How to bring up Alabay correctly

How to bring up Alabay correctly

Alabai is a very beautiful and respectable dog. However, her character and ability to get along with other family members directly depend on the right approach. If you have bought yourself a wonderful Alabai puppy or are going to do it, it’s time to think about the question of how to properly raise an Alabai from a young age so that there are no problems with an adult dog.

Knowing how to bring up an Alabai correctly, you will grow a devoted friend and protector

Alabai, or the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, has a rather headstrong character. This is especially true for males, females are usually more calm and docile. You need to bring up a pet immediately after it appears in the house, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble.

How to raise an Alabai puppy

In no case should a dog feel superior to a man. This can lead to serious problems with an adult and very strong dog. Therefore, the upbringing of Alabai is aimed at correcting his egoism and teaching him to obey his masters. If this succeeds, the alabai will become a wonderful watchman, obedient and very sensitive to the commands of the owner.

It is best if the puppy is raised by specialists from the dog breeding club.

Thanks to a competent approach, the dog will grow docile and it will be much easier for the owner to get along with it.

Otherwise, there is a risk of growing an uncontrollable egoist.

Another feature of the character of dogs of this breed is distrust of strangers. This must be taken into account, especially when walking in crowded places.

In order to muffle negative traits in a dog’s character and develop positive ones, you need to correctly approach its upbringing from a very young age. Let’s consider some subtleties:

  • Given the cockiness of young dogs, the game should not be allowed to turn into a fight.
  • Alabai puppies are stubborn by nature. They will only do what they want to do. Therefore, you need to do your best to awaken the puppy’s interest in training.
  • Education should be based on respect, not suppression, but at the same time, the Alabai should not have a shadow of doubt about who is the boss in the house.
  • Like children, puppies perceive learning best in the form of play, but the position of the person should be dominant in the game.
  • The best way to train your dog for good manners is with rewards. For this, praise, affection and goodies are used. It is important for a puppy to understand that the owner is happy with him, which means that he is doing everything right.
  • Physical punishment is excluded. They will lead to the alabai’s anger against all people.

Knowing how to bring up an Alabai, you will get a loyal friend and reliable guard. If necessary, he will protect the owner even at the cost of his own life.

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