How to bring alcohol on a plane – top life hacks

When I am going to visit distant relatives, I always fall into a stupor from the need to pick up an interesting and memorable souvenir. After all, in our age of globalization, you can buy anything on the Internet.

The solution to my problem was exotic alcohol, which can only be purchased in the country of its production.

I will tell you how to bring alcohol on a plane and how many liters you can take with you to avoid problems with airport security and not violate the laws of the destination country.

Can I bring alcohol on a plane

The short answer to this question is yes. But there are a number of restrictions on bringing alcohol on a plane:

  • Alcohol above a certain strength is prohibited.
  • You can carry only a certain amount per person.
  • There are requirements for packaging and storage of bottles.How to bring alcohol on a plane – top life hacks
  • There are also various kinds of restrictions regarding the laws of certain countries.

Rules for the carriage of alcoholic beverages

Let’s start in order, with the percentage of alcohol. Almost all the airlines I know work on the same principle:

  • if the alcohol content is above 70% – it is forbidden to carry it on the plane;
  • from 24% to 70% – you can carry no more than 5 liters per person;
  • up to 24% – without restrictions.

How to bring alcohol on a plane – top life hacks

These figures should be treated as the upper limit of the permissible. More often than not, you will encounter country-specific restrictions that more tightly regulate the amount of alcohol that you can carry on a plane. Therefore, get ready that instead of 5 liters you can carry only 1-3 liters.

Liquor from Duty Free

I have already mentioned that the amount of alcohol that can be carried on a plane is highly dependent on the customs laws of the country. These rules apply to any alcohol from Duty Free and you will not be able to carry it in excess of the maximum allowable value.

On the other hand, Duty Free goods can be carried on the plane as hand luggage, but you must inform the airport security representative in advance.

How to bring alcohol on a plane – top life hacks

Note: if the flight involves a transfer between flights, check the conditions for importing alcohol in the country where it will be made.

In hand luggage

In addition to baggage, you can carry a certain amount of alcohol in your hand luggage. Very strict restrictions apply here: the volume of 1 bottle should not exceed 100 ml. In other words, taking a full bottle of wine with you will not work.

In total, you can carry no more than 10 bottles up to 100 ml on the plane. It is volume that matters in this matter. If, for example, you pour 100 ml of alcohol into a 500 ml container, you will be asked to leave it at the airport.

In luggage

There are 2 types of rules: airport and destination country. The customs regulations of the particular state to which the flight is planned have the highest priority. If, according to the rules of the airport, you take 5 liters of alcohol, and only 1 is allowed to be imported into the country, then customs representatives will seize the excess from you. And this, believe me, is the best scenario.

How to bring alcohol on a plane – top life hacks

There is the concept of duty-free import. If we are talking about alcohol, then this is the amount of alcohol that you can carry with you without paying VAT or duty. You will have to pay for the excess.

Domestic flights

When flying within Russia, the airline’s rules regarding the strength and volume of alcohol apply. Let me remind you that the alcohol content should not exceed 70%, and the volume should not exceed 5 liters per person. Drinks with a strength of less than 1% are not subject to restrictions.

How to bring alcohol on a plane – top life hacks

These rules apply only to adults. Children are not allowed to carry any alcohol in their luggage.

Import of alcohol into the Russian Federation

According to Russian laws, more than 5 liters with a strength of up to 70% cannot be carried on board an aircraft flying to the country. Of these 5, only 3 are allowed to be imported duty-free. For the rest, you will have to pay VAT (20% of the value of the goods).

International flights

For international shipments, the customs regulations of the country of destination apply. In most cases, it is allowed to carry on the plane from 1 to 3 liters of alcohol, but this needs to be told in more detail.

Customs regulations of other states

I have compiled a small list of countries to which our compatriots most often fly. Consider the strength and volumes of alcohol allowed for import.

The Republic of BelarusDrinks of any strength can be brought on board an aircraft bound for the fraternal republic, but only up to three liters per 1 adult. For exceeding this norm, you will have to pay an additional duty – € 10 for each liter on top. Anything over 5 liters (total per person) will be confiscated.
UkraineIt is allowed to carry on a plane to Ukraine no more than 1 liter of alcohol with a strength of over 22%, up to 2 liters. wine and up to 5 liters of beer. The rules apply to adult passengers who cross the border of the country no more than once a day.
PolandIf you fly to Poland from the European Union, you are allowed to bring with you up to 10 liters of strong alcohol, 20 liters of wine and 110 liters of beer. For other countries, the restrictions are 1 liter of strong alcohol, up to 2 liters of alcohol with a strength of 22% or less, 4 liters of sparkling wine and up to 16 liters of beer.
FinlandPassengers on a plane bound for Finland can freely bring on board (including luggage) 1 liter of strong alcohol and 2 liters of drinks with a strength of up to 22 degrees. Please note that the total value of excisable goods should not exceed 430 euros.
KazakhstanFrom the countries of the EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) on a plane flying to Kazakhstan, it is allowed to carry no more than 5 liters of alcoholic beverages for a total amount of up to $ 500. Of these, 3 liters can be carried free of charge, and for the remaining two you will have to pay a fee of 30% of the value of the goods.
GermanyIf you are flying to Germany from a non-EU country, you can carry on the plane no more than 1 liter of strong alcohol (above 22%) or 2 liters of drinks with a strength below 22%. For each liter in excess of this norm, you will have to pay a duty – 10 euros. Interesting: to import alcohol into Germany, the passenger must be 17 years old, and to export from the country – 18.
TurkeyFor alcohol with a strength above 22%, the limit is 1 liter per passenger. If the fortress is below this value, then you will be allowed to carry 2 liters.
EgyptIn Egypt, there are standard restrictions – 1 liter of strong alcohol and 2 liters of low-alcohol drinks (beer). In total, it is allowed to carry up to 3 liters of alcohol on board.
ThailandIn Thailand, there are quite strict rules: a maximum of 1 liter of alcohol of any strength. Carry more and risk paying a $1000 fine.
ChinaIt is allowed to take no more than 1,5 liters of any alcohol (stronger than 12%) in bottles up to 750 ml.
IndiaDo not attempt to carry more than 2 liters of alcohol on a plane. The good news is that the drink can be of any strength.
CanadaOn a plane to Canada, you can carry 1,1 liters of strong alcohol and 8,5 liters. beer.
Bali and other islands of IndonesiaThe maximum allowable volume for transportation is 2 liters. The strength of the drink does not matter.
Sri LankaWine lovers will be able to carry only 2 liters of this drink on the plane. For strong alcohol, the limit is 1,5 liters.
United Arab EmiratesThe allowed volume depends on the destination:

Dubai – you can carry 4 liters of any alcohol;

Sharjah – you can carry 2 liters of any alcohol;

Abu Dhabi – up to 1 liter (Muslims are not allowed to bring alcohol on the plane).

Lithuania and LatviaIt is allowed to bring on board up to 1 liter of strong alcohol (over 22%) or 2 liters of alcohol with a strength of up to 22%.
EstoniaFor strong drinks – 1 liter. For alcohol with an alcohol content of less than 22% – 2 liters.

How to pack and transport alcoholic beverages

When transporting alcohol in your luggage, take care of the safety of the container. The plane is not immune from turbulent flows, so poorly secured suitcases often fly through the luggage compartment. The best solution would be to wrap the bottles in bubble wrap, the same one used to transport fragile goods.

If we talk about hand luggage, then all alcohol must be in a single transparent bag (for example, Zip-Lock). Before boarding, it must be presented at the security control desk.

How to bring alcohol on a plane – top life hacks

Liquor from Duty Free must be packaged at the store when purchasing the product. It must also be presented to the security service.

The subtleties of champagne packaging

Sparkling wines must be handled with particular care. Such a bottle is easily damaged even at the slightest blow, and believe me, they happen quite often. Here are some tips on how to transport champagne:

  • wrap the bottle in several layers of bubble wrap;
  • buy a special travel bag with a compartment for liquor.

Drinking alcohol in the cabin

Is it possible to drink alcohol on board an aircraft – one of the most common questions among passengers.

The airlines themselves set the rules and you will have to personally check them with the carrier. Even if alcohol is on the menu, it is not a fact that you are allowed to drink drinks that you yourself brought on the plane.

How to bring alcohol on a plane – top life hacks

Important: since alcohol from Duty Free cannot be unpacked, its use is clearly prohibited.

Are alcoholic drinks included in the menu

You can order alcohol directly on the plane. The variety of the menu depends on the purchased ticket. Obviously, the economy class has the fewest positions available: beer and wine. For the first class, the choice is much more varied: liquor, whiskey, gin and martini.

How to bring alcohol on a plane – top life hacks

Do not forget that the specific menu of the aircraft depends on the policy of the airline and in your case may differ from the set from my example.

How much is alcohol on board

The choice of alcohol on the plane is usually determined by the assortment in Duty Free. Prices depend on the “greed” of the carrier, but, as a rule, airlines do not make large margins – 1-3 euros per item.

What to do in case of emergency

During the flight or before it begins, various kinds of emergency often occur. I’m not talking about technical problems, but about cases with people.

How to bring alcohol on a plane – top life hacks

It is impossible to describe all possible scenarios of events, but I will try to prepare you for the most frequent incidents.

Exceeding the norms

If you are careless about the rules for carrying alcohol on a plane, you risk getting into a very unpleasant situation. In most countries, you will simply be seized alcohol in excess of the permissible volumes, but you can consider this very lightly. Here’s what can happen if you smuggle in excess in less loyal countries:

  • Duty for volumes exceeding the norm. This is also a very good option for the passenger.
  • Fine (in Thailand it is $1000).
  • Cancellation of visa and deportation (fly home on the first flight).
  • In Saudi Arabia and other Sharia-compliant countries, you can face jail time for bringing alcohol on a plane.

Excess baggage

The maximum allowable baggage weight for 1 person is set by the airline. This indicator depends on the class in which the passenger flies. Focus on about 20 kg, but I advise you to first familiarize yourself with the conditions of the carrier.

How to bring alcohol on a plane – top life hacks

In the event that you accidentally exceeded the allowable weight and carried more, you will have to pay approximately 1-2 euros for each extra kilogram of baggage.

Fines and confiscation

Fines and conditions for the confiscation of alcohol carried on the plane depend on the customs regulations of a particular country. For example, in Kazakhstan, you will have to pay a duty at a rate of 30% of the value of the goods. But this applies only to 5 liters per 1 passenger.

How to bring alcohol on a plane – top life hacks

If the volume of alcohol transported exceeds 5 liters, then it is subject to confiscation. But, as I said, check the regulations in a particular country, otherwise you risk not only losing a few bottles, but also going to jail for your indiscretion.

Drunk passengers on the plane

Many people are afraid of flying and drink a little before boarding a plane. The key word here is “a little”, because a person who has drunk himself insanely carries a potential danger to all passengers.

Although cases where the behavior of passengers goes beyond the permissible limits are rare, they still occur. There is a clear algorithm of actions, following which the crew must calm the brawler. This does not always help, so some airlines maintain their own security service, whose members are present on every flight.

How to bring alcohol on a plane – top life hacks

In addition, the troublemaker faces a rather large fine and the likelihood of spending the rest of the trip in plastic handcuffs.

There is a “black list” of passengers who may be denied a plane ticket, but I do not know if it is common to all air carriers. Be careful bringing alcohol on board, especially if you don’t know how to control yourself.

How to avoid conflict

The best way to avoid conflict is not to react to the actions of the brawler and call a crew representative. Without special preparation, your actions will only aggravate the situation. If you decide to use force, you may be subject to sanctions along with the perpetrator of the conflict.

Possible health hazards

As with any fight, participants risk certain injuries. The problem is that it is quite difficult to provide quality medical care on board an aircraft in case of serious complications.

The second problem is that the plane cannot be landed instantly, this will take time, during which the condition of the victim may worsen.

How to bring alcohol on a plane – top life hacks

I recommend avoiding fights in any way, the plane is not a place for showdowns. Moreover, in an environment where there are other passengers around you, it is easy to injure an outsider. I’m not talking about the fact that a child or a pregnant woman can suffer.

In general, travel in good health and remember that everything is good in moderation! If you have learned something useful from my opus, then share it with your friends on social networks. Let them break their heads, where are you going to fly – to neighboring Kryzhopol or to expensive exotic Cancun?

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