Modern landscape designs include a large number of various buildings and elements that allow you to create a piece of paradise in the local area. For example, a fountain, even the smallest one, will give your site some originality. If you are thinking about implementing such a project, then do not be afraid of it. It is quite possible to make a fountain for a summer residence on your own. To do this, you need to apply ingenuity and a little desire. This article has also been prepared to help. From it you can learn how to build a fountain with your own hands.
Why do you need a fountain
Mainly, the fountain makes an indelible impression on all people in the country. After all, everyone knows the fact that you can spend hours looking at how water flows. Therefore, if you regularly have guests at your dacha, then such a structure will give your communication more sincerity. What is the endless murmur of water worth.
Plus, rest near the water is useful. The water element will fill you with positive energy to accomplish new ideas. Also, water relieves stress, fatigue and gives peace of mind and peace of mind. You will truly feel the harmony with the surrounding world. And if you supplement this building in the country with original lighting, beautiful figurines, etc., then you end up with a very original picture. Just imagine, at night or in the evening, the water falls and shimmers in different colors. This is truly a mesmerizing sight. It seems that these reasons are enough for you to understand – the fountain should be in the country!
Where to install
If you are on fire with the ideas of creating a fountain, then first of all you need to determine the place where it will be mounted. It should not be installed in direct sunlight. Otherwise, this may lead to the fact that the water simply begins to bloom. And due to the frequent change, the water consumption will also increase significantly. This is good if you have an autonomous source of water, but if you have a city one.
Among other things, it is not recommended to place trees near this reservoir, or rather vice versa. Falling leaves and branches from a tree will quickly pollute your fountain. Worst of all, the roots of trees can destroy the entire structure of the reservoir. For this reason, choose a place as far away from trees as possible.
It is preferable to place a decorative fountain for giving in a recreation area. It is very good if the outdoor fountain is located in such a garden area where it will be fully visible. So, if you have already decided on the location of the future fountain, you should pay attention to the decorative aspect.
fountain shape
Do-it-yourself fountains in the country in the photo in this article are presented in different types and forms. If we talk about the most common fountains for the home, then these are jet ones. By this is meant a fountain in which the jet is directed upwards and can be divided into several jets. This is the classic and simplest version of how to organize a mini-pond with a fountain in the country.
A fountain for a pond in a country house can have a strict square shape or a round one. It can also be oval or with multiple angles. As for additional decorative figures, he does not always need it. Usually it will be enough to mark its borders with a beautiful side. Plus, it is important that this building fits beautifully into the overall landscape design and fits the style of the country house. That is, if your house territory in the country house is very small, then you should not build a huge fountain that will focus all attention on itself. It should complement the whole picture.
Before you make a fountain in the country with your own hands, you must also decide on its appearance. Today, 3 main varieties are known:
- Submersible.
- Stationary.
- “Falling Water”.
The easiest to implement of all of the above is submersible. It differs in that the jet of water hits directly from the reservoir. A submersible pump is lowered to the bottom of the reservoir, and nozzles for creating a jet can be very different. The height of the jet is determined by the power of the pumping unit. Such a fountain may have a small size.
As for the stationary one, it is much more difficult to build it. Usually such a building includes statues, sculptures and all kinds of decorative elements. Of course, making it more difficult, however, visually, it will look much more solid than a small submersible fountain in the country.
By “Falling Water” is meant a combined composition, which includes a small waterfall and a fountain. That is, the jet of water does not just fall on the water, but is directed to a cascade of stones. Through them, the water returns back and circulates in a circle through the pump and the entire reservoir.
It is important to understand that it is very difficult to make a fountain with your own hands without a pump in the country. For this reason, first of all, it is necessary to choose a suitable pump that can pump the required volume of water. As for the choice of pump, it is important to take into account some features. If the reservoir in the country is small, then you should not purchase a very powerful pump. Otherwise, the jet of water will rise very high and be sprayed around. On the other hand, a pump that is too weak in a large body of water will create a small jet, and in fact more is possible.
In addition to the pump, other material is also needed. For example, polyethylene, which spreads along the entire bottom of the reservoir. River pebbles are also needed, with which you can lay out the bottom and edges. Depending on your idea, sand may also be required. In fact, there are many ideas. In this article you can find fountains in the country in the photo in different versions. Here you can use old rubber tires from a car, ceramics, glass and much more.
Among other things, you need a special reservoir for hydraulic equipment and water. You can buy a tank ready-made or make it yourself. To do this, all work is performed in the following sequence:
- Dig a pit of the appropriate shape.
- Pour a small layer of sand at the bottom of the pit and reinforce its side walls with bricks.
- After that, the entire pit should be covered with plastic wrap. It is important that the film is solid.
- On the upper edge, it is necessary to temporarily fix the film. After that, the bottom of the pit is covered with decorative stones. Thus, the polyethylene will be securely fixed. It is not recommended to use stones with sharp edges. They may damage the film.
Installation of pumping equipment
So, if the pit is completely ready, then you should proceed with the installation of the pumping unit. The principle of operation of the pump here is very simple. Water is ejected through the nozzle into the tank, it enters the pipeline, undergoes coarse and fine cleaning, and then the purified water passes through the nozzle again.
The method of mounting the pump depends on the type of equipment. The pump for the fountain in the country can be submersible. In this case, it is located in the center of the reservoir. It does not need to be fixed in any way, since it has a certain weight. It is ideal for small fountains in the country. There is also a surface fountain. Based on its name, it is obvious that it should not be lowered into the water. It is located on the surface in close proximity to the pond and the fountain at their summer cottage. The connection of the pump should be carried out in accordance with the existing instructions from the manufacturer. Here, according to this scheme, the manufacture of a decorative fountain in the country is carried out. Now we invite you to consider another original solution for the manufacture of the fountain.
Polyresin fountain
Polystone is an artificial stone. It combines elegance and sophistication at the same time, which makes this material in demand in the manufacture of the fountain. Mostly in the market or store, ready-made figurines of their polystone are sold. You should choose the right one and deliver it to your land.
A special tank is also made for installation. So, the finished figurine can be installed in the center of the reservoir. Be sure to install a filter on the pumping equipment, which will keep the water clean and not have an unpleasant odor. Garden fountains for summer cottages made of polyresin will become a real decoration of the entire landscape design.
So, as we have seen, a fountain made in the country will be a great addition to landscape design. You can also make it yourself. In this work, the prepared video, which is located at the end of this article, will also help you. We hope that this material helped you dispel the myth that it is impossible to make a fountain with your own hands in the country!