How to Build a Dovecote and Pigeon Nests

It is no more difficult to arrange nests for pigeons than for chickens, but this is not enough for birds. In order for the birds to live, bring offspring, it is necessary to build a dovecote. The poultry house looks like a barn. Usually the building is reduced in size, but it all depends on the number of pigeons kept.

What is a dovecote

How to Build a Dovecote and Pigeon Nests

Pigeons are bred for two purposes: entertainment and income. The dovecote is the home of the birds. Here they live and breed. Each pigeon knows its own dovecote and returns after the flight to its own home, and not to a neighboring poultry house.

What does a dovecote look like

How to Build a Dovecote and Pigeon Nests

The exterior of the dovecote resembles a chicken shed. The difference is some nuances of arrangement and location. The house can be built not only in the ground version, but also on the balcony or attic of your own house. People who breed valuable breeds of pigeons for fun build beautiful buildings from expensive materials. Many photo examples of dovecotes and pigeon aviaries are available on the Internet. Taking them as a basis, you can build an exact copy of the house at home.

What are pigeons

According to the number of sections, poultry houses are divided into three types:

  1. Single-section models are compact. Pigeon houses are usually installed in urban areas.
  2. Two-section models have increased dimensions, but are similarly distinguished by their compactness, neat execution, and are installed for pigeons in urban areas.
  3. Two-section models on shortened racks are adapted for mounting on flat roofs.

All types of dovecotes have an important difference related to the design, installation method:

How to Build a Dovecote and Pigeon Nests

  • The hinged dovecote resembles a small wooden box, fixed with brackets to the wall. The house is designed for a maximum of 2-3 pairs of pigeons. Each person can assemble the structure without much difficulty, but a do-it-yourself mini dovecote has three important drawbacks: an uncomfortable notch, poor protection from rain and cold, and difficulty in operation. A hinged house is not suitable for breeding thoroughbred pigeons. The design is usually in demand by beginners to gain experience.

    How to Build a Dovecote and Pigeon Nests

  • The tower dovecote is more functional, more complex. The house is usually shaped like a cylinder or a house, which can be classically square or polygonal. The dovecote is placed on a hill. Supports are pedestals, powerful pillars. The house has a notch for each pair of pigeons, nests, perches. Birds are protected to the maximum from predators, bad weather. The disadvantage of the design is the complexity of construction.
    Advice! The tower dovecote creates ideal conditions for the living of pigeons, close to natural nature.
  • The attic dovecote is available to owners of private houses. The whole attic acts as housing for pigeons. There is no need to build anything extra. It will be necessary to organize notches, to perform internal arrangement (nests, perches, feeders). It is advantageous to build an attic dovecote in the country, using a gable roof of a barn or other outbuilding.

Pigeon lovers come up with their own options for poultry houses. Sometimes they adapt balconies, erect free-standing structures.

Dovecote building requirements

Even when keeping non-pedigreed pigeons, it is important for birds to create optimal living conditions. The following requirements are imposed on all types of dovecotes:

  • you can not install houses near tall structures or trees that interfere with the free flight of pigeons;
  • undesirable proximity of high-voltage wires, telephone cables;
  • the building is removed to the maximum from a landfill, a cesspool, or another similar object that is a source of reproduction of pathogens;
  • dovecote should not be located close to the barn where pets or birds are kept, as pigeons are susceptible to rapid infection with other people’s infections.

For the comfort of living, the pigeons inside the house maintain a temperature of at least + 5 in winter оC, and in summer – up to + 20 оC.

Preparing to build a dovecote

Having decided to build a dovecote, you must immediately decide how many birds it will accommodate the house. One pair of pigeons needs 0,3-1 m3 free space. It is important to consider the interior arrangement. If more than one pair of pigeons will be kept, a dovecote with several rooms for young and adult birds is needed. Additionally, compartments are made with nests for wintering females.

Important! It is optimal to keep up to 15 pairs of pigeons in one house. If there is a desire to increase the livestock, another dovecote is installed further away and at a different level.

It is advisable to make a house for pigeons with an additional free room where you can store food and maintenance equipment. It is advisable to install a large dovecote (not an attic type) on a foundation. With a high level of groundwater, waterproofing the base of the house is equipped.

Traditionally, a dovecote is built with their own hands from wood, and light roofing material is used for the roof. You will need boards, slats, timber. For sheathing the frame of the house, you can use plywood, other wood chip boards.

How to build a dovecote with your own hands

The construction of any dovecote begins with a project. According to the scheme, the necessary materials are purchased. Prepare the site where the building will be located.

More details about the construction of the dovecote are shown in the video:

How to make a dovecote (pigeon nursery) with your own hands, part 1

dovecote project

The dovecote drawings presented in the photo with their own hands provide compartments for young and adult pigeons. There is a walk. The location of the nests is indicated.

How to Build a Dovecote and Pigeon Nests

How to Build a Dovecote and Pigeon Nests

Dovecote dimensions

As for the dimensions of the pigeon house, they adhere to the established standards:

  • height – 2 m;
  • doorway – 60×180 cm;
  • total window area – 1/10 of the floor area;
  • notch height – from 15 to 25 cm, width – from 10 to 20 cm.

Windows are located on the walls of the dovecote on the south or east side.

dovecote walls

The construction of the dovecote begins with the assembly of the frame and the erection of walls. Since the pigeon house will be wooden, its skeleton is assembled from a bar. They make the lower frame, put up the racks, attach the upper harness. For sheathing use a board, OSB. Plywood or chipboard is suitable, but such walls need to be protected from rain from the street. Requires additional finishing of the house.

Ground dovecotes are built of brick or foam blocks. The walls are strong, but require additional insulation. Usually foam is glued from the inside, and sheathed with plywood on top so that the pigeons do not peck at the insulation.

Paul in the dovecote

For flooring use edged board. If the floor is uneven, you can nail a sheet of plywood on top. Sometimes in the dovecote, the floor is finished with linoleum. Wood is completely protected from moisture, the process of removing manure is simplified.


There are no special requirements for the shape of the roof of the pigeon house. You can install a single-sided or double-sided design. The choice depends on the personal preferences of the owner. Roofing material choose flexible tiles, corrugated board, iron. The slopes are given a gentle slope. Rainfall should not linger on them, but it is necessary for the pigeons to sit comfortably.


Window openings cannot be cut on opposite walls. With this arrangement, the pigeons will be subject to drafts. Window sills inside the house are not needed. It is advisable to tighten the windows with a metal mesh that protects against the penetration of predators to pigeons.


Natural ventilation is provided through the door. Lutka is equipped with two wings. The outer canvas is deaf from boards or plywood. The inner sash is mesh. In summer, the blind canvas is open, and air exchange is carried out through the mesh, daylight penetrates.

Air vents are cut out for additional ventilation. The inlet is located on the lower part of the sash or wall opposite the doors. The hood is organized under the ceiling. Usually they cut a hole in the roof, insert a pipe with a rain cap.

Important! Ventilation products are sewn up with a fine mesh, and in winter they are closed from drafts.

How to insulate a dovecote

Natural and artificial materials help keep the heat inside the dovecote. A wooden house for pigeons from the inside can be upholstered with ordinary thick cardboard from the packaging of household appliances. The slots are blown out with mounting foam, but from above it is protected with a dense material that prevents pigeons from eating it.

Stone walls are insulated with foam, sheathed with plywood. Natural insulation is clay with straw or sawdust. The plaster is applied from the inside in a thick layer.

Mineral wool is suitable for insulating the roof of walls and floors. Foil heaters have good thermal insulation properties.

How to make a dovecote on the balcony with your own hands

How to Build a Dovecote and Pigeon Nests

If desired, a small dovecote with your own hands will turn out even on the balcony, but there may be problems with neighbors. When an agreement is reached, you can hang hanging houses on the walls. If you take the entire balcony under the dovecote, it is made of a closed type. Walls, floors and ceilings are insulated. The windows are closed with a mesh, fixing it at a distance of 15 cm from the glass. If the balcony is located on the sunny side, shading is provided so that the pigeons are cool in summer.

The arrangement of the internal space of the balcony under the dovecote involves the installation of nests, feeders, drinkers. Perches for pigeons are made from perches firmly fixed to the wall. Green plants are planted in pots. It is advisable to use those plants that pigeons can eat.

How to make a dovecote in the attic with your own hands

How to Build a Dovecote and Pigeon Nests

To make free-standing beautiful dovecotes, you will need a lot of material, labor, and costs will increase. The attic of a private house or barn is an almost ready-made home for pigeons. First of all, the floor is laid from the boards, then they start making the house. If it is assembled from wood, there is no need for additional sheathing, putty joints. The brick house is subjected only to putty. The metal structure is sheathed from the inside with boards and thin plywood.

The process of arranging a dovecote inside is similar to a ground building. In the house in the attic, pigeons make a notch, ventilation, put feeders, nests, perches. The walking area can be attached from the grid, and the floor can be covered with plywood. There is no heating in the attic. In winter, pigeons have enough thick bedding, which is regularly changed as it gets dirty. Be sure to equip ventilation.

How to equip a dovecote inside

How to Build a Dovecote and Pigeon Nests

In order to create comfort for the pigeons, after the construction of the house, they proceed to its internal arrangement:

  • Electricity is needed for lighting and additional heating. In a small insulated house in winter, pigeons can maintain a positive temperature with ordinary incandescent lamps. If the dovecote is large, safe heaters are connected.
  • The general arrangement of the dovecote inside involves the creation of perches, feeders, nests for females, drinkers, and the installation of additional equipment. Perches are made for each pigeon individually. In other words, the number of perches corresponds to the number of birds. Pigeons love to sit on the ridge of the roof. A similar shape in the form of a triangle must be made perches. The perches are arranged so that the excrement of pigeons from the upper tier does not fall on the lower sitting birds. Perches are cut out of a beam 3,5 cm thick, 15 cm long. To each element on the side at an angle of 45 о plywood plates measuring 15×15 cm are fixed with self-tapping screws. Perches are placed against the wall of the dovecote in tiers with an indent of 30 cm. An offset of 50 cm is made between the rows.
  • Experienced poultry farmers make feeders and drinkers themselves. It is easier for a person starting to breed pigeons to buy inventory. Plastic feeders and drinkers are not expensive. Inside the aviary, pigeons need baths for bathing. The containers are placed small, with a maximum depth of 5 cm.
  • Additional equipment helps to improve the comfort of the pigeons. These include safe electric heaters, forced air fans, bird monitoring cameras.

One of the important stages in the arrangement of the dovecote is the installation of nests for females.

How to make nests for pigeons in a dovecote

How to Build a Dovecote and Pigeon Nests

Breeding pigeons, getting new offspring is impossible without installing nests. They can be made, bought at the store or adapted ready-made boxes.


The simplest nest is a board with partitions. The structure is placed against the wall. Hay is placed in each cell. The female organizes her own nest. If desired, you can try to make individual boxes. For one nest, you need 4 pieces of board 30 cm long. The width of the workpiece is 25 cm, the thickness is 2 cm. The bottom of the nest is made from a rectangular piece of plywood 30×30 cm in size.

From the boards, the sides of the box are fastened with self-tapping screws. One side is covered with plywood. The nest is fixed permanently to the wall of the dovecote or a removable box fixture is provided. In the second option, fixing clips are placed to prevent displacement of the structure. A removable nest is considered the best option due to ease of maintenance.


Gypsum pigeon nests are poured into moulds. It is usually oval or round. At home, a plastic bowl of large and small sizes will serve as a form for the nest. A large bowl is needed to fill the base – the nest body. With a small bowl, squeeze out a recess in the gypsum that has not hardened.

Nest making process:

  • A large bowl is greased inside with petroleum jelly. In a smaller bowl, only the outer part is treated with petroleum jelly.
  • Gypsum for filling the base of the nest is diluted with water, PVA glue is added in an amount of 1 tsp. It is necessary to mix and pour quickly so that the gypsum does not have time to harden.
  • The prepared gypsum mixture for the nest is poured into a large bowl. Immediately take a small bowl, press its bottom into the liquid mass to form a deepening of the nest.
  • Sand is poured inside a small bowl. The weight will prevent the bowl from moving. In this position, the plaster nest is left to harden for 7 days.
  • After a week, 100% gypsum will harden. Vaseline-lubricated bowls are easy to separate from the nest. If the workpiece is still damp, leave it to dry.
  • The finished nest is polished with sandpaper, painted with lime or water-based emulsion.

The plaster nest has an impressive weight. It can be installed inside the dovecote without additional fixation.

Important! After staining, the plaster nest should not have a smell, otherwise the female will refuse to use it.


A plastic container of a suitable size will serve as a finished nest for pigeons. Use bowls, trimming buckets, fruit storage boxes. A pre-made plastic nest can be purchased at a pet store. It is not expensive. Plastic nests are light, durable, easy to clean.

From foam plastic

How to Build a Dovecote and Pigeon Nests

They came up with an interesting option for making a foam nest. Again, you will need a bowl with a semicircular bottom, but not plastic, but metal. The base of the nest will be a foam plate 50-100 mm thick. The size is selected individually. A sheet of parchment is placed on top of the foam. The bottom of the bowl is heated on a gas stove, put on parchment. From hot iron, the foam will begin to melt. The recess will take the form of a bowl.

When the depth of the nest is sufficient, the bowl is removed. Take off a sheet of parchment. The foam nest is lubricated with glue, construction bandages are glued for strength.

Dovecote Care

Pigeons must be kept clean, otherwise the birds may get sick, the offspring will deteriorate. Dovecotes, nests, perches and all other equipment are disinfected monthly. The choice of the active solution is carried out taking into account the active pathogen. In addition, the substance must be safe for the pigeons themselves. The most common drug is a solution of manganese, bleach and slaked lime, caustic soda. Chloramine, formalin, xylonaft are considered to be potent substances.

The choice of a particular drug is best done at the direction of a veterinarian. If pigeons show signs of disease, the frequency of disinfection of the dovecote is reduced to 1 time per week. During processing, the birds are driven out of the house. Before returning, everything is thoroughly washed.


Pigeon nests are most important to keep clean. After all, it is here that new offspring will be born. It is unacceptable to use dirty or rotten hay, damp sawdust for the nest. If cleanliness and order reigns inside the dovecote, the young grow rapidly, the owner makes a profit.

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