How to build abs and buttocks in a week: expert advice

If you want your party dress to fit you perfectly, take 15 minutes to workout and get your dream body.

Proper nutrition and regular exercise are the secret of the harmony of many girls. If you are not one of them, then surely before the New Year you were on a diet to celebrate the holiday in all its glory, and even show off your thinness in front of your friends. Do not forget that the body must also be fit. Especially if you have already chosen a tight-fitting dress that should emphasize your figure, we recommend pumping up your abs and buttocks. Anastasia Yurkova, master trainer of group programs of the network of fitness clubs X-Fit, helped us draw up a program for a week, thanks to which your body will become elastic and chiseled.

“In a week, it is realistic to visually tighten the abdomen and create temporary sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. In a simple way – to catch blood into the muscle, visually increasing the volume. This requires a multi-repetitive exercise regime with minimal burdens, ”Anastasia comments.

1. Walking stairs.

You can use a cardio machine to do this exercise. Practice on it for 15-30 minutes as a warm-up. If you don’t have a treadmill, walking on a treadmill with a good elevation angle will do.

2. Lunges and kicks.

I suggest doing a set – alternating two exercises. These are classic attacks of 20 repetitions on each leg, and after without rest, overextension of the hip (raise the legs back) 20 times on each leg. Do 3 reps.

3. Side lunges and abduction.

Repeat a similar set in the frontal plane. Side lunges 20 repetitions on each leg, and immediately abduction in a standing position (you can use a weight on legs weighing 1-2 kg). Do 3 reps.

4. Skater.

Make a cross lunge with your right foot, push with your left foot and through the jump, change the position to a cross lunge with your left foot. Do 3 sets of 30 seconds.

5. Hip abduction plank.

It solves several problems at once: the abdomen is tightened by holding the plank, the buttocks are tightened by abducting the hip and stabilizing the pelvis. Stand in the plank position, raise your right leg and take it to the side, while not allowing the plank position to change. Do 15-20 reps for each leg.

6. Press curls

The main task is a large number of repetitions. You need to do 3 sets of 30-50 reps. Additionally, you can add cycling lessons 2-3 times a week.

In terms of nutrition, you need to remember one thing – eat! Moderately, rationally, without harm, but at the same time not limiting yourself too much. If you want a toned butt, not a flat butt, you need to get enough calories for recovery. You should get only calories from healthy foods – complex carbohydrates, proteins and vegetable fats.

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