Do pets need to brush their teeth? There is no doubt that this must be done. It is enough to carry out the procedure twice a week. Especially cats need teeth cleaning, which most often eat soft and liquid foods. In this article, we will tell you how to brush your cat’s teeth at home, what tools to use for this, and how to ensure the right approach to your pet.
How to brush your cat’s teeth?
Before choosing a cat toothbrush, it is important to train your cat to practice oral hygiene. This is best done from a young age. First, you need to lubricate your finger with something sweet or tasty and try to run it over the teeth of the animal. Only then should you move on to a toothbrush for cats, which has a special shape and ensures safe cleaning of tooth enamel.
Gels with substances that prevent the formation of tartar, which can cause various diseases of the oral cavity and teeth, are used as enamel cleansers. Also, toothpastes for cats are used, which differ in their composition from toothpaste for humans. On sale, you can even find special sets of paste and a sponge that you put on your finger.
Use a sponge carefully so as not to harm your pet.
If the pet does not agree to go through the procedure for brushing teeth, then you can resort to alternative methods. For example, giving him a special toy or a dental bone to chew on will help remove plaque. It is important to adjust the cat’s diet and add dry food to the diet so that it prevents the formation of tartar.
First, the pet needs to be seated comfortably. It is better when the animal sits facing the owner. Then it will be convenient to hold it by the jaw during the procedure. You can ask for help from the household so that they hold the cat’s paws.
You should not immediately try to start brushing your cat’s teeth by placing a toothpaste brush in your mouth. First, it is better to caress the cat, say a few kind words to him, and only then try to touch his teeth and gums with a brush. If the cat sits calmly, you can start cleaning. Squeeze a drop of toothpaste onto your finger and give it to the animal to taste.
Cleaning should last no more than 40 seconds
During the procedure, you need to brush over the cat’s teeth with pressure. On the first day, you can brush only the front teeth, and then, when the cat gets used to the procedure, start brushing the rest. The procedure should be finished by rubbing the teeth and gums of the animal with a piece of gauze dipped in warm water.
You cannot forcefully brush your cat’s teeth. Instead of using a toothbrush and a special paste, it is better to wipe your teeth with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. And you can periodically give the animal special feed with additives that provide mechanical cleaning of the teeth.
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