How to build immunity? Health-promoting properties of turmeric
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The coronavirus epidemic and the related stress as well as the spring solstice are a huge challenge for our immune system. During this period, it is worth reaching for proven methods of supporting immunity. Turmeric has beneficial effects and is well documented in scientific research.

The most important weapon against dangerous viruses or bacteria is our immune system. Its efficiency depends on our health and lifestyle. Immunity significantly reduces cigarette smoking, poor diet, alcohol abuse, stress and lack of sleep. It can be improved by physical activity and providing the body with the ingredients it needs, including vitamins and minerals.

Ancestral knowledge confirmed by research

The inhabitants of Asia knew about the health benefits of the turmeric plant, or turmeric, in ancient times. It was used to relieve pain and treat respiratory and digestive diseases as well as various types of inflammation. Today, turmeric has gone through many scientific studies confirming its healing effects.

Helpful not only in inflammatory diseases

Clinical trials have shown the effectiveness of curcumin in supporting the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the intestine, joints, skin, and, importantly, in reducing the accompanying pain. In mice, it reduced inflammation and pain by influencing cholinergic activity in the nerves.

Another study at the Jülich Institute of Neurobiology and Medicine looked at the effects of turmeric on the brain function of rats. It turned out that the administration of turmeric activated the formation of nerve cells. This means that it can increase the brain’s self-repairing abilities. This is of great importance in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer’s disease.

In addition, its therapeutic properties are used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, eye diseases such as glaucoma or conjunctivitis, and in the treatment of stomach ulcers (curcumin stimulates the gallbladder), and in protecting the liver against aflatoxin.

It improves the body’s immunity

Turmeric destroys pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi, so natural Indian medicine recommends eating turmeric dishes and drinking turmeric infusions during an infection. The curcumin contained in it has antiviral properties against influenza, HIV and adenovirus, and in combination with an additional activator it has antifungal properties and fights Candida albicans. Curcumin has the ability to activate the vitamin D receptor, which is extremely important in fighting infection.

It prevents cancer

The German Cancer Society in cancer therapy officially recommends curcumin. The effectiveness was observed, among others. in cancer of the skin, intestines, lung cancer, ovarian cancer and breast cancer.

Not only does it limit the growth of new blood vessels in tumors, it also activates the death of cancer cells.

Turmeric every day

Few people are aware that turmeric in powder form has a very poor digestibility due to its low solubility in water. In addition, to consume 9 g of curcumin from turmeric, you would need to consume at least 250 g of the plant per day, which is not possible. So what to do to get the best out of it?

A group of scientists from a leading German laboratory managed to do so. Based on their research, an innovative preparation was created CurcuZym–Intercell®.

In the preparation, in order to increase bioavailability, curcumin particles have been enclosed in a special starch shell, which not only protects the contents of the capsule, but also makes curcumin more soluble and does not form lumps.

In addition, this special formula allows the transport of substances into the intestines, where every single molecule can be absorbed by the mucous membranes.

This increased bioavailability it results only from the use of natural starch and is not a result of the use of sorbitol derivatives that can be found in other preparations.

Curcumin in the form of microcapsules contained in the preparation CurcuZym–Intercell®is even characterized by 40 times higher bioavailability like ordinary powdered turmeric, bromelain and papain additionally strengthen its effect. The preparation also containsselenium, vitamin D andcynk, which support the immune system, while resveratrol, which is a natural polyphenol, has an antioxidant effect. An important piece of information is the fact that active enzymes are highly sensitive to oxygen and water vapor, as a result of which they quickly lose their activity. For this reason, the packaging of the preparationCurcuZym–Intercell®in the form of special protective blisters, which provide maximum protection against the effects of undesirable external factors.

The preparation is available in many pharmacies, herbal stores and on the website

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