How to build a relationship with a child? Use the «one day rule»

Both for an adult and for a child, it is extremely important to be together at least one day a week and be distracted from other things. What does it give everyone?

Why do we need family holidays?

Eternal Race

We adults are in an endless race. We are working. We pay bills, mortgages, loans. We buy something. We compete with each other. And we are constantly under stress, waiting: “I’ll work a little more and finally start living.” We don’t have breaks. We are constantly in touch. Even when the phone is turned off, we can’t forget about business.

But there will always be someone who will be better, richer, more successful. There is never enough money. And in this race, we risk missing something important.

Stress «inherited»

The stress experienced by adults also applies to children. Parents impose their rhythm of life on them. Only when they bring the baby to kindergarten, they are already interested in whether they will prepare him for school there. Modern fathers and mothers strive for the baby to read at the age of three, to be able to count at the age of five, and at the age of six to know the multiplication table. And as a result of this, the kid thinks not about who to play and make friends with, but how to achieve the set bar.

The secret to keeping the family together

Ancient legend

Let’s remember the story of the biblical prophet Moses, who led the Jews out of Egypt. For 40 years he led them through the desert, where there was no food. But every day in the morning, manna from heaven appeared on earth, which nourished the people. On Friday, it fell out in double volume, so that on Saturday the people could rest, having prepared food in advance.

This legend explains one of the main traditions of Judaism — to observe Shabbat. This is a day of rest, which a person dedicates to loved ones, prayer, rests physically and accumulates strength. All family members meet at the table.

Shabbat is observed at the state level. This ancient tradition has survived to this day. She helped the people, who for a long time did not have their own land and state, to preserve their national identity and originality for 1,5 thousand years by passing on customs and traditions from father to son. And we can adopt this important idea: one day a week it is important to relax and be together with loved ones.

Home is a place of love and peace

A person who is constantly in a race brings anxiety and fuss to the house. He has no connection with family members, because he does not spend time with them, is not separated from third-party concerns. But at the same time, everyone wants the house to be a territory of love, peace, peace and kindness. And for this you need to completely disconnect from business and direct your attention to the family and children.

one day rule

Why not listen to biblical wisdom? In the family, you can organize your own “digital Shabbat”: do not make appointments on the day off and turn off the phones. We can spend the whole day with loved ones: go to the park, talk about personal things, find out who lives by what.

Play Together

Psychologists say that we draw 85% of the feeling of happiness in relationships with loved ones. By devoting just one day a week to rest and family, you can make yourself and your child happy.

Children are open and believe in miracles, filled with vital energy. For them, the world is magnificent, beautiful and wonderful. It’s time to learn from them. Watch with your baby how a paper boat floats along the stream. When you come to the playground, be active: ride the slide with him, feed the pigeons. In one day, the child will become closer to you. It will be a unique experience that both you and him will remember for years to come.

Happiness is here and now

The child will not notice the difference between your old car and the new one. He will not understand whether you have chosen an expensive resort for relaxation or not. And it doesn’t matter to him which brands you prefer. But the child will notice the absence of mom or dad nearby. And for happiness, he needs parents who spend time with him.

By making the «one day rule» a tradition, you may feel like your family is getting stronger. And not only will you get used to giving yourself rest, but also teach your children not to lose themselves in the daily race, in which they will sooner or later join themselves.

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