How to build a wooden toilet in the country

The improvement of the country yard begins with the construction of a toilet, since the need for this building comes first. Despite the simplicity of the design, they install a toilet on the site, adhering to some rules. As in any construction, the beginning of work consists of creating a drawing or a simple diagram. Practice shows that it is easiest to build a wooden toilet for a summer residence, the design of which we will now consider.

Varieties of country toilets

Wooden toilets for summer cottages are widely demanded because of the ease of installation. Wood is the most affordable and easy to process material. The design of the house is a wooden frame sheathed with a board. Such a structure can be made even without complex drawings, guided by step-by-step instructions or a photo taken from the Internet. However, in addition to the wooden house itself, waste disposal will be required. According to this principle, country toilets are divided into several types.

play closet

How to build a wooden toilet in the country

To make a wooden toilet that works on the principle of backlash closet, you will need to equip an inclined floor with a slight expansion from the toilet towards the storage pit. Waste on an inclined plane will move by gravity into the tank, from where, as it accumulates, it is pumped out by a sewage machine.

The advantage of such a system in a summer cottage is the possibility of installing a toilet bowl even indoors, and the cesspool itself is located outside the house. Moreover, such a bathroom does not require laying sewer pipes.

Important! When using the backlash-closet system, there are no unpleasant odors inside the cabin.

The cesspool for this system is made airtight using thermal insulation on the lid and side walls. The downside of the backlash closet when installed indoors is a violation of the integrity of the bearing wall of the building. It is desirable to build such a toilet simultaneously with the construction of the house.


How to build a wooden toilet in the country

The simplest country toilet consists of a house mounted on top of a small waste collector. As the layers of sewage are filled, they are sprinkled with peat, wood ash or sawdust. A purchased powder-closet container is equipped with a distributor that fills up sewage after each visit of a person. A do-it-yourself toilet built in the country provides for the installation of a bucket of powder inside the house. The whole process is done by hand with a regular scoop.

The advantage of powder closet in the country is the possibility of using sewage for fertilizer. After filling the pit, the waste is stored in a compost heap, where it rots. Under such a toilet, you do not need to dig a deep hole and call a sewage truck. You can install a wooden house anywhere and, if necessary, quickly move it.

Dry closet

How to build a wooden toilet in the country

Country dry closet consists of the same wooden house and a waste tank. However, this system uses an unusual storage pit. A factory-made container is installed under the sewage, inside which the waste is processed. The process is carried out by adding biological products consisting of a colony of bacteria.

The advantage of a dry closet lies in the rare cleaning of processed sewage, plus they can be used instead of fertilizing a summer cottage.

Outdoor pit toilet

How to build a wooden toilet in the country

The most common outdoor toilet in the country is a wooden house installed on top of a cesspool. This is not the most convenient design in terms of comfort, but it is easy to erect and does not require large expenses. The essence of the system is to fill the storage pit with sewage, after which they are pumped out by a sewage machine. Some summer residents practice installing a wooden house on a small pit without a bottom, and walls not lined with bricks. In this case, liquid waste is partially absorbed into the ground, and after filling the pit, the wooden house is transferred to another place.

The disadvantage of a portable toilet is soil contamination in its area. Plus, in hot weather, an unpleasant smell is felt in the dacha.

Attention! With a high level of groundwater, the sewage collector of the country toilet should be made from an airtight container.

Choosing a place for installing an outdoor toilet

Before you build a wooden toilet in the country, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of sanitary standards, the neglect of which can lead to bad consequences. It is important to take into account the interests of neighbors, because it will be unpleasant for them to smell sewage in the yard.

Let’s figure out how to make sure that the outdoor toilet in the country does not bring unnecessary problems:

  • Many suburban areas have dug wells. They contain drinking water from the upper deposits. Liquid sewage from the cesspool can be absorbed into the same layers, so there should not be a single well within a radius of 25 m from the outdoor toilet.
  • A street toilet in the country is not erected in a conspicuous place. For him, they try to choose a plot behind the house or at the end of the garden.
  • According to the building code and ethical considerations, an outdoor toilet cannot be built closer than 1 m to the neighbor’s boundary. Scandals may arise in the process, and according to the law, neighbors through the courts have the right to achieve the demolition of the building.
  • The question of how to make a street toilet on a hilly site correctly is considered individually according to the landscape of the territory and the buildings located on it. Optimally, if the house is on a hill, then the outdoor toilet can be located on the low ground. When choosing a place for a country toilet, it is important to observe in which direction the wind blows most often. If possible, it is better to place the building so that unpleasant odors are not carried into the yard by the wind.
  • Even the deepest cesspool will eventually have to be cleaned. Here it is necessary to provide for a free entrance for a sewage truck.

Here, in principle, and all the basic rules that require mandatory compliance. In the presented photo you can see a number of additional sanitary standards on the example of two sites.

How to build a wooden toilet in the country

Construction of a country toilet with a wooden house and a cesspool

It just so happened that the toilet house made of wood and the cesspool have become classics for arranging a summer cottage. A simple building can be erected on its own in a couple of days, and it does not require complex maintenance. When the pit is 2/3 filled with waste, it is cleaned manually or with a sewage machine. When moving a wooden house, the old tank is simply preserved.

Advice! The shape of a wooden house can be very different, depending on the imagination of the owner. Most often, there are above-ground summer cottages in the form of a hut, a tower and a traditional house.

Construction of a cesspool

How to build a wooden toilet in the country

Now we will look at how to make a cesspool in accordance with all the rules. Probably, because it makes no sense to dwell on a simple dug hole for a portable toilet. A waste collector made in accordance with all the rules must be airtight. The seepage of sewage threatens to infect the earth and the upper layers of groundwater.

The volume of the cesspool depends on the number of people living in the country. Usually, a pit of 1,5–2 m is dug for such outdoor toilets.3. If the groundwater is located deep, the volume of the pit is increased due to the depth. Otherwise, the pit is dug small, but wide.

For the arrangement of the cesspool, you can use different building materials. The easiest way is to buy a plastic container and simply install it in the pit. A reliable, but expensive tank will be made of concrete rings. Lifting equipment is required to install them. Alternatively, the walls of the pit can be laid out from cinder block or red brick. Old tires from agricultural equipment can also be used to equip a cesspool, you just have to cut out part of the inner side to increase the volume. Silicate brick will not go to masonry, as it collapses in dampness.

Before the walls are erected, the bottom of the pit is concreted. It can be laid out with bricks, reinforced with reinforcing mesh and poured with concrete with crushed stone. A bottom thickness of 150 mm will suffice. When the concrete hardens, they begin to build walls from the selected material. The top of the pit is best covered with a concrete slab with a hole cut out. Moreover, it is desirable to cover the back side of the plate with bituminous waterproofing. It will prevent the destruction of concrete.

We draw up a drawing of a wooden house and determine its dimensions

The photo below shows drawings of a wooden toilet for a summer residence with your own hands, guided by which you can make a house. However, such a choice of shape and size is not fundamental, and each owner has the right to show his imagination.

How to build a wooden toilet in the country

How to build a wooden toilet in the country

How to build a wooden toilet in the country

The scheme of any wooden house is almost identical. The building consists of a frame, for the manufacture of which a wooden bar with a section of 50×50 mm is used. Doors and sheathing are made with a board 10–15 mm thick. Only the shape of the house can differ. Naturally, the arrangement of some elements of the wooden frame in this case changes.

A classic wooden house, called a birdhouse, is considered easy to manufacture. The dacha building is given a rectangular shape, which greatly simplifies the manufacture of the frame. The dimensions of the wooden house are selected individually, so that even obese people have enough space.

If we talk about the standard dimensions of the house, then adhere to the following dimensions:

  • height – 2,2 m;
  • width – 1,5 m;
  • depth – 1–1,5 m.

Aesthetic lovers can abandon the traditional rectangular house and build it in the shape of a hut. The drawing shows that such a wooden structure of a country toilet is slightly complicated by the addition of two inclined roof planes.

Frame construction

It’s time to learn how to make the simplest rectangular frame of a wooden house. It should be noted that for this period the cesspool should be fully equipped and covered.

The process of making a country toilet frame is simple:

  • Since we are considering the construction of a non-portable toilet, it is necessary to make a foundation for a wooden house. The structure is light, so under it at the corners it is enough to dig four supports below the freezing level of the soil. For this, a metal or asbestos-cement pipe is suitable. You can lay out the columns of brick.
  • According to the dimensions of the future house from a wooden beam with a section of 80×80 mm, a quadrangular frame is knocked down. This will be the base of the building. The frame is laid on the pillars of the foundation, while a piece of roofing material is placed under the bottom for waterproofing.

    How to build a wooden toilet in the country

  • The frame of the house itself is assembled from a bar with a section of 50×50 mm. The first to knock down two identical quadrangular frames. Vertical posts are attached to the bottom frame at the corners. Moreover, the front bars are made longer than the rear ones, so that the slope of the roof is obtained.
  • From above to the racks, the second frame is fixed strictly horizontally. This will be the ceiling of the house. Between themselves, the racks are reinforced with scarves. They will give the wooden frame rigidity. At a height of 500 mm from the bottom frame, two horizontal crossbars are installed. There will be a chair here.
  • Since the A-pillars are longer than the rear ones, they protrude above the frame. From them, two slats are nailed to the rear pillars. The wooden elements will be sloped, forming the slope of the toilet roof.

    How to build a wooden toilet in the country

  • A crate is stuffed onto the upper slats from the board. Its step depends on the chosen roofing material. The gap between the roof of the house and the upper frame of the ceiling can be glazed with corrugated glass. For the door from the front of the frame, two more additional racks are installed.

The finished frame of the country toilet is installed on a wooden frame, already standing on the foundation, and proceed to the sheathing.

Sheathing of all fragments of a wooden house

How to build a wooden toilet in the country

For sheathing the walls of a country toilet, a board treated with an antiseptic is used. The frame, by the way, should be similarly opened with a similar solution to protect the wood. The door is knocked down from a board 20 mm thick, after which it is attached to the rack with hinges. The toilet seat is sheathed with a board, but the floor can be tiled or made of wood. The area is covered with tiles up to the toilet seat. In this place, dampness and dirt most often accumulate, brought on shoes during rain. You can cover the roof of a country toilet with any roofing material, preferably not heavy. For ease of use at night, lighting is extended inside the wooden house.

Arrangement of ventilation of a country toilet

How to build a wooden toilet in the country

In order to have less bad smells inside the country toilet, they equip the simplest ventilation. An ordinary PVC pipe with a diameter of 100 mm is fastened with clamps to the back wall of a wooden house from the side of the street. The lower part of the pipe is buried inside the pit by 100 mm, and the upper edge rises above the roof by at least 200 mm. From rain and snow, a cap is put on the pipe.

The video shows the construction of a wooden toilet for a summer residence:


The above drawings and recommendations will allow you to quickly build an outdoor wooden toilet in your summer cottage. And the best way to decorate the house depends on the imagination of the owner.

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