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If you stop receiving joy from communicating with your beloved, get angry over trifles, do not find the strength to forgive him even for small mistakes and more and more often ask yourself: “Why are we together at all?”, Then the time has come for decisive action. Is it worth fighting for a relationship or is it time for a change?
How to build relationships with your husband
First of all, remember: your man is not devoid of dignity. No wonder you chose it! Remember how magical he seemed to you at the beginning of your relationship? And even if now it seems to you that it will be easy to part, then throwing it out of your heart, forgetting the time spent together, all the good things that once bound you, is much more difficult. Moreover, when you finally master it, building new relationships is unlikely to be easy and fun for you.
So, if such thoughts visit you, it means that you still do not want to leave. So, now is the time to remember the common phrase: “We need to work on relationships.” And it is true! None of us are born with the ability to negotiate, understand what he wants, and defend his desires. Few people manage to get this experience in their own family, and, unfortunately, parenting is not always the best role model.
The next few points will help you navigate and outline a plan of action.
1. Decide what you want yourself
To begin with, it is important to determine your own ideas about a happy life. What is closer to you: a house and a comfortable life on the shores of the Adriatic, an apartment in the city center and a top manager’s career, or a family life and a couple of kids?
These are completely different goals, and the strategies for achieving them will also be different. But the sooner you start moving, the sooner you get there!
2. Check your watch
Talk about what each of you wants from the future. Even if you are afraid to open up and meet misunderstanding, it is necessary to do this. Our dreams are like ourselves! Do not give up on them for the sake of anyone.
If your goals are consistent with each other, this is a good start. If they have common points (for example, family and children or millions in a Swiss bank), then the forecast is all the more favorable. Nothing brings people together like joint activities. A clear, planned future with your goals will charge you with an unthinkable amount of energy, cheerfulness and optimism.
3. Do not rush things
Even if your plans include a joint item “children”, then before you start to act, you should finally decide: are you and this man exactly on the way? In all other cases, all the more, give yourself time to sort out the relationship and build a harmonious and joyful life together. The intrauterine hormonal system will provide you with the maximum contraceptive effect for a period of three to five years and relieve you of the joys of PMS. And some types of hormonal pills, in addition to contraception, significantly improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. That, you see, is never superfluous.
Appreciate each other and be happy!