How to build a job in a crisis: 5 important books

A crisis is a time when it is especially important to understand the company’s problems and revise management approaches. This can help five books that were picked up in “LitRes”

“Never give up. Anti-crisis strategies of Russian entrepreneurs”, Daria Suntsova

How to build a job in a crisis: 5 important books

The book contains real stories of overcoming crisis situations, which are shared by successful entrepreneurs. Ekonika, Dodo Brands, Teremok, Henderson, Synergy, Alpina Publisher – the founders of these and other well-known companies reveal strategies that allow you to “stay afloat” even in the most difficult times. Their experience proves that economic or political shocks, social changes and even natural disasters can be used to introduce new solutions and transformations.

“Effective or dead. 48 rules of anti-crisis management”, Vladimir Mozhenkov

How to build a job in a crisis: 5 important books

In his work, entrepreneur Vladimir Mozhenkov has repeatedly encountered various kinds of turbulence – and he managed not only to keep his business, but also to leave competitors behind. Based on this experience, he compiled a set of rules that work effectively in any industry in conditions of total instability. In the book Effective or Dead, the author reveals many managerial life hacks and tricks, and also tells how to plan a budget, what to pay special attention to in a crisis, and what personal qualities a leader needs to overcome difficulties.

“Connecting the Dots”, John Chambers, Diane Brady

How to build a job in a crisis: 5 important books

John Chambers speaks more about the personal qualities of a manager on the pages of his book. He went from being a dyslexic boy who was made fun of by his classmates to head of Cisco Systems, one of the most valuable companies in the world. The author’s personal story can be a source of inspiration and an example of effective leadership for many entrepreneurs. Chambers shares his own career lessons and talks about basic human principles that need to be upheld at critical moments. In fact, this is a comprehensive manual for insightful and innovative management. Having become acquainted with it, one can learn to assess difficult situations, remain calm, focus on the main thing and make decisions despite problems, crises and criticism.

“Big debt crises. Coping Principles Ray Dalio

How to build a job in a crisis: 5 important books

“History is cyclical” – the American billionaire Ray Dalio based his approach to financial issues on this statement. He thoroughly studied the major economic and market shocks of different countries and found that the course of all historical examples is almost the same. This knowledge helped Dalio create the largest hedge fund in history, win big in the 2008 crisis and gain fame as a “legendary investor”. He shared his author’s approach to the principles of overcoming crises with a million readers around the world. In the book, he lucidly explained what the debt cycle consists of, how economic “storms” occur, and whether it is possible to prepare for them in advance.

«Management in a Crisis. How to survive and become stronger.” Yitzhak Adizes

How to build a job in a crisis: 5 important books

Israeli author Yitzhak Adizes has been called a recognized management guru and one of the best business thinkers of our time. For more than 50 years, he has been cooperating with the heads of major international companies and heads of state. From his pen came out more than 29 books, many of which became bestsellers of business literature. In this guide, Adizes talks about crises and how to make the most of them. He cites as an example the problems organizations have exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic. The author considers the lack of coherence, unity, and a common vision to be the main of them. The author offers readers his own method of getting out of such situations and tells what managers need to do so that in the end their company only becomes stronger.

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