How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy
An elevated temperature during pregnancy does not have the best effect on the body’s work, but at the same time, the expectant mother is contraindicated in taking the usual medications. While the doctor is on the road, natural antipyretic drugs come to the rescue, which can be taken without fear for the health of the baby.
What is the normal temperature?
During the first trimester, the temperature of a pregnant woman can rise to 37-37,4 degrees. This is not considered a pathology. In some women, indicators can stay at this level for all nine months of gestation.
Fever during pregnancy is not always an alarming symptom.
Doctors identify two reasons for the rise in temperature:
- increased production of progesterone – a hormone that can affect the processes of thermoregulation in the body;
- a decrease in immunity that occurs after the moment of conception – if this did not happen, the body of the expectant mother would reject the fetus.
Of particular concern is the situation when the thermometer in the early stages is kept below 36,4 degrees. This indicates a high risk of termination of pregnancy.
An increase in temperature is not always associated with a restructuring of the body of a pregnant woman. It can be caused by viral and infectious diseases. Then, in addition to it, accompanying symptoms appear: chills, weakness, headache, lack of appetite. It is especially dangerous if the indicators stay at around 38 degrees for several days.
How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy?
The first thing a pregnant woman should do is call a doctor. Attempts to self-medicate usually do not bring results, because during the gestation period, taking many medications is prohibited. By contacting a doctor in a timely manner, you will save your baby from possible pathologies.
After receiving qualified help and in addition to the prescribed therapy, you can use folk remedies:
- Tea with lemon;
- a cool compress on the head based on water or a mixture of water and food vinegar in equal parts;
- raspberry jam or berry compote;
- decoction of chamomile or sage;
- warmed milk with a lump of butter.
If the thermometer has risen very high, and the doctor has not yet arrived, you can take a paracetamol pill. This remedy effectively relieves fever and is considered acceptable for pregnant women. Do not drink aspirin under any circumstances: it is strictly prohibited for women in position, as it can cause irreparable harm to the fetus.
Remember: how to bring down the temperature during pregnancy should be decided by the doctor. Self-medication attempts can be not only useless, but even dangerous for mom and baby.