackle. The branches should stretch upward. Fresh spruce has bright green needles. To find out if the tree is fresh, you need to rub the needles between your fingers. If you feel a slight oiliness and a fragrant smell of needles, then the tree is fresh. If there is no smell, and the needles are dry, then the tree has lost its freshness under the influence of severe frosts.
There are many types of trees at the Christmas tree bazaars. There are plenty to choose from. In addition to the most common Russian spruces, you can buy Canadian, Norwegian and Danish trees, both spruce and pine. By the way, the undoubted advantage of pine will be that it will stand for about a week more than a spruce. The branches of Canadian firs are sharply directed upwards and have a bluish-green color. Norwegian spruces can be recognized by their dark green color. A characteristic feature of Danish fir trees is that the needles are very firmly attached to the branch. Such a tree will not crumble the needles. Imported spruces are fluffier, they have voluminous crowns and there are almost no dry branches without needles.
Vlad Lisovets chooses a New Year tree at the Christmas tree bazaar
The price range of Christmas trees is very wide. A meter and a half of a Russian Christmas tree will cost about 1500 rubles, and a meter and a half Russian pine will cost 2700 rubles. The same size of Danish spruce will be 3800 rubles, prices for Canadian pine start at 4400 rubles. If you want to save money on the Christmas tree, follow it on December 31st. On this day, prices for Christmas trees are significantly reduced.
Once you have chosen the perfect tree, you need to set it up correctly so that it delights you for as long as possible. There are three main ways to store spruce.
Sand bucket: a liter of water is added to a bucket of sand, in which a small amount of glycerin or gelatin is previously dissolved, you can add an aspirin tablet and two tablespoons of sugar.
Bucket with water: water at the time of addition must be hot and contain acid – acetic or citric.
Barrel wrapping: the easiest way is to wrap the tree trunk in the place of the cut with a damp cloth, which must be periodically moistened. This is convenient for those who put the spruce in the crosspiece. But this method is not the best, as the wood will dry faster.